Stephen Harrison
Published © Apache-2.0

Roll Pole - The Internet of Toilet Paper

Never run out of toilet paper again. Roll Pole monitors the toilet paper and orders fresh supplies when you are down to that last roll.

AdvancedShowcase (no instructions)6 hours1,593
Roll Pole - The Internet of Toilet Paper

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Particle Photon
Where the magic happens....
Acrylic Tube, 32mm OD, 26mm ID
1-4 depending on build
AAA Battery
Actually lots of these!

Software apps and online services

IFTTT - Particle Channel
IFTTT - Tesco Channel

Hand tools and fabrication machines

3D Printer (generic)
3D Printer (generic)


Read more

Custom parts and enclosures


The base of the roll pole which holds the pole and batteries.


Top board

This is the top most PCB used in the roll pole. it has the Photon on board and the top roll sensor.

Top board - PCB

Middle board

You can use 0-3 or these PCBs to create the desired height for the roll pole (1-4 rolls high).

Middle board - PCB

Bottom water sense board

This is the bottom board. It slots into the base and has water sense capabilities; however the signal is active low which clashes with the Photons active high needed for WKP to function, thereby preventing the use of deep sleep (high power saving) on the photon.

Bottom water sense - PCB

GitHub repository


Roll Pole Photon Code

Paste this into the Particle build and deploy to your Photons.
// =========================================================================
// Toilet roll monitor - V1 PCB.
// Apache V2 License.
// Author: Stephen Harrison
// =========================================================================

// Each sensor has a small range of values between roll present and absent, 
// a value above the adcThresholds[] value for the sensor sets the roll as 
// not being present. A lower ADC value (more reflectance) indicates a roll present.
// Each sensor is individually calibrated first (cal1) with no roll present to get a
// no reflection value, then with a roll present (cal2) to get the value with a roll present.
// The ADC threshold is set as the midpoint between the cal1 and cal2 value 
// **************************************************************************
// On first run, no rolls should be fitted and the baseline is taken.
// Rolls should then be fitted and a Cal2 triggered (call the particle function "calibrate" with the argument value "2")
// Cal 1 can be repeated by calling the "calibrate" function with argument value "1" first if this is desired.
// both Cal1 and Cal2 need to be run to determine the correct threshold for each sensor.
// Cal2 MUST be run after a Cal1.
// **************************************************************************
// ADC values and roll count are stored in EEPROM.
// When the roll count changes a senml message is published with the roll count.


// How long to sleep for when entering deep sleep.
// Development: 30s...
//int deepSleepTimeSeconds = 60;
// Production: 3600 (1 hour) or more is usable
int deepSleepTimeSeconds = 3600;

int debugSleepSeconds = 10;

// The maximum number of sensors on the board. values 1-4 acceptable.
uint8_t maxSensors = 3;

// Default initial debugging setting to publish ADC values as they are read.
bool publishAdcValues = false;

// Initialise to defaults but calibrated values are loaded 
// from EEPROM if the value is stored.

// Empty/full threshold value. 
uint16_t adcThresholds[] =  {3990, 3990, 3990, 3990};

// Cal 1 ADC values for no roll present
uint16_t adcEmpty[] =  {4096, 4096, 4096, 4096}; 

// CAL 2 ADC values with roll present.
uint16_t adcFull[] =  {3967, 3967, 3967, 3967}; 

// 0: Not claibrated. 
// 1: Cal 1 (no roll)
// 2: Cal 2 (roll present)
uint8_t calibrationState = 0; 

// The minimum number of rolls. When the roll count hits this value
// the low roll warning is triggered.
uint8_t minimumRollCount = 1;

// The number of loo rolls detected.
// Stored in backupd ram so will be kept between
// deep sleeps
retained uint8_t looRollCount = -1;

// Individual sensor values for the rolls.
bool hasRoll[] = {false, false, false, false};

// The ADC values read for the rolls.
int adcValues[] = {0,0,0,0};

// Mapping for roll index to ADC/DIO pins.
int sensors[] = {A0, A1, A2, A3};
// V1 PCB, all sensors are using D2 for LED drive.
int leds[] = {D2, D2, D2, D2};
// V1 hardware has single drive pin
int ledPin = D2;

// "debug" led behind the OSH Logo.
int oshLogoLedPin = A4;

// Water sense pin.
int waterSensePin = WKP; // A7 - used also for water sense trigger.
// If water has been sensed.
int waterSensed = false;

