Balaji Barmavat
Published © GPL3+

Azure Blink LED App

A simple blinking LED (device to cloud and cloud to device) application based on Raspberry Pi 3 and Microsoft Azure.

BeginnerWork in progress4 hours1,945
Azure Blink LED App

Things used in this project


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Circuit diagram

Connect LED, wires and resistor


Blinking LED Node JS

Blinking LED Node JS
* IoT Hub Raspberry Pi NodeJS 
'use strict';

var wpi = require('wiring-pi');

// GPIO pin of the LED
var CONFIG_PIN = 7;
// Blink interval in ms
var INTERVAL = 2000;
// Total blink times

wpi.pinMode(CONFIG_PIN, wpi.OUTPUT);

var blinkTimes = 0;
 * Blink LED and log information to console.
function blinkLED() {
  // Terminate process after blinking LED for max allowed times
  if (blinkTimes >= MAX_BLINK_TIMES) {

  console.log("[Device] #" + blinkTimes + " Blink LED \n");

  // Light up LED for 100 ms
  wpi.digitalWrite(CONFIG_PIN, 1);
  setTimeout(function () {
    wpi.digitalWrite(CONFIG_PIN, 0);
  }, 100);

// Blink LED every other INTERVAL time
setInterval(blinkLED, INTERVAL);

Send Msg to Azure IoT

Send Message to IoT
* IoT Hub Raspberry Pi NodeJS - 
'use strict';

var wpi = require('wiring-pi');
var Message = require('azure-iot-device').Message;
// Use AMQP client to communicate with IoT Hub
var clientFromConnectionString = require('azure-iot-device-amqp').clientFromConnectionString;

// Get device id from IoT device connection string
function getDeviceId(connectionString) {
  var elements = connectionString.split(';');
  var dict = {};
  for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
    var kvp = elements[i].split('=');
    dict[kvp[0]] = kvp[1];
  return dict.DeviceId;

// Read device connection string from command line arguments
var iotDeviceConnectionString = process.argv[2];
var deviceId = getDeviceId(iotDeviceConnectionString);

// GPIO pin of the LED
var CONFIG_PIN = 7;
// Blink interval in ms
var INTERVAL = 2000;
// Total messages to be sent
var sentMessageCount = 0;

wpi.pinMode(CONFIG_PIN, wpi.OUTPUT);

 * Start sending messages after getting connected to IoT Hub.
 * If there is any error, log the error message to console.
 * @param {string}  err - connection error
function connectCallback(err) {
  if (err) {
    console.log('[Device] Could not connect: ' + err);
  } else {
    console.log('[Device] Client connected\n');
    // Wait for 5 seconds so that host machine gets connected to IoT Hub for receiving message.
    setTimeout(sendMessage, 5000);

 * Blink LED.
function blinkLED() {
  // Light up LED for 100 ms
  wpi.digitalWrite(CONFIG_PIN, 1);
  setTimeout(function () {
    wpi.digitalWrite(CONFIG_PIN, 0);
  }, 100);

 * Construct device-to-cloud message and send it to IoT Hub.
function sendMessage() {
  var message = new Message(JSON.stringify({ deviceId: deviceId, messageId: sentMessageCount }));
  console.log("[Device] Sending message #" + sentMessageCount + ": " + message.getData());
  client.sendEvent(message, sendMessageCallback);

 * Blink LED after message is sent out successfully, otherwise log the error message to console.
 * If sent message count is less than max message count allowed, schedule to send another message.
 * Else, exit process after several seconds.
 * @param {object}  err - sending message error
function sendMessageCallback(err) {
  if (err) {
    console.log('[Device] Message error: ' + err.toString());
  } else {
    // Blink once after successfully sending one message.

  if (sentMessageCount < MAX_MESSAGE_COUNT) {
    setTimeout(sendMessage, INTERVAL);
  } else {
    // Wait 5 more seconds to exit so that Azure function has the chance to process sent messages.
    setTimeout(function () {
    }, 5000);

// Construct IoT Hub device client and connect to IoT Hub.
var client = clientFromConnectionString(iotDeviceConnectionString);;


Balaji Barmavat

Balaji Barmavat

1 project • 3 followers
