Drawing machine
very simple machine.
only capable of pushing a pencil back and forward in one direction roughly 10cm.
human powered
operated by pulling two strings.
first string pushes the pencil forward.
second string pulls the pencil backwards.
(plans to use servo were scrapped at the last minute due to unsurmountable difficulties.)
I tried multiple times to figure out a way to use the same servo to push the pencil and bring it back but ultimately I failed.
the original design hoped the use gravity to reset the pencil back to it's original position each time after the servo moved. This however never came into fruition because I made the unfortunate choice of using twine and wood to build my machine.
Too much friction for the machine to be able to reset itself.
I found that though my original design was quite simple the actual fabrication was incredibly complicated. The process of calibrating the machine to work like I wanted it to, was long and laborious. keeping the pencil in a vertical position was specially complicated.
like always more planning would've definitely come in handy, but personally I found that I only gained an understanding of how the machine worked after having played with it for a while. trial and error was very helpful. Seeing things work poorly really helps to inform better design.