ankit vishwakarma
Published © LGPL

Capstone Project - Temperature and Anomaly Detection

Building a module that detects temperature and any anomaly in the temperature readings. It consist of the bolt module and LM35 sensor.

IntermediateFull instructions provided3 hours748
Capstone Project - Temperature and Anomaly Detection

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Bolt WiFi Module
Bolt IoT Bolt WiFi Module
WiFi Module that gives the Hardware connection internet access for transfer of data over cloud
Temperature Sensor
Temperature Sensor
LM35 Sensor
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
To connect the LM35 to the Wifi Module
USB-A to Micro-USB Cable
USB-A to Micro-USB Cable
To connect the module to power supply

Software apps and online services

SMS Messaging API
Twilio SMS Messaging API
To receive SMS when anomaly(i.e. When fridge door is opened) is detected.
To receive mail when temperature crosses threshold
Bolt Cloud
Bolt IoT Bolt Cloud
To upload data recorded by the module and process the data


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ankit vishwakarma

ankit vishwakarma

1 project • 0 followers
