Adam Mansour
Created December 18, 2015

Adding Bluetooth Control to Remote Control Car

Showcase (no instructions)29
Adding Bluetooth Control to Remote Control Car


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Bluetooth Code

#include <SPI.h>
#include "Adafruit_BLE_UART.h"

// Connect CLK/MISO/MOSI to hardware SPI
// e.g. On UNO & compatible: CLK = 13, MISO = 12, MOSI = 11
#define ADAFRUITBLE_RDY 2     // This should be an interrupt pin, on Uno thats #2 or #3


bool leftButtonDown = false;
bool rightButtonDown = false;
bool forwardButtonDown = false;
bool backwardButtonDown = false;

const int motor1Pin = 7;    // H-bridge leg 1 (pin 2, 1A)
const int motor2Pin = 6;    // H-bridge leg 2 (pin 7, 2A)
const int motor3Pin = 5;    // H-bridge leg 3 (pin 10, 3A)
const int motor4Pin = 4;    // H-bridge leg 4 (pin 15, 4A)

    Configure the Arduino and start advertising with the radio

void backward() {

  digitalWrite(motor1Pin, HIGH);   // set leg 1A of the H-bridge HIGH
  digitalWrite(motor2Pin, LOW);  // set leg 2A of the H-bridge low
  digitalWrite(motor3Pin, HIGH);   // set leg 1B of the H-bridge high
  digitalWrite(motor4Pin, LOW);  // set leg 2B of the H-bridge low

void forward() {
  digitalWrite(motor1Pin, LOW);  // set leg 1A of the H-bridge LOW
  digitalWrite(motor2Pin, HIGH);   // set leg 2A of the H-bridge high
  digitalWrite(motor3Pin, LOW);   // set leg 1B of the H-bridge low
  digitalWrite(motor4Pin, HIGH);  // set leg 2B of the H-bridge high

void left() {

  digitalWrite(motor1Pin, LOW);  // set leg 1A of the H-bridge low
  digitalWrite(motor2Pin, LOW);   // set leg 2A of the H-bridge low
  digitalWrite(motor3Pin, HIGH);   // set leg 1B of the H-bridge high
  digitalWrite(motor4Pin, LOW);  // set leg 2B of the H-bridge low

void right() {
  digitalWrite(motor1Pin, HIGH);  // set leg 1A of the H-bridge high
  digitalWrite(motor2Pin, LOW);   // set leg 2A of the H-bridge low
  digitalWrite(motor3Pin, LOW);  // set leg 1A of the H-bridge low
  digitalWrite(motor4Pin, LOW);   // set leg 2A of the H-bridge low

void station()  {
  digitalWrite(motor1Pin, LOW);  // set leg 1A of the H-bridge low
  digitalWrite(motor2Pin, LOW);   // set leg 2A of the H-bridge low
  digitalWrite(motor3Pin, LOW);  // set leg 1A of the H-bridge low
  digitalWrite(motor4Pin, LOW);   // set leg 2A of the H-bridge low

void setup(void)
  while(!Serial); // Leonardo/Micro should wait for serial init
  Serial.println(F("Adafruit Bluefruit Low Energy nRF8001 Print echo demo"));

  // BTLEserial.setDeviceName("NEWNAME"); /* 7 characters max! */


//  pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP);
//  pinMode(9, INPUT_PULLUP);
//  pinMode(10, INPUT_PULLUP);
//  pinMode(11, INPUT_PULLUP);
//  pinMode(12, INPUT_PULLUP);
//  pinMode(13, INPUT_PULLUP);
//  // set all the other pins you're using as outputs:
//  pinMode(motor1Pin, OUTPUT);
//  pinMode(motor2Pin, OUTPUT);
//  pinMode(motor3Pin, OUTPUT);
//  pinMode(motor4Pin, OUTPUT);

