Driver Input Module for FSAE Electric Racecar

A Texas Instruments MSP430 designed to input driver data using ADC, handle logical faults, and output via CAN-Bus using SPI.

IntermediateWork in progressOver 1 day1,246
Driver Input Module for FSAE Electric Racecar

Things used in this project

Hardware components

MSP-EXP430G2ET Value Line MSP430 LaunchPad™ Development Kit
Texas Instruments MSP-EXP430G2ET Value Line MSP430 LaunchPad™ Development Kit
Microcontroller used to process data.
NiRen CAN Module
Controller Area Network Module used to connect to the SPI Bus of the MSP430 to broadcast CAN to the other microcontrollers on the Racecar. Driver Code included in our project.
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
The perfect sandbox.
Rotary potentiometer (generic)
Rotary potentiometer (generic)
Used for test bench. Simulates throttle, brakes, and steering value. Racecar uses similar 10K potentiometers of higher quality.
Development Kit Accessory, Jumper Wire Kit
Development Kit Accessory, Jumper Wire Kit
Male/Female Jumper Wires
Male/Female Jumper Wires
Simple Button-Switch
Our start button to enable driver controls when the tractive system is turned on.

Software apps and online services

Code Composer Studio
Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio
Used to flash the MSP430
Erwert Energy CAN-Dapter
OPTIONAL: CAN-to-USB serial interface to analyze CANBus broadcast signals. More info:
Autodesk EAGLE
Autodesk EAGLE
OPTIONAL: Software used to create the interface PCB for integration onto a racecar (because Breadboards do not work under heavy noise, vibration and harsh conditions)

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Insulation Stripper, Automatic
Insulation Stripper, Automatic
Optional tool for clean prototyping
Cable Cutter, 12.7mm
Cable Cutter, 12.7mm
Optional tool for clean prototyping
Soldering Station, 110 V
Soldering Station, 110 V
Optional tool for PCB Implementation
Soldering Gun Kit, Instant Heat
Soldering Gun Kit, Instant Heat
Optional tool for PCB Implementation


Read more


Fritzing Diagram

Prototype Diagram for a breadboard implementation. The "NiRen CAN Module" and TI "MSP430G2" files are needed. Note that the MSP430G2 and the MSP430G2ET (and G2553 DIP) use the same pinout.

MSP430G2ET Pinout

Pinout Sheet for MSP430G2ET to wire DIM. Implementation in Fritizing above.

Design Breakdown & Integration

A flowchart that encapsulates our design methodology in Fall 2018.


Eagle file for interface board. V2.0 will use DIP Packaging. V1.9 Refers to internal version. See Design for Manufacturability Notes (DFM) for commentary.

Interface Bill of Materials

Used to order Surface Mount Devices (resistors, capacitors, transistors, etc) to used for PCB manufacturing


General Schematic and Footprint of the board

DIM Interface PCB - Design For Manufacturability (Commentary on design)

Lead Engineer Notes



main function
// Anteater Electric Racing  "Driver Input Module"
// Engineer: Lucas Juttner
// Date: 4/23/2019
// School: University of California, Irvine
// Description: Program takes in analog input from four potentiometers
//              (two from accelerator pedal, one from brake pedal, and one from steering column)
//              Analog input values are sent over CANBus along with a "ready" flag
//              and a "fault" flag. "Ready" flag is set when brake pedal is pressed
//              at the same time as start button. "Fault" flag is described in rule T.6.2 in the
//              FSAE 2019 rulebook.

#include <ADC.h>
#include <Faults.h>
#include <msp430g2553.h>
#include <PWM.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <UART.h>
#include <mcp2515.h>

//############################################### Global Variable initializations ##########################################################################

can_t can_tx;           //CAN transfer struct
can_t can_rx;           //CAN receive struct
int startButton = 0;    //start button flag
int CAN_Data[5];
char ready= 0x00;
char fault = 0x00;

//############################################### Start of main function ###################################################################################
int main(void)
    WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD;   // stop watchdog timer
    BCSCTL1 = CALBC1_8MHZ; // Set range
//   init_UART();
//   init_PWM();

    P1DIR |= BIT0;                    // P1.0 Green LED

//----------------------------------------------- Configure P1.4 as interrupt pin --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    P1OUT |=  BIT4;
    P1REN |= BIT4;
    P1IE |= BIT4;              // P1.4 Interrupt Enable
    P1IES |= BIT4;             // P1.4 Interrupt on Hi/lo Edge
    P1IFG &= ~BIT4;

//----------------------------------------------- Configure P2.1 as digital input for start button------------------------------------------------------

    P2SEL &= ~BIT1;
    P2DIR &= ~BIT1;
    P2IN &= ~BIT1;
    P2REN = BIT1;

//----------------------------------------------- Initiate SPI and CAN structs --------------------------------------------------------------------------


