Asher Thomas Babu
Published © CC0

ControlledFade using Potentiometer

Control the brightness of an LED using analogWrite

ControlledFade using Potentiometer

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Solderless Breadboard Half Size
Solderless Breadboard Half Size
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Rotary potentiometer (generic)
Rotary potentiometer (generic)
5 mm LED: Red
5 mm LED: Red
Resistor 1k ohm
Resistor 1k ohm


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/* Analog Read to LED
 * ------------------ 
 * controls a brightness of a light emitting diode(LED) connected to digital  
 * pin 13. The brightness depends on the value obtained by analogRead().
 * In the easiest case we connect
 * a potentiometer to analog pin 2.
 * Created 30 March 2019
 * by AsherThomasBabu

int potPin = 2;    // select the input pin for the potentiometer
int ledPin = 13;   // select the pin for the LED
int val = 0;       // variable to store the value coming from the sensor

void setup() {
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);  // declare the ledPin as an OUTPUT

void loop() {
  val = analogRead(potPin);    // read the value from the sensor
  analogWrite(ledPin, val);    // sets the LED brigthness to the value read from 


Asher Thomas Babu

Asher Thomas Babu

0 projects • 0 followers