// if water was sensed in the interrupt.
volatile int waterSenseTriggered = false;

// If the water sensed alert has been published
// Stored in backupd ram so will be kept between
// deep sleeps
retained int waterSensedPublished = false;

// Battery
// Battery voltage sense pin.
int vBattSensePin = DAC; // A6
int vBattAdc = 0;
int vBattThreshold = 3.8; // 3.8V cutoff for low battery
bool lowBattery = false;
double batteryVoltage = 0;

bool calibrating = false;
bool messagePublishedWithNoDelay = false;

retained bool isWakeFromPowerSave = false;

// how long between reset and set-up completing (i.e. connect)
unsigned long timeToConnect = 0;

// how long from reset to sleep (i.e. running on full power)
retained unsigned long timeToSleep = 0;

// Particle methods
int setMinRolls(String args);
int getCount(String args);
int calibrate(String args);
int getCalibration(String args);

// Setup
void setup() {
    // Blue to indicate set-up and not cleash with red/green of status
    RGB.color(0, 0, 255);
    for (int i=0; i<maxSensors; i++) {
        pinMode(sensors[i], INPUT);
        pinMode(leds[i], OUTPUT);
        digitalWrite(leds[i], LOW);
    // OSH Logo (High power mode) LED
    pinMode(oshLogoLedPin, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(oshLogoLedPin, HIGH);
    // Water sense pin
    // This is used as the wake up pin
    // Active low digital input.
    // pinMode(waterSensePin, INPUT_PULLUP);
    // Battery sense. Analog input.
    pinMode(vBattSensePin, INPUT);
    // Debug
    pinMode(D7, OUTPUT);
    // Particle functions
    Particle.function("setMinRolls", setMinRolls);
    Particle.function("getCount", getCount);
    Particle.function("calibrate", calibrate);
    Particle.function("getCal", getCalibration);
    // Publish version info on first start only
    if (!isWakeFromPowerSave) {
        publishStatus("Loo Roll Monitor V0.5.15", false);
    // Load in the ADC thresholds for the sensors and bits.
    // Now attach the water sense interrupt.
    // only interested in falling edge to indicate water present
    // allow natural polling to clear it
    //attachInterrupt(waterSensePin, waterSenseIsr, FALLING);
    timeToConnect = millis();

void loop() {
    // Whilst in High power mode keep the OSH LED on to indicate high power.
    // recovering from sleep mode indication...
    digitalWrite(oshLogoLedPin, HIGH);
    if (!calibrating) {
        // If the battery is low then hold off checking the rolls
        // as it may kill the battery.
        if (!lowBattery) {
        // Show a warning (red) led if their is a problem.    
        // Do this before publishing so it's shown for a little bit longer.
        if (shouldShowWarning()) {
            RGB.color(255, 0, 0);
        } else {
            RGB.color(0, 255, 0);
        if (!lowBattery) {

// Determine if a warning LED should be shown
// e.g. Battery low, water sensed or loo roll count is low.
bool shouldShowWarning() {
    if (looRollCount <= minimumRollCount) {
        return true;
    if (waterSensedPublished) {
        return true;
    if (lowBattery) {
        return true;            
    return false;

// Sleep the Photon, depending on how long it's been awake
// either heavy sleep, or light sleep to help debugging.
void sleep() {
    // millis not affected by sleep.
    unsigned long t = millis();
    // If more than n minutes since the power on
    // then go into Low power mode, or if the power-up
    // was caused by a deep sleep power down.
    if (isWakeFromPowerSave || t > (120 * 1000)) {
        // Small delay to ensure any messages that needed to be 
        // pushed to Particle are gone before sleeping.
        if (messagePublishedWithNoDelay) {
        digitalWrite(oshLogoLedPin, LOW);
        // Next power-up will not be the initial one
        // so the delay before sleeping can be ignored.
        //isInitialPowerUp = false;
        isWakeFromPowerSave = true;
        timeToSleep = millis();
        // Deep sleep: wake after n seconds or rising edge on WKP
        // (water sense pin) - however water sense is active low so wkp 
        // will only trigger 
        // NB: Need pull-down for LED drive to ensure LEDs are not
        // turned on when in deep sleep.
        // WKP being high because of water sense appears to break
        // this being pulled out of deep sleep.
        System.sleep(SLEEP_MODE_DEEP, deepSleepTimeSeconds);
        // Stop mode: wake after n seconds or falling edge on water sense pin.
        // This sleep mode keeps memory preserved and allows for falling signal
        // on interrupt pin (WKP here) to wake up.
        // however it uses ca. 1-2mA
        //System.sleep(waterSensePin, FALLING, deepSleepTimeSeconds);
        // Don't publish debug ADC values whilst in low power mode.
        publishAdcValues = false;
    } else {
        // Debug mode:
        // Check every 10 seconds and don't go into low power
        // Handy for debug or initial power up + firmware updates
        for (int i=0; i<debugSleepSeconds; i++) {
            // If water sensed then exit out of the delay
            // and allow the loop to process the status.
            if (waterSenseTriggered) {
        // Set true to help debugging.
        publishAdcValues = false;