//----------------------------------------------- Beginning of primary while loop --------------------------------------------------------------------------

        read_ADC();                 //Call function to read analog to digital input values
        if(P2IN & BIT1){            //If input is high on P2.1,
            startButton = 1;        //set startButton flag to high(1)
        if((brakeInput >> 2) > 0x0F && startButton==1){     //If brake is pressed, and start button is on,
            ready = 0xFF;                                   //set "ready" flag to high(0xFF)
            while (1) {                                     //Enter new while loop that will continue until reset
                read_ADC();                                 //Call function to read analog to digital input values
        //      if(APPS_Fault(acc1Input,acc2Input)){        //If fault occurs, set "fault" flag to high(0xFF)
        //          fault = 0xFF;
        //      }
                CAN_Data[0] = steeringInput >> 2;           //Fill CAN data buffer with appropriate data values
                CAN_Data[1] = brakeInput >> 2;
                CAN_Data[2] = acc1Input >> 2;
                CAN_Data[3] = ready;
                CAN_Data[4] = fault;
                if(MCP2515_spi_test ()){                    //Validate SPI communication functions properly
                    P1OUT ^= 0;                             // P1.0 toggle

        else{                                               //If start sequence isn't initiated, send CAN data regardlesss
            CAN_Data[0] = steeringInput >> 2;
            CAN_Data[1] = brakeInput >> 2;
            CAN_Data[2] = acc1Input >> 2;
            CAN_Data[3] = ready;
            CAN_Data[4] = fault;
            if(MCP2515_spi_test ()){
                P1OUT ^= 0;                                 // P1.0 Toggle

//############################################### Port1: Interrupt-Service-Routine ###################################################################################
#pragma vector=PORT1_VECTOR
__interrupt void Port_1(void)
  MCP2515_can_rx0(&can_rx);                   // Read information in RX0
  int i;
  for(i = 0; i < 5; i++){[i] = CAN_Data[i];
  MCP2515_can_tx0(&can_tx);                  // Send CAN message
  P1IFG &= ~BIT4;                            // P1.4 IFG reset interrupt


// Anteater Electric Racing  "Driver Input Module"
// Engineer: Lucas Juttner
// Date: 4/23/2019
// School: University of California, Irvine
// File: ADC.c
// Description: Functions initialize Analog to Digital Converter and place input values into adc buffer

#include <ADC.h>
#include <msp430g2553.h>

//----------------------------------------------- Function to Initialize ADC ------------------------------------------------------

void init_ADC(){
    ADC10CTL1 = INCH_3 + CONSEQ_1; //Channel 3 down to 0  and sets up single channel conversion
    ADC10CTL0 = ADC10SHT_2 + MSC + ADC10ON + ADC10IE;
    ADC10DTC1 = 4;
    ADC10AE0 = BIT3 + BIT2 + BIT1 + BIT0;   //enables analog on pin 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3

//----------------------------------------------- Function to Read Values from ADC------------------------------------------------------

void read_ADC(){
    ADC10CTL0 &= ~ENC;              //Enable ADC
    while(ADC10CTL1 & BUSY);        //Wait while converting
    ADC10SA = (unsigned int)adc;    //Put values from register into adc buffer
    ADC10CTL0 |= ENC + ADC10SC;
    __bis_SR_register(CPUOFF + GIE);

    steeringInput = adc[0];         //Set variables to specific locations in adc buffer
    brakeInput = adc[1];
    acc1Input = adc[2];
    acc2Input = adc[3];


//############################################### ADC10: Interrupt-Service-Routine ###################################################################################
// ADC10 interrupt service routine
#if defined(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__)
#pragma vector=ADC10_VECTOR
__interrupt void ADC10_ISR(void)
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
void __attribute__ ((interrupt(ADC10_VECTOR))) ADC10_ISR (void)
#error Compiler not supported!
  __bic_SR_register_on_exit(CPUOFF);        // Clear CPUOFF bit from 0(SR)


C Header File
// Anteater Electric Racing  "Driver Input Module"
// Engineer: Lucas Juttner
// Date: 4/23/2019
// School: University of California, Irvine
// File: ADC.h
// Description: Functions initialize Analog to Digital Converter and place input values into adc buffer

unsigned int adc[4];
int acc1Input;
int acc2Input;
int brakeInput;
int steeringInput;

void init_ADC();
void read_ADC();
__interrupt void ADC10_ISR(void);


// Anteater Electric Racing  "Driver Input Module"
// Engineer: Lucas Juttner
// Date: 4/23/2019
// School: University of California, Irvine
// File: SPI.c
// Description: Functions that initialize SPI communication, and provide all functions needed for CAN Communication
// Special thanks to ElectroDummies and K. Evangelos for their tutorial and sample code for CAN communication
// Their tutorial can be found here:

#include <SPI.h>
#include <msp430g2553.h>
#include <mcp2515.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <ADC.h>

//----------------------------------------------- Function to Initialize SPI ------------------------------------------------------

void init_MCP2515_SPI(){

    P1SEL = BIT5 + BIT6 + BIT7;     //1.5 is clock source,  1.6 SOMI,   1.7 SIMO
    P1SEL2 = BIT5 + BIT6 + BIT7;

    P2DIR |= BIT0;
    P2OUT |= BIT0;                  //Set P2.0 as slave select pin

    UCB0CTL1 |= UCSWRST;                                       //USCI software reset (reset to begin initialization)
    UCB0CTL0 |= UCCKPL + UCMSB + UCMST + UCMODE_0 + UCSYNC;    //Most sig bit first, set as master, spi mode on
    UCB0CTL1 |= UCSSEL_2;                                      //Use SMCLK for clock source
    UCB0BR0 |= 0X02;                                           //Divide clock by 2
    UCB0BR1 = 0;
    UCB0CTL1 &= ~UCSWRST;                                      //initialize USCI state machine

    while(!(IFG2 & UCB0TXIFG));
    UCB0TXBUF = 0x00;               //Initialize transfer buffer at 0x00

