Published © GPL3+

Multifunctional Work Light

A workplace lighting with useful features. Changeable LED attachments -LED display, rechargeable. Dimmable in different modes.

IntermediateFull instructions provided1 hour991
Multifunctional Work Light

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Microchip ATtiny85
Single MCU
MT3608 DC DC Step Up Adjustable Converter Booster Power Supply Module Output 2A
2S Lithium ion Battery Charger Module
2x Lithium Battery 18650
JST Plug (Optional)
Micro USB plug female
Various electronic components: resistors, capacitors, transistors, MOSFET, optocouplers, pushbuttons, IC socket 8 DIP, raw PCB, wires

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Various tools: drill, grinder, saw


Read more


Eagle Files: Multifunctional Working lighting LED_v3.1b.sch

Block Diagram
Board layout


Arduino Scatch: Multifunktional_working_LED_Light_v1.4_Final_ATtiny85.ino

Is everything in the description
  |                                             Multifunctional working LED-lamp                                                  |
  |       Description                                                                                                             |
  |       ===========                                                                                                             |
  |   This is a small scatch for a high power LED. The brightness is controlled with the help of the One Button-Lib.              |
  |   The following functions are available to make the LED brighter with "SW_H" or darker with "SW_L":                           |
  |   Simple click, double-click, long click.                                                                                     |
  |                                                                                                                               |
  |   The second function "Display_ON" with an additional key "SW_D" switches on an output for a                                  |
  |   multifunctional display for 30 seconds.                                                                                     |
  |   Testet on a ATtiny85 @ 1 MHz (internal) with bootloader. The Sketch uses 2380 bytes (29%) flash space.                      |
  |   The Serial communication monitoring is only for debugging on a other devices and it do not work with the tiny85             |
  |   It musst be disabled bevore you upload the Code!                                                                            |
  |                                                                                                                               |
  |       THE FUNCTIONS:                                                                                                          |
  |       ==============                                                                                                          |
  |    .attachClick:           SW_H / SW_L      gradually lighter or darker.                                                      |
  |    .attachDoubleClick:     SW_H / SW_L      very light or dark.                                                               |
  |    .attachDuringLongPress: SW_H / SW_L      dimming via PWM.                                                                  |
  |    Display_ON:             SW_D             for 30 seconds.                                                                   |
  |                                                                                                                               |
  |       WIRING:                                                                                                                 |
  |       =======                                                                                                                 |
  |                               ATtiny85                                                                                        |
  |                                __  __                                                                                         |
  |                        RST   -|1 \/ 8|-  vcc                                                                                  |
  |                        SW_L  -|2    7|-  SW_D                                                                                 |
  |                        SW_H  -|3    6|-  DISPLAY                                                                              |
  |                        GND   -|4____5|-  LED                                                                                  |
  |                                                                                                                               |
  |       SOFTWARE INFO                                                                                                           |
  |       =============                                                                                                           |
  |   Version:          1.4_Final                                                                                                 |
  |   Writen Date:      16-05.2018                                                                                                |
  |   Autor:            Zislaw Kromski   kromski@gmx.ch                                                                           |
  |   Software Info:    Arduino IDE_v_1.8.5 https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software                                               |
  |                     OneButton.h_v_1.2.0 http://www.mathertel.de/Arduino/OneButtonLibrary.aspx                                 |
  |                                                                                                                               |

#include "OneButton.h"

#define LED 0                                          // Dimmable High power LED over MOSFET driver "attach to a PWM Pin".
#define DISPLAY 1                                      // Output-ON signal for the "Multifunktional Time Display" enabled with SW_D for 30 seconds.
#define AMOUNT 51                                      // Stepped (255/51 = 5 steps) increment/decrement brightness.
#define AMOUNTDIMM 10                                  // Running (255/10 = +/-25 steps)increment/decrement brightness.
#define SW_D 2                                         // Button for Display.
byte brightness = 0;                                   // Variable brightness Set to 0.
unsigned long currentMillis;                           // current time stamp.
unsigned long lastTime =0;                             // Preview time stamp.
const long onTime = 30000;                             // On time for Display Output "30sec".
bool SW_D_state;                                       // Flag for the button status.
bool displayOn = false;                                // Flag for the display status.

OneButton SW_H(4, true);                               // Setup a new OneButton Object for (SW1)true=internal PullUp Resistor.
OneButton SW_L(3, true);                               // Setup a new OneButton Object for (SW2)true=internal PullUp Resistor.

void setup() {

  //Serial.begin(9600);                                // Serial monitoring for debugging only.
  //Serial.println("Start");                           // ...

  pinMode(SW_D, INPUT_PULLUP);                         // Display_ON button as INPUT enable PULLUP.
  pinMode(DISPLAY, OUTPUT);                            // Display output as OUTPUT.
  digitalWrite(DISPLAY, LOW);                          // Set Display output to HIGH.
  SW_H.attachClick(click_SW_H);                        // link the button "SW_H" to the funktion (amount_high)PWM +AMOUNT.
  //SW_H.setClickTicks(300);                           // Set millisec after single click is assumed (For customization only).
  //setDebounceTicks(100)                              // Set millisec after safe click is assumed (For customization only).
  SW_H.attachDoubleClick(doubleclick_SW_H);            // link the button "SW_H" to the funktion (Full) PWM =255.
  SW_H.attachDuringLongPress(dimm_SW_H);               // link the button "SW_H" to the funktion (amount_dimm_high)PWM +AMOUNTDIMM.
  //SW_H.setPressTicks(100);                           // Set millisec after press is assumed (For customization only).