// Publish the system status (roll count, water sensed, battery level etc.)
void publishSystemState() {
    String senmlFields = "{'n':'rollCount','v':'" + String(looRollCount) + "'}";
    senmlFields += ",{'n':'WaterSensed','v':'" + String(waterSensed) + "'}";
    senmlFields += ",{'n':'VBatt','v':'" + String(batteryVoltage) + "'}";
    // Debug fields
    senmlFields += ",{'n':'A0','v':'" + String(adcValues[0]) + "'}";
    senmlFields += ",{'n':'A1','v':'" + String(adcValues[1]) + "'}";
    senmlFields += ",{'n':'A2','v':'" + String(adcValues[2]) + "'}";
    senmlFields += ",{'n':'TConn','v':'" + String(timeToConnect) + "'}";
    senmlFields += ",{'n':'TTS','v':'" + String(timeToSleep) + "'}";
    // Don't forget Temperature and humidity if they are measured.
    // Publish the number of rolls, water sense, 
    // publish this every wake cycle regardless to keep
    // monitor informed. 
    publishSenML("{e:[" + senmlFields +  "]}");

// Roll detection
void checkLooRoll() {
    int count = 0;
    // Work up the sensors from the lowest (A0)
    // to the highest (A3 or ...)
    // This is not the most optimal use of power but is easy...
    // It is also ignores gravity defying errors (e.g. base roll
    // may appear to be absent but rolls above present)
    for (int i=0; i<maxSensors; i++) {
        hasRoll[i] = hasLooRoll(i);
        if (hasRoll[i]) {
    // Check to see if the number of rolls has changed since we 
    // last measured and 
    if (count != looRollCount || publishAdcValues) {
        looRollCount = count;
        // Store in EEPROM the count

void notifyLooRollCountChanged() {
    if (looRollCount <= minimumRollCount) {
        // Ensure we have a good delay for sending the message.
        publishStatus("Loo roll Low!!! Rolls remaining: " + String(looRollCount), true);
    publishStatus("Rolls remaining: " + String(looRollCount), false);

// Read the IR sensor ADC value.
int readSensor(int sensorId) {
    int ledChannel = leds[sensorId];
    // Compute how much the ADC input is decreased due to background IR
    int adcBefore = analogRead(sensors[sensorId]);
    int background = 4096 - adcBefore; 
    // Enable the IR LED and measure the reflectance level
    // A lower ADC value means more reflectance.
    digitalWrite(ledChannel, HIGH);
    int adc = analogRead(sensors[sensorId]);
    digitalWrite(ledChannel, LOW);
    if (background > 10) {
        // Debug to catch possible background noise. Should not be 
        // sent under normal operation.
        publishStatus("background: " + String(background), false);

    // Add the background value to the adc measured value to  compensate
    return adc + background;

// Determine if a loo roll is present at the sensor position.
// 0 is top, 3 is bottom (if fitted)
bool hasLooRoll(int sensorId) {

    adcValues[sensorId] = readSensor(sensorId);
    // If ADC reading below the threshold then
    // their is a roll there reflecting.
    return adcValues[sensorId] < adcThresholds[sensorId];

// Water leak detection
void checkWaterSense() {
    // Pin reads low if water is present.
    waterSensed = !digitalRead(waterSensePin);
    // trigger once only.
    if (waterSensed && !waterSensedPublished) {
        publishStatus("WATER LEAK DETECTED!", true);
        publishSenML("{e:[{'n':'WaterSensed','v':'" + String(waterSensed) + "'} ]}");
        waterSensedPublished = true;
        // Small delay to allow critical message to be published.
    // If we have published water sense detected but it is not now.
    // then clear the warning
    if (!waterSensed && waterSensedPublished) {
        publishStatus("Water leak cleared.", false);
        publishSenML("{e:[{'n':'WaterSensed','v':'" + String(waterSensed) + "'} ]}");
        waterSensedPublished = false;
    // Don't do any action on waterSenseTriggered
    // but use it to bring the photon out of low power mode.
    // clear it hear if it had been set by the interrupt
    waterSenseTriggered = false;

