One of the important components of IoT devices is the sensor component that can collect data and information from a place or object that we can analyse further. Among several sensors contained in IoT devices, camera sensors have the ability to capture images or videos that we can use for surveillance and security purposes in our environment. One of the benefits of IoT camera sensors is that it will answer our curiosity that we might have to look through the window to check who pressed the doorbell button of our main house when we were inside the house. This sensor will make it easier for us to find out who has pressed the doorbell button of our main house without bothering to check through the window. This will make it easier for us to find out who is at the front door of our house through photos that will be sent through the telegram bot that we will use as an additional media to run this IoT concept. The combination of the doorbell, esp32cam, and telegram bot gives us an interesting solution to improve the security and comfort of our home.
Steps1. Cut the edge of the female cable so that it can be attached to the switch and module.
2. After cutting, attach the copper wires to the switch and module.
3. Log in to the telegram app to create a bot and get a token and bot id.
4. After we get the token and bot id, enter the arduino ide and enter our token and bot id and also enter the wifi ssid and password and upload the code.
5. After successful, enter the telegram bot that has been created then enter "/start".
6. After that we can press the button on the switch and wait for the telegram bot until it says "Foto Akan Segera Dikirim !"
7. Wait a few seconds for the photo taken by the esp32cam module to be sent.