//----------------------------------------------- Function to Transmit via SPI ------------------------------------------------------

unsigned char transmit_MCP2515_SPI(unsigned char value){
    UCB0TXBUF = value;
    while(UCB0STAT & UCBUSY);
    return UCB0RXBUF;

//----------------------------------------------- Function to Reset MCP2515 chip ------------------------------------------------------
void MCP2515_reset(){


//----------------------------------------------- Function to Initialize CAN Structs------------------------------------------------------

void init_MCP2515_CANVariable(can_t * can){
    can -> COB_ID = 0x001;
    can -> status = 0x01;
    can -> dlc = CAN_DLC;
    can -> rtr = CAN_RTR;
    can -> ext = CAN_EXTENDET;
//    can -> data[0] = 0x69;
    char i;
    for(i = 0; i < CAN_DLC; i++){
        can -> data[i] = 0x05;

//----------------------------------------------- Function to Write to MCP2515 chip ------------------------------------------------------
void write_MCP2515(uint8_t addr, uint8_t data){
   // __delay_cycles(DELAY_100us);

//------------------------------------- Function to Write to multiple registers of MCP2515 chip ----------------------------------------------

void write_many_registers_MCP2515(uint8_t addr, uint8_t len, uint8_t *data){
  char i;
  for(i = 0; i < len; i++)

//----------------------------------------------- Function to Read from MCP2515 chip ------------------------------------------------------

uint8_t read_MCP2515(uint8_t addr){
    uint8_t data;
    data = transmit_MCP2515_SPI(MCP2515_DUMMY);
    return data;

//----------------------------------------------- Function to Read from multiple registers of MCP2515 chip---------------------------------------------

void read_many_registers_MCP2515(uint8_t addr, uint8_t length, uint8_t *data){
    char i;
    for(i = 1; i < length; i++){
        *data = transmit_MCP2515_SPI(MCP2515_DUMMY);

//----------------------------------------------- Function to Write CAN ID to MCP2515 chip ------------------------------------------------------

void write_id_MCP2515(uint8_t addr, BOOL ext, unsigned long id){
    uint16_t canid;
    uint8_t tbufdata[4];

    canid = (unsigned short)(id & 0x0ffff);

    if(ext == TRUE){
        tbufdata[MCP2515_EID0] = (uint8_t) (canid & 0xff);
        tbufdata[MCP2515_EID8] = (uint8_t) (canid / 256);
        canid = (uint16_t)(id / 0x10000);
        tbufdata[MCP2515_SIDL] = (uint8_t) (canid & 0x03);
        tbufdata[MCP2515_SIDL] +=  (uint8_t)((canid & 0x1c)*8);
        tbufdata[MCP2515_SIDL] |= MCP2515_TXBnSIDL_EXIDE;
        tbufdata[MCP2515_SIDH] = (uint8_t)(canid / 32);
    else // Sonst hier auch genutzt Standart 11-Bit-Identifier (CAN 2.0A)
      tbufdata[MCP2515_SIDH] = (uint8_t)(canid / 8);
      tbufdata[MCP2515_SIDL] = (uint8_t)((canid & 0x07)*32);
      tbufdata[MCP2515_EID0] = 0;
      tbufdata[MCP2515_EID8] = 0;
    } // else

    if(tbufdata[0] == 0xff) return;
    write_many_registers_MCP2515(addr, 4, tbufdata);


//----------------------------------------------- Function to Read ID from MCP2515 chip ------------------------------------------------------

void read_id_MCP2515(uint8_t addr, unsigned long* id){
  uint16_t ID_Low, ID_High;
  if(addr == MCP2515_RXB0SIDL)
    ID_Low  = (read_MCP2515(MCP2515_RXB0SIDL) >> 5);
    ID_High = (read_MCP2515(MCP2515_RXB0SIDH) << 3);

    *id = (unsigned long)ID_Low | (unsigned long)ID_High;
    ID_Low  = (read_MCP2515(MCP2515_RXB1SIDL) >> 5);
    ID_High = (read_MCP2515(MCP2515_RXB1SIDH) << 3);

    *id = (unsigned long)ID_Low | (unsigned long)ID_High;

//----------------------------------------------- Function to Initialize MCP2515 chip ------------------------------------------------------

void MCP2515_init(void){

  MCP2515_reset ();                           // Reset MCP2515

  __delay_cycles(DELAY_10ms);                 // Allow to reset

  write_MCP2515(MCP2515_CANCTRL, 0x88);       //Set CAN Control register to configuration mode
  write_MCP2515(MCP2515_CANINTE, 0x03);       //Set CAN to enable interrupts
  write_MCP2515(MCP2515_TXB0CTRL, 0x03);      //Set high message priority in transfer control register

  write_MCP2515(MCP2515_CNF1,0x00);           //Sets 125kb/s transfer speed using 4MHz SPI clock

  write_MCP2515(MCP2515_RXB0CTRL, 0x64);      //Receive Buffer 0 Control - receive all messages
  write_MCP2515(MCP2515_RXB1CTRL, 0x60);      //Receive Buffer 1 Control - receive all messages
  write_MCP2515(MCP2515_BFPCTRL, 0x00);       //Disable RxnBF pins
  write_MCP2515(MCP2515_TXRTSCTRL , 0x00);    //Disable RTS pins

  write_MCP2515(MCP2515_CANCTRL, 0x00);

