Find Your Seat on the Regional Train Using Your App

This project aims to build a system that allows you to know the situation of the seats on the regional train in real-time!

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Find Your Seat on the Regional Train Using Your App

Things used in this project

Hardware components

STMicroelectronics B-L072Z-LRWAN1 - Kit Discovery, LoRa® Low Power Wireless Mod
DFRobot RP-S40-ST Thin Film Pressure Sensor 40mmx40mm
LG01-S IoT Gateway featuring LoRa® technology
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 10k ohm
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
NTC Thermistor
dragino LG01-P

Software apps and online services

The Things Stack
The Things Industries The Things Stack
Mbed Studio
Arm Mbed Studio
Google Angular
Ionic Framework


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Force Sensor Breadboard

Force Sensor Schematics

NTC Thermistor Breadboard

NTC Thermistor Schematics


Find Your Seat


Andrea Napoletani
3 projects • 5 followers
Milani Stefano
4 projects • 21 followers
PhD Student in Engineering in Computer Science @ Sapienza University of Rome - Software Engineering @ Arpsoft S.r.l.
Alessandro Giannetti
3 projects • 4 followers