    Constantly checks for new events on the nRF8001
aci_evt_opcode_t laststatus = ACI_EVT_DISCONNECTED;

char leftButtonDownSignal[] = { '!', 'B', '7', '1', '4' };
char leftButtonUpSignal[] = { '!', 'B', '7', '0', '5' };

char rightButtonDownSignal[] = { '!', 'B', '8', '1', '3' };
char rightButtonUpSignal[] = { '!', 'B', '8', '0', '4' };

char forwardButtonDownSignal[] = { '!', 'B', '5', '1', '6' };
char forwardButtonUpSignal[] = { '!', 'B', '5', '0', '7' };

char backwardButtonDownSignal[] = { '!', 'B', '6', '1', '5' };
char backwardButtonUpSignal[] = { '!', 'B', '6', '0', '6' };

void readSignal(char signalBytes[]) {
  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    signalBytes[i] =;

bool signalsEqual(char signal1[], char signal2[]) {
  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    if (signal1[i] != signal2[i]) {
      return false;
  return true;

void loop()
  // Tell the nRF8001 to do whatever it should be working on.

  // Ask what is our current status
  aci_evt_opcode_t status = BTLEserial.getState();
  // If the status changed....
  if (status != laststatus) {
    // print it out!
    if (status == ACI_EVT_DEVICE_STARTED) {
        Serial.println(F("* Advertising started"));
    if (status == ACI_EVT_CONNECTED) {
        Serial.println(F("* Connected!"));
    if (status == ACI_EVT_DISCONNECTED) {
        Serial.println(F("* Disconnected or advertising timed out"));
    // OK set the last status change to this one
    laststatus = status;

  if (status == ACI_EVT_CONNECTED) {
    // Lets see if there's any data for us!
    if (BTLEserial.available()) {
      Serial.print("* "); Serial.print(BTLEserial.available()); Serial.println(F(" bytes available from BTLE"));
    // OK while we still have something to read, get a character and print it out
    char signalBytes[5];
    if (BTLEserial.available() >= 5) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
          Serial.print(signalBytes [i]);
        if (signalsEqual(signalBytes, leftButtonDownSignal)) {
          leftButtonDown = true;
        if (signalsEqual(signalBytes, rightButtonDownSignal)) {
          rightButtonDown = true;
        if (signalsEqual(signalBytes, forwardButtonDownSignal)) {
          forwardButtonDown = true;
        if (signalsEqual(signalBytes, backwardButtonDownSignal)) {
          backwardButtonDown = true;
        if (signalsEqual(signalBytes, leftButtonUpSignal)) {
          leftButtonDown = false;
        if (signalsEqual(signalBytes, rightButtonUpSignal)) {
          rightButtonDown = false;
        if (signalsEqual(signalBytes, forwardButtonUpSignal)) {
          forwardButtonDown = false;
        if (signalsEqual(signalBytes, backwardButtonUpSignal)) {
          backwardButtonDown = false;

    // Next up, see if we have any data to get from the Serial console

    if (Serial.available()) {
      // Read a line from Serial
      Serial.setTimeout(100); // 100 millisecond timeout
      String s = Serial.readString();

      // We need to convert the line to bytes, no more than 20 at this time
      uint8_t sendbuffer[20];
      s.getBytes(sendbuffer, 20);
      char sendbuffersize = min(20, s.length());

      Serial.print(F("\n* Sending -> \"")); Serial.print((char *)sendbuffer); Serial.println("\"");

      // write the data
      BTLEserial.write(sendbuffer, sendbuffersize);

  if (forwardButtonDown && !backwardButtonDown) { //forward button are pressed
  else if (rightButtonDown && !leftButtonDown) { //right button is pressed

  else if (leftButtonDown && !rightButtonDown) { //left button is pressed

   else if (backwardButtonDown && !forwardButtonDown) { //backward switch is pressed
 else if (!backwardButtonDown && !forwardButtonDown && !leftButtonDown && !rightButtonDown) { //none are pressed



Adam Mansour
10 projects • 1 follower