//----------------------------------------------- Function to Modify single bit in register ------------------------------------------------------

void bit_modify_MCP2515(uint8_t addr, uint8_t mask, uint8_t data){




//----------------------------------------------- Functions to Send CAN data ------------------------------------------------------

void MCP2515_can_tx0(can_t *can){
  if(can->dlc > 8) can->dlc = 8;

  write_id_MCP2515(MCP2515_TXB0SIDH, can->ext, can->COB_ID);

  if (can->rtr == TRUE)
      uint8_t befehl = can->dlc;
      befehl = befehl | 0x40;
      if(befehl == 0x03) return;
      write_MCP2515(MCP2515_TXB0DLC, can->dlc | 0x40);

    write_MCP2515(MCP2515_TXB0DLC, can->dlc);
    write_many_registers_MCP2515(MCP2515_TXB0D0, can->dlc, can->data);
    write_MCP2515(MCP2515_TXB0CTRL, 0x0B);

void MCP2515_can_tx1(can_t *can){
  if(can->dlc > 8) can->dlc = 8;

  write_id_MCP2515(MCP2515_TXB1SIDH, can->ext, can->COB_ID);

  if (can->rtr == TRUE)
      uint8_t befehl = can->dlc;
      befehl = befehl | 0x40;
      if(befehl == 0x03) return;
      write_MCP2515(MCP2515_TXB1DLC, can->dlc | 0x40);

    write_MCP2515(MCP2515_TXB1DLC, can->dlc);
    write_many_registers_MCP2515(MCP2515_TXB1D0, can->dlc, can->data);
    write_MCP2515(MCP2515_TXB1CTRL, 0x0B);

void MCP2515_can_tx2(can_t *can){
  if(can->dlc > 8) can->dlc = 8;

  write_id_MCP2515(MCP2515_TXB2SIDH, can->ext, can->COB_ID);

  if (can->rtr == TRUE)
      uint8_t befehl = can->dlc;
      befehl = befehl | 0x40;
      if(befehl == 0x03) return;
      write_MCP2515(MCP2515_TXB2DLC, can->dlc | 0x40);

    write_MCP2515(MCP2515_TXB2DLC, can->dlc);
    write_many_registers_MCP2515(MCP2515_TXB2D0, can->dlc, can->data);
    write_MCP2515(MCP2515_TXB2CTRL, 0x0B);

//----------------------------------------------- Functions to Receive CAN data ------------------------------------------------------

void MCP2515_can_rx0(can_t *can){
  read_id_MCP2515(MCP2515_RXB0SIDL, &can->COB_ID);
  can->dlc = read_MCP2515(MCP2515_RXB0DLC);
  char i;
  for(i = 0; i < can->dlc; i++) can->data[i] = read_MCP2515(MCP2515_RXB0D0+i);
  can->status = can->data[0];



void MCP2515_can_rx1(can_t *can){
  read_id_MCP2515(MCP2515_RXB1SIDL, &can->COB_ID);
  can->dlc = read_MCP2515(MCP2515_RXB1DLC);
  char i;
  for(i = 0; i < can->dlc; i++) can->data[i] = read_MCP2515(MCP2515_RXB1D0+i);
  can->status = can->data[0];



//----------------------------------------------- Functions to Clear receive registers  ------------------------------------------------------

void MCP2515_clear_rx0(void){
  bit_modify_MCP2515(MCP2515_CANINTF, MCP2515_RX0IF, 0x00);

void MCP2515_clear_rx1(void){
  bit_modify_MCP2515(MCP2515_CANINTF, MCP2515_RX1IF, 0x00);

void MCP2515_int_clear(void){

//----------------------------------------------- Function to Test SPI communication ------------------------------------------------------

BOOL MCP2515_spi_test (void){
  uint16_t data_rcv[11] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
  uint16_t data_snd[11]={0x88,0x03,0x90,0x02,0x05,0x02,0x3f,0x23,0x40,0x40,0x00};   //Data array

  write_MCP2515(MCP2515_CANCTRL, data_snd[0]);        //Transmit data from buffer to register, then read from register
  data_rcv[0] = read_MCP2515(MCP2515_CANCTRL);

  data_rcv[1] = read_MCP2515(MCP2515_CNF1);
  data_rcv[2] = read_MCP2515(MCP2515_CNF2);
  data_rcv[3] = read_MCP2515(MCP2515_CNF3);
  write_MCP2515(MCP2515_RXM0SIDH, data_snd[4]);
  write_MCP2515(MCP2515_RXM0SIDL, data_snd[5]);
  data_rcv[4] = read_MCP2515(MCP2515_RXM0SIDH);
  data_rcv[5] = read_MCP2515(MCP2515_RXM0SIDL);
  write_MCP2515(MCP2515_CANINTE, data_snd[6]);
  data_rcv[6] = read_MCP2515(MCP2515_CANINTE);
  write_MCP2515(MCP2515_CANINTF, data_snd[7]);
  data_rcv[7] = read_MCP2515(MCP2515_CANINTF);
  write_MCP2515(MCP2515_TXB0SIDL, data_snd[8]);
  data_rcv[8] = read_MCP2515(MCP2515_TXB0SIDL);
  write_MCP2515(MCP2515_TXB1SIDL, data_snd[9]);
  data_rcv[9] = read_MCP2515(MCP2515_TXB1SIDL);