  SW_L.attachClick(click_SW_L);                        // link the button "SW_L" to the funktion (amount_low)PWM -AMOUNT.
  SW_L.attachDoubleClick(doubleclick_SW_L);            // link the button "SW_L" to the funktion (Off)/PWM =0.
  SW_L.attachDuringLongPress(dimm_SW_L);               // link the button "SW_L" to the funktion (amount_dimm_low)PWM -AMOUNTDIMM.
  analogWrite(0, 50);                                  // Whenn Device ON, turn LED on.

void loop() {
//----------Funktions for Display_ON---------//
  SW_D_state = digitalRead(SW_D);                      // Status variable for SW_D.
  currentMillis = millis();                            // Variable current time takes timestamp.
  if(!displayOn && SW_D_state == LOW){                 // Query: If SW_D is pressed and display is not on.
    lastTime = currentMillis;                          // Last time update.
    displayOn = true;                                  // Change display status to on.
    digitalWrite (DISPLAY, HIGH);                      // Turn Display on.
    //Serial.print("Display ON   ");                   // ...
    //Serial.println(millis());                        // ...
  if(displayOn && currentMillis -lastTime >onTime){    // Only if display is on and past time greater than onTime.
        displayOn = false;                             // Change display status to off.
        digitalWrite(DISPLAY, LOW);                    // Turn Display off.
        //Serial.print("Diaplay OFF   ");              // ...
        //Serial.println(currentMillis);               // ...
  SW_H.tick();                                         // keep watching the push buttons.
  SW_L.tick();                                         // keep watching the push buttons.
  delay(10);                                           // Short break is recommended by the OneButton lib.

//----------Funktions for brighter-----------//

void click_SW_H(){                                     // Function one click  for big steps.
  if(brightness >204){                                 // Query the variable for balancing so that LED gets very light in the last step (fifth click).
    brightness =255;                                   // Updating the variable 
    analogWrite(LED, brightness);                      // Analog write the PWM values.
    //Serial.print("click_SW_H  PWM = ");              // ...
    //Serial.println(brightness);                      // ...
  if(brightness <=204){                                // Query the variable if PWM less than 204.
    brightness = brightness +AMOUNT;                   // If yes, then Updating the variable and increase in big steps (+ AMOUNT).
    analogWrite(LED, brightness);                      // Analog write the PWM values.
    //Serial.print("click_SW_H PWM = ");               // ...
    //Serial.println(brightness);                      // ...
    delay(400);                                        // Waiting time.
void doubleclick_SW_H(){                               // Function double-click for very bright.
    analogWrite(LED, 255);                             // Analog write the PWM values.
    brightness = 255;                                  // Updating the variable.
    //Serial.print("doubleclick_SW_H  PWM = ");        // ...
    //Serial.println("255");                           // ...
void dimm_SW_H(){                                      // Function Keep button for slow dimming.
  if(brightness >245){                                 // Query the variable for balancing so that LED gets very light in the last step (25th click).
    brightness = 255;                                  // Updating the variable.
    analogWrite(LED, brightness);                      // Analog write the PWM values.
    //Serial.print("dimm_SW_H  PWM = ");               // ...
    //Serial.println(brightness);                      // ...
  if(brightness <=245){                                // Query the variable if PWM less than 245.
    brightness = brightness +AMOUNTDIMM;               // If yes, then Updating the variable and increase in small steps (+ AMOUNTDIMM).
    analogWrite(LED, brightness);                      // Analog write the PWM values.
    //Serial.print("dimm_SW_H  PWM = ");               // ...
    //Serial.println(brightness);                      // ...
    delay(400);                                        // Waiting time for the speed of dimming.

//----------Funktions for darker-----------//

void click_SW_L(){                                     // Function one click  for big steps.
   if(brightness <51){                                 // Query the variable for balancing so that LED gets very dark in the last step (fifth click).
    brightness = 0;                                    // Updating the variable
    analogWrite(LED, brightness);                      // Analog write the PWM values.
    //Serial.print("click_SW_L  PWM = ");              // ...
    //Serial.println(brightness);                      // ...
  if(brightness >=51){                                 // Query the variable if PWM greater than 204.
    brightness = brightness -AMOUNT;                   // If yes, then Updating the variable and decrease in big steps (- AMOUNT).
    analogWrite(LED, brightness);                      // Analog write the PWM values.
    //Serial.print("click_SW_L  PWM = ");              // ...
    //Serial.println(brightness);                      // ...
    delay(400);                                        // Waiting time.

void doubleclick_SW_L(){                               // Function double-click for very dark.
    analogWrite(LED, 0);                               // Analog write the PWM values.
    brightness = 0;                                    // Updating the variable.
    //Serial.print("doubleclick_SW_L  PWM = ");        // ...
    //Serial.println("0");                             // ...
void dimm_SW_L(){                                      // Function Keep button for slow dimming.
  if(brightness <10){                                  // Query the variable for balancing so that LED gets very dark in the last step (25th click).
    brightness = 0;                                    // Updating the variable.
    analogWrite(LED, brightness);                      // Analog write the PWM values.
    //Serial.print("dimm_SW_L  PWM = ");               // ...
    //Serial.println("0");                             // ...
  if(brightness >=10){                                 // Query the variable if PWM greater than 10.
    brightness = brightness -AMOUNTDIMM;               // If yes, then Updating the variable and decrease in small steps (- AMOUNTDIMM).
    analogWrite(LED, brightness);                      // Analog write the PWM values.
    //Serial.print("dimm_SW_L  PWM = ");               // ...
    //Serial.println(brightness);                      // ...
    delay(400);                                        // Waiting time for the speed of dimming.





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