Adrián González
Created August 6, 2022 © GPL3+

Safety ebike electronic circuit

Design of an analog circuit which uses ultrasonic sensors, servos and leds to improve safety performances for bicycle riders.

BeginnerFull instructions provided8 hours6
Safety ebike electronic circuit

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Spresense boards (main & extension)
Sony Spresense boards (main & extension)
5 mm LED: Red
5 mm LED: Red
5 mm LED: Yellow
5 mm LED: Yellow
Resistor 330 ohm
Resistor 330 ohm
Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04 (Generic)
Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04 (Generic)
SG90 Micro-servo motor
SG90 Micro-servo motor
SparkFun Snappable Protoboard
SparkFun Snappable Protoboard

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Wire Stripper & Cutter, 18-10 AWG / 0.75-4mm² Capacity Wires
Wire Stripper & Cutter, 18-10 AWG / 0.75-4mm² Capacity Wires


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Front circuit

This circuit shows how to do the connections according to the code (pin setup) of the sensor to detect frontal obstacles, and the servos used to brake the bicycle.

Back circuit

This circuit shows how to do the connections according to the code. The sensor detects an object at the back and the LEDs bright respectively


Safety enhancer electronic circuit code (Arduino)

Commented code of the circuit
 * proyect name: safety perfomance ebike circuit
 * author: adrian gonzalez
 * last date modified: 08/05/2022
 * This proyect has been developed for the Spresense Challenge organized by hacksterio
 * It aims to be a tutorial for future Spresense Developers
 * The purpose of this proyect is to design a simple electronic circuit to improve safety measures of an ebike,
 * and to serve as a guide to learn how to use Sony's Spresense board.
 * It consist of two main subsystems:
 *   A system to detect presence at the rear back of a cyclist, indicating the unseen danger
 *   Another system to assist breaking if an obstacle appears to be close at the front
 * In this project the following elements have been used:
 * 2 ultrasonics sensors, 2 servos, 1 red LED, 1 yellow LED, resistors and wires

// to use the servos we include the corresponding library

#include <Servo.h>

Servo myservo1;  // we create our servo objects
Servo myservo2;  

const int Trigger1 = 2;   // for the first ultrasonic sensor we configure its corresponding signals
const int Echo1 = 3;      // to the PIN_D02 and PIN_D03 from the Spresense extension board

const int Trigger2 = 4;   // for the first ultrasonic sensor we configure its corresponding signals
const int Echo2 = 5;      // to the PIN_D02 and PIN_D03 from the Spresense extension board

const int yellowLedPIN = 7;   // to set the PINs for the LEDs, PIN_D07 and PIN_D08 have been chosen
const int redLedPIN = 8;      // in order to protect both LEDs a resistor has been added in series

// we set the values for our safety distance thresholds
// the sensor works better within 200cm 
// so smaller distance wre to be selected to avoid sensing measurements

const int forwardDistanceWarningThreshold = 150;
const int forwardDistanceDangerThreshold = 90;
const int backwardDistanceWarningThreshold = 130;
const int backwardDistanceDangerThreshold = 60;

void setup() {
  myservo1.attach(6);    // to use a servo as intended, a PWM port must be selected
  myservo2.attach(9);    // in this project PIN_D06 and PIN_D09 have been selected

  Serial.begin(9600);          // used to begin serial communication
  pinMode(Trigger1, OUTPUT);   // to use the ultrasonic sensor a pulse must be triggered, so we set up its respective port as an output
  pinMode(Echo1, INPUT);       // a pulse must be collected from the sensor, so we set it up as an input
  digitalWrite(Trigger1, LOW); // we start with the sensor inactive

  pinMode(Trigger2, OUTPUT);   // the second ultrasonic sensor must be set up as the one just done above
  pinMode(Echo2, INPUT); 
  digitalWrite(Trigger2, LOW);

  pinMode(yellowLedPIN , OUTPUT);  // both LEDs will be used as outputs
  pinMode(redLedPIN , OUTPUT);  

void loop() {

  // we create some variables to measure our distances
  long t_forward; // time detected by the front ultrasonic sensor
  long d_forward; // distance converted from the front sensor
  long t_backward; // time detected by the back ultrasonic sensor
  long d_backward; // distance converted from the back sensor

   * the time measurement unit in this program is 1us (microsecond)
   * 2 times the distance is what takes air at normal airspeed to move to the obstacle and back, therefore:
   * d(cm) = 340(m/s)*(100cm/1m)*(1s/1000000us)/2 = t(us)/59 approximately

  digitalWrite(Trigger1, HIGH);          // to make the ultrasonic sensor work we must send an impulse signal
  digitalWrite(Trigger1, LOW);
  t_forward = pulseIn(Echo1, HIGH);      // we get the time gap detected by the sensor and we get its respective measured distance
  d_forward = t_forward/59;           

  digitalWrite(Trigger2, HIGH);          // same as before
  digitalWrite(Trigger2, LOW);
  t_backward = pulseIn(Echo2, HIGH); 
  d_backward = t_backward/59;             
  Serial.print("Front distance: ");      // we transfer the front-distance data
  Serial.print("Back distance: ");       // we transfer the back-distance data
  delay(80);                             // small delay of microseconds
  if (d_forward < forwardDistanceWarningThreshold) {
    if (d_forward < forwardDistanceDangerThreshold) {
      myservo1.write(180);                            // when an object is detected to be to close, the servos will rotate 180 degrees, forcing the bicycle to brake completely
    else {
      myservo1.write(90);                             // when there is an obstacle ahead, both servos brake the bicycle slightly, reducing its speed
  else {
    myservo1.write(0);                                // both servos stay inactive when the front is free of danger, without pulling the brakes
  delay(15);                           // small wait time to let the servos move in time

  if (d_backward >= backwardDistanceWarningThreshold) {
    digitalWrite(yellowLedPIN , LOW);                     // both LEDs stay inactive
    digitalWrite(redLedPIN , LOW);       
  else {
    if (d_backward >= backwardDistanceDangerThreshold){
      digitalWrite(yellowLedPIN , HIGH);                  // yellow LED illumninates to indicate presence behind, red LED stays off
      digitalWrite(redLedPIN , LOW);        
      digitalWrite(yellowLedPIN , HIGH);                  // when an object is detected to close behind the bicycle the red LED illuminates 
      digitalWrite(redLedPIN , HIGH);                     // to indicate a possible dangerous aproach or careless safety distance
  delay(20);                   // small delay to start over


Adrián González

Adrián González

2 projects • 1 follower