  write_MCP2515(MCP2515_CANCTRL, data_snd[10]);
  data_rcv[10] = read_MCP2515(MCP2515_CANCTRL);
  char i;
  for(i = 0; i < 11; i++){
    if(data_snd[i] != data_rcv[i]) return FALSE;    // Check to see if receive buffer = transfer buffer

  return TRUE;                                      //Return TRUE if SPI functions correctly


C Header File
#include <stdint.h>
#include <mcp2515.h>

void init_MCP2515_SPI();
unsigned char transmit_MCP2515_SPI(unsigned char value);
void MCP2515_reset();
void init_MCP2515_CANVariable(can_t * can);
void write_MCP2515(uint8_t addr, uint8_t data);
void write_many_registers_MCP2515(uint8_t addr, uint8_t len, uint8_t *data);
uint8_t read_MCP2515(uint8_t addr);
void read_many_registers_MCP2515(uint8_t addr, uint8_t length, uint8_t *data);
void write_id_MCP2515(uint8_t addr, BOOL ext, unsigned long id);
void read_id_MCP2515(uint8_t addr, unsigned long* id);
void MCP2515_init(void);
void bit_modify_MCP2515(uint8_t addr, uint8_t mask, uint8_t data);
void MCP2515_can_tx0(can_t *can);
void MCP2515_can_tx1(can_t *can);
void MCP2515_can_tx2(can_t *can);
void MCP2515_can_rx0(can_t *can);
void MCP2515_can_rx1(can_t *can);
void MCP2515_clear_rx0(void);
void MCP2515_clear_rx1(void);
void MCP2515_int_clear(void);
BOOL MCP2515_spi_test (void);


C Header File
mcp2515 driver for msp430
// Anteater Electric Racing  "Driver Input Module"
// Engineer: Lucas Juttner
// Date: 4/23/2019
// School: University of California, Irvine
// File: mcp2515.h
// Description: Header/driver file with all register definitions for MCP2515 CAN Transceiver
// Special thanks to ElectroDummies and K. Evangelos for their tutorial and sample code for CAN communication
// Their tutorial and code can be found here:

#ifndef MCP2515_H
#define MCP2515_H

#include <msp430G2553.h>
#include <stdint.h>

//########################## General Definitions ###########################################################################################################

#define F_CPU         2000000            //Code to set delays, will have to change F_CPU value for different clock speeds
#define DELAY_1s    F_CPU
#define DELAY_100ms (F_CPU / 10)
#define DELAY_10ms  (F_CPU / 100)
#define DELAY_1ms   (F_CPU / 1000)
#define DELAY_100us (F_CPU / 10000)
#define DELAY_10us  (F_CPU / 100000)
#define DELAY_1us   (F_CPU / 1000000)

#define BOOL char
#define TRUE 0
#define FALSE 1

#define CAN_RTR FALSE        //Data Request = 1
#define CAN_DLC 5            //Number of bytes in the CAN message (maximum of 8)
#define CAN_EXTENDET FALSE   //Only receive standard IDs   DataRequest=1

#define MCP2515_CS_LOW   P2OUT &=~ BIT0         //Set chip select variables
#define MCP2515_CS_HIGH  P2OUT |=  BIT0         //Set chip select variables

//############################# MCP2515 Commands ###################################################################################################################################

// -------------------------- Basic Commands --------------------------------------------------

#define MCP2515_WRITE           0x02
#define MCP2515_READ            0x03
#define	MCP2515_READ_RX         0x90
#define	MCP2515_WRITE_TX        0x40
#define MCP2515_DUMMY           0xFF
#define MCP2515_RESET           0xC0
#define MCP2515_BIT_MODIFY      0x05
#define MCP2515_READ_STATUS     0xA0
#define	MCP2515_RX_STATUS       0xB0
#define	MCP2515_RTS	            0x80

// ------------------------------- Register Values -------------------------------------------------

#define MCP2515_RXF0SIDH	0x00
#define MCP2515_RXF0SIDL	0x01
#define MCP2515_RXF0EID8	0x02
#define MCP2515_RXF0EID0	0x03
#define MCP2515_RXF1SIDH	0x04
#define MCP2515_RXF1SIDL	0x05
#define MCP2515_RXF1EID8	0x06
#define MCP2515_RXF1EID0	0x07
#define MCP2515_RXF2SIDH	0x08
#define MCP2515_RXF2SIDL	0x09
#define MCP2515_RXF2EID8	0x0A
#define MCP2515_RXF2EID0	0x0B
#define MCP2515_BFPCTRL		0x0C
#define MCP2515_TXRTSCTRL	0x0D
#define MCP2515_CANSTAT		0x0E
#define MCP2515_CANCTRL		0x0F

