Adam Taylor
Created August 4, 2019 © GPL3+

PYNQ Controlled NeoPixel LED Cube

NeoPixels are great fun to work with. LED cubes are also very visually interesting. Let's look at creating a PYNQ-controlled one!

IntermediateFull instructions provided3 hours6,749
PYNQ Controlled NeoPixel LED Cube

Things used in this project

Hardware components

PYNQ-Z2 board
AMD PYNQ-Z2 board
RGB LED Pixel Matrix, NeoPixel NeoMatrix
RGB LED Pixel Matrix, NeoPixel NeoMatrix
Digilent PmodCon1

Software apps and online services

Vivado Design Suite
AMD Vivado Design Suite
PYNQ Framework
AMD PYNQ Framework


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Adam Taylor

Adam Taylor

124 projects • 2167 followers
Adam Taylor is an expert in design and development of embedded systems and FPGA’s for several end applications (Space, Defense, Automotive)