#define MCP2515_RXF3SIDH	0x10
#define MCP2515_RXF3SIDL	0x11
#define MCP2515_RXF3EID8	0x12
#define MCP2515_RXF3EID0	0x13
#define MCP2515_RXF4SIDH	0x14
#define MCP2515_RXF4SIDL	0x15
#define MCP2515_RXF4EID8	0x16
#define MCP2515_RXF4EID0	0x17
#define MCP2515_RXF5SIDH	0x18
#define MCP2515_RXF5SIDL	0x19
#define MCP2515_RXF5EID8	0x1A
#define MCP2515_RXF5EID0	0x1B
#define MCP2515_TEC		    0x1C
#define MCP2515_REC		    0x1D

#define MCP2515_RXM0SIDH	0x20
#define MCP2515_RXM0SIDL	0x21
#define MCP2515_RXM0EID8	0x22
#define MCP2515_RXM0EID0	0x23
#define MCP2515_RXM1SIDH	0x24
#define MCP2515_RXM1SIDL	0x25
#define	MCP2515_RXM1EID8	0x26
#define MCP2515_RXM1EID0	0x27
#define MCP2515_CNF3		0x28
#define MCP2515_CNF2		0x29
#define MCP2515_CNF1		0x2A
#define MCP2515_CANINTE		0x2B
#define MCP2515_CANINTF		0x2C
#define MCP2515_EFLG		0x2D

#define	MCP2515_TXB0CTRL	0x30
#define	MCP2515_TXB0SIDH	0x31
#define MCP2515_TXB0SIDL	0x32
#define MCP2515_TXB0EID8	0x33
#define MCP2515_TXB0EID0	0x34
#define MCP2515_TXB0DLC		0x35
#define MCP2515_TXB0D0		0x36
#define MCP2515_TXB0D1		0x37
#define MCP2515_TXB0D2		0x38
#define MCP2515_TXB0D3		0x39
#define MCP2515_TXB0D4		0x3A
#define MCP2515_TXB0D5		0x3B
#define MCP2515_TXB0D6		0x3C
#define MCP2515_TXB0D7		0x3D

#define	MCP2515_TXB1CTRL	0x40
#define	MCP2515_TXB1SIDH	0x41
#define	MCP2515_TXB1SIDL	0x42
#define	MCP2515_TXB1EID8	0x43
#define	MCP2515_TXB1EID0	0x44
#define	MCP2515_TXB1DLC		0x45
#define	MCP2515_TXB1D0		0x46
#define	MCP2515_TXB1D1		0x47
#define	MCP2515_TXB1D2		0x48
#define	MCP2515_TXB1D3		0x49
#define	MCP2515_TXB1D4		0x4A
#define	MCP2515_TXB1D5		0x4B
#define	MCP2515_TXB1D6		0x4C
#define	MCP2515_TXB1D7		0x4D

#define	MCP2515_TXB2CTRL	0x50
#define	MCP2515_TXB2SIDH	0x51
#define	MCP2515_TXB2SIDL	0x52
#define	MCP2515_TXB2EID8	0x53
#define	MCP2515_TXB2EID0	0x54
#define	MCP2515_TXB2DLC		0x55
#define	MCP2515_TXB2D0		0x56
#define	MCP2515_TXB2D1		0x57
#define	MCP2515_TXB2D2		0x58
#define	MCP2515_TXB2D3		0x59
#define	MCP2515_TXB2D4		0x5A
#define	MCP2515_TXB2D5		0x5B
#define	MCP2515_TXB2D6		0x5C
#define	MCP2515_TXB2D7		0x5D

#define	MCP2515_RXB0CTRL    0x60
#define	MCP2515_RXB0SIDH	0x61
#define	MCP2515_RXB0SIDL	0x62
#define	MCP2515_RXB0EID8	0x63
#define	MCP2515_RXB0EID0	0x64
#define	MCP2515_RXB0DLC		0x65
#define	MCP2515_RXB0D0		0x66
#define	MCP2515_RXB0D1		0x67
#define	MCP2515_RXB0D2		0x68
#define	MCP2515_RXB0D3		0x69
#define	MCP2515_RXB0D4		0x6A
#define	MCP2515_RXB0D5		0x6B
#define	MCP2515_RXB0D6		0x6C
#define	MCP2515_RXB0D7		0x6D

#define	MCP2515_RXB1CTRL	0x70
#define	MCP2515_RXB1SIDH	0x71 
#define	MCP2515_RXB1SIDL	0x72
#define	MCP2515_RXB1EID8	0x73
#define	MCP2515_RXB1EID0	0x74
#define	MCP2515_RXB1DLC		0x75
#define	MCP2515_RXB1D0		0x76
#define	MCP2515_RXB1D1		0x77
#define	MCP2515_RXB1D2		0x78
#define	MCP2515_RXB1D3		0x79
#define	MCP2515_RXB1D4		0x7A
#define	MCP2515_RXB1D5		0x7B
#define	MCP2515_RXB1D6		0x7C
#define	MCP2515_RXB1D7		0x7D

// --------------------- Bit Defintions --------------------------------------------------------------------------

//Register BFPCTRL
#define	MCP2515_B1BFS 	0x5
#define	MCP2515_B0BFS 	0x4
#define	MCP2515_B1BFE 	0x3
#define	MCP2515_B0BFE	0x2
#define	MCP2515_B1BFM	0x1
#define	MCP2515_B0BFM	0x0

//Register TXRTSCTRL
#define	MCP2515_B2RTS	0x20
#define	MCP2515_B1RTS	0x10
#define	MCP2515_B0RTS	0x08
#define	MCP2515_B2RTSM	0x04
#define	MCP2515_B1RTSM	0x02
#define	MCP2515_B0RTSM	0x01

//Register CANSTAT
#define	MCP2515_OPMOD2	0x7
#define	MCP2515_OPMOD1	0x6
#define	MCP2515_OPMOD0	0x5
#define	MCP2515_ICOD2	0x3
#define	MCP2515_ICOD1	0x2
#define	MCP2515_ICOD0	0x1

//Register CANCTRL
#define	MCP2515_REQOP2	0x7
#define	MCP2515_REQOP1	0x6
#define	MCP2515_REQOP0	0x5
#define	MCP2515_ABAT	0x4	
#define	MCP2515_CLKEN	0x2
#define	MCP2515_CLKPRE1	0x1
#define	MCP2515_CLKPRE0	0x0

//Register CNF3
#define	MCP2515_WAKFIL	0x6
#define	MCP2515_PHSEG22	0x2
#define	MCP2515_PHSEG21	0x1
#define	MCP2515_PHSEG20	0x0

//Register CNF2
#define	MCP2515_BTLMODE	0x7
#define	MCP2515_SAM	0x6
#define	MCP2515_PHSEG12	0x5
#define	MCP2515_PHSEG11	0x4
#define	MCP2515_PHSEG10	0x3
#define	MCP2515_PRSEG2	0x2
#define	MCP2515_PRSEG1	0x1
#define	MCP2515_PRSEG0	0x0

//Register CNF1
#define	MCP2515_SJW1	0x7
#define	MCP2515_SJW0	0x6
#define	MCP2515_BRP5	0x5
#define	MCP2515_BRP4	0x4
#define	MCP2515_BRP3	0x3
#define	MCP2515_BRP2	0x2
#define	MCP2515_BRP1	0x1
#define	MCP2515_BRP0	0x0

//Register CANINTE
#define	MCP2515_MERRE	0x7
#define	MCP2515_WAKIE	0x6
#define	MCP2515_ERRIE	0x5
#define	MCP2515_TX2IE	0x4
#define	MCP2515_TX1IE	0x3
#define	MCP2515_TX0IE	0x2
#define	MCP2515_RX1IE	0x1
#define	MCP2515_RX0IE	0x0

//Register CANINTF
#define	MCP2515_MERRF	0x7
#define	MCP2515_WAKIF	0x6
#define	MCP2515_ERRIF	0x5
#define	MCP2515_TX2IF	0x4
#define	MCP2515_TX1IF	0x3
#define	MCP2515_TX0IF	0x2
#define	MCP2515_RX1IF	0x1
#define	MCP2515_RX0IF	0x0

//Register EFLG
#define	MCP2515_RX1OVR	0x7
#define	MCP2515_RX0OVR	0x6
#define	MCP2515_TXBO	0x5	
#define	MCP2515_TXEP	0x4
#define	MCP2515_RXEP	0x3
#define	MCP2515_TXWAR	0x2
#define	MCP2515_RXWAR	0x1
#define	MCP2515_EWARN	0x0

#define	MCP2515_ABTF	0x40
#define	MCP2515_MLOA	0x20
#define	MCP2515_TXERR	0x10
#define	MCP2515_TXREQ	0x08
#define	MCP2515_TXP1	0x02
#define	MCP2515_TXP0	0x01

//Register RXB0CTRL
#define	MCP2515_RXM1	0x6
#define	MCP2515_RXM0	0x5
#define	MCP2515_RXRTR	0x3
#define	MCP2515_BUKT	0x2
#define	MCP2515_BUKT1	0x1
#define	MCP2515_FILHIT0	0x0

//Register RXB1CTRL
#define	MCP2515_FILHIT2	0x2
#define	MCP2515_FILHIT1	0x1
#define	MCP2515_FILHIT0	0x0

#define MCP2515_SIDH    0x00
#define MCP2515_SIDL    0x01
#define MCP2515_EID8    0x02
#define MCP2515_EID0    0x03

#define MCP2515_TXBnSIDL_EXIDE      0x3

#define MCP2515_CAN_EXT_ID    1
#define MCP2515_CAN_NO_EXT_ID 0

#define MCP2515_RXB1CTRL_FILHIT_RXF5  0x05
#define MCP2515_RXB1CTRL_FILHIT_RXF4  0x04
#define MCP2515_RXB1CTRL_FILHIT_RXF3  0x03
#define MCP2515_RXB1CTRL_FILHIT_RXF2  0x02
#define MCP2515_RXB1CTRL_FILHIT_RXF1  0x01
#define MCP2515_RXB1CTRL_FILHIT_RXF0  0x00

#define MCP2515_CANINTF_ALL_DISABLE 0x00

#define MCP2515_EFLAG 0x2d

//################################## CAN Variables ####################################################################################################################################

//#define CAN_DLC 8

//########################### CAN struct Variables ######################################################################################################################################

typedef struct 
  uint32_t COB_ID;         //CAN ID number
  uint8_t status;
  uint8_t dlc;             //CAN data length(in bytes) - 8 max
  uint8_t rtr;             //CAN request to receive
  uint8_t ext;             //CAN extended data frame
  uint8_t data[CAN_DLC];   //CAN data buffer
} can_t;



#include <msp430g2553.h>
#include "PWM.h"

//__interrupt void Timer_A0_CC0(void){
//    TA0CCR1 = 313;
//__interrupt void Timer_A1_CC1(void){
//    TA1CCR1 = 313;
void init_PWM(){
    P2DIR |= BIT1;
    P2SEL |= BIT1;
    P1DIR |= BIT6;
    P1SEL |= BIT6;

    TA1CCR0 |= 624;  //625 is the period for 1.6kHz so value is 0-624
    TA1CCTL1 |= OUTMOD_7;
    TA1CCR1 |= 0;   //initialize PWM at 0 duty cycle
    TA1CTL |= TASSEL_2 + MC_1;

    TA0CCR0 = 624;
    TA0CCTL1 = OUTMOD_7;
    TA0CCR1 |= 0;
    TA0CTL |= TASSEL_2 + MC_1;

void setThrottleValue(int accL, int accR){
    if(accL < 5){
        accL = 5;
    else if(accL > 1015){
        accL = 1015;
    if(accR < 5){
        accR = 5;
    else if(accR > 1015){
        accR = 1015;
    TA1CCR1 = accL;
    TA0CCR1 = accR;
  //      __bis_SR_register(LPM0_bits);


C Header File
int AcceleratorL;  //Left motor duty cycle
int AcceleratorR;  //Right motor duty cycle

__interrupt void Timer_A0_CC0(void);
__interrupt void Timer_A1_CC1(void);

void init_PWM();

void setThrottleValue(int , int );


used for FSAE rules. Logical/Arithmetic Operators done here. Not Optimized.
// Anteater Electric Racing  "Driver Input Module"
// Engineer: Lucas Juttner
// Date: 4/23/2019
// School: University of California, Irvine
// File: Faults.c
// Description: Function checks fault conditions for accelrator pedal position sensors

#include <Faults.h>
#include <stdint.h>

//----------------------------------------------- Function to check Faults ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

int APPS_Fault(int acc1, int acc2){
    acc2 = 1023 - (acc2*4.5);
    if((abs(acc1-acc2) > 102) || (acc1 < 10) || (acc2 < 10)) {      //Checks for fault
        return 1;                                                   //If fault occurs, return 1
    else {
        return 0;                                                   //If not fault, return 0
//102 is 10% of 1023 which is the max value for ADC inputs
//if acc1 or 2 is <10 then there is a disconnect on the line since it is pulled down.
//if apps flag has been already triggered but fault is still occurring, do nothing


C Header File
// Anteater Electric Racing  "Driver Input Module"
// Engineer: Lucas Juttner
// Date: 4/23/2019
// School: University of California, Irvine
// File: Faults.h
// Description: Function checks fault conditions for accelrator pedal position sensors

#include <stdint.h>

int APPS_Fault(int,int);


#include <ADC.h>
#include <msp430g2553.h>
#include <UART.h>

void init_UART(){
    P1SEL = BIT1 + BIT2;      //Sets pin 1.1 to transfer and receive data
    P1SEL2 = BIT1 + BIT2;     //Sets pin 1.2 to transfer and receive data

    UCA0CTL1 |= UCSSEL_2;
    UCA0BR0 = 104;          //Sets baud rate to 9600 bps (standard)
    UCA0BR1 = 0;            //Overflow of UCA0BR0 - not needed unless baud rate needs to be higher
    UCA0MCTL = UCBRS0;      //Modulation UCBRSx=1
    UCA0CTL1 &= ~UCSWRST;   //Initialized the USCI state machine (Universal Serial Communication Interface)

void UART_String(char * uart_data){
    unsigned int i = 0;
    while(uart_data[i]){            //While loop to send characters of a string
        while(UCA0STAT & UCBUSY);   //Checks to see if the transmission is currently busy
        UCA0TXBUF = uart_data[i];   //Sends values of the data to the UCA0TXBUF to be sent over USB
        i++;                        //Increment to next character in the string

void test_UART(unsigned int buf){
    UART_Char('0' + buf);
    UART_Char('0' + (adc[buf] / 100));
    UART_Char('0' + (adc[buf] % 100) / 10);
    UART_Char('0' + adc[buf] % 10);

void UART_Char (char uart_data){
    while (UCA0STAT & UCBUSY);
    UCA0TXBUF = uart_data;


C Header File
void init_UART();

void UART_String(char *);
void test_UART(unsigned int);
void UART_Int (int);
void UART_Char (char);


Anteater Electric Racing

Anteater Electric Racing

1 project • 9 followers
We are Anteater Electric Racing at UC Irvine, an undergraduate Engineering Team tasked to build Racecars to compete in Formula SAE Electric.
Lucas Juttner

Lucas Juttner

2 projects • 8 followers
Michael R. Honar

Michael R. Honar

2 projects • 9 followers
Rieli Janine Kalani Tjan

Rieli Janine Kalani Tjan

1 project • 2 followers
Faisal Altassan

Faisal Altassan

1 project • 2 followers
Alexis Moreno

Alexis Moreno

1 project • 2 followers