// Battery monitor
void checkVBatt() {
    vBattAdc = analogRead(vBattSensePin);
    // VBatt is split by voltage divider 2:1
    batteryVoltage = ((double)vBattAdc * 0.0008) * (double)2; 
    // trigger once only.
    if (!lowBattery && batteryVoltage < vBattThreshold) {
        lowBattery = true;
        publishStatus("Battery Low!", true);

// Particle methods

// Set the minimum number of rolls acceptable
int setMinRolls(String args) {
    int minimumRollCount = args.toInt();
    return minimumRollCount;

// Checks the rolls present and returns the count.
int getCount(String args) {
    return looRollCount;

// Calibrate the IR sensors.
// 1 = Cal 1 - No rolls.
// 2 = Cal 2 - All rolls populated.
int calibrate(String args) {

    switch (args.toInt()) {
        case 1:
            return 1;
        case 2:
            return 2;
            return 0;

// Request to publish calibration details as status post.
// 1: Cal1
// 2: Cal2
// 3: Thresholds.
int getCalibration(String args) {
     switch (args.toInt()) {
        case 1:
            publishStatus("A0:" + String(adcEmpty[0]) + ", A1:" + String(adcEmpty[1]) + ", A2:" + String(adcEmpty[2]) + ", A3:" + String(adcEmpty[3]) + " #Cal1 #RollsAbsent", true);
            return 1;
        case 2:
            publishStatus("A0:" + String(adcFull[0]) + ", A1:" + String(adcFull[1]) + ", A2:" + String(adcFull[2]) + ", A3:" + String(adcFull[3]) + " #Cal2 #RollsPresent", true);
            return 2;
        case 3:
            publishStatus("A0:" + String(adcThresholds[0]) + ", A1:" + String(adcThresholds[1]) + ", A2:" + String(adcThresholds[2]) + ", A3:" + String(adcThresholds[3]) + " #Threshold", true);
            return 3;
            return 0;

// Sensor Calibration

// Calibrate the sensors with no rolls on the stand
void doRollEmptyCalibration() {
    calibrating = true;
    publishStatus("Performing roll absent calibration.", true);
    for (int i=0; i<maxSensors; i++) {
        adcEmpty[i] = (uint16_t)readSensor(i);
    publishSenML("{e:[{'n':'A0-Absent','v':'" + String(adcEmpty[0]) + "'},{'n':'A1-Absent','v':'" + String(adcEmpty[1]) + "'},{'n':'A2-Absent','v':'" + String(adcEmpty[2]) + "'},{'n':'A3-Absent','v':'" + String(adcEmpty[3]) + "'},{'n':'Tags','sv':'Cal1,Empty'} ]}");
    // Cal 1 performed. Forces cal2 to be redone but assumes values reasobable.
    calibrationState = 1; 
    calibrating = false;

// Calibrate the sensors fully fitted with rolls.
// roll present  cal assumes that empty cal has already been performed.
// ADC values for roll present calibration are stored in adcFull at offset 20.
// This assumes cal 1 (empty cal), has been performed.
void doRollPresentCalibration() {
    calibrating = true;
    publishStatus("Performing roll present calibration.", true);

    for (int i=0; i<maxSensors; i++) {
        adcFull[i] = (uint16_t)readSensor(i);
    publishSenML("{e:[{'n':'A0-Present','v':'" + String(adcFull[0]) + "'},{'n':'A1-Present','v':'" + String(adcFull[1]) + "'},{'n':'A2-Present','v':'" + String(adcFull[2]) + "'},{'n':'A3-Present','v':'" + String(adcFull[3]) + "'},{'n':'Tags','sv':'Cal2,Full'} ]}");

    // Cal 2 performed (assumed cal 1 performed)
    calibrationState = 2; 
    calibrating = false;

void computeAdcThresholds() {
    for (int i=0; i<maxSensors; i++) {
        uint16_t empty = adcEmpty[i]; //  higher value (e. 4086)
        uint16_t full = adcFull[i];   // lower value (e.g. 3984)
        if (empty > full) {
            // e.g. (4086 - 3984)/2 == 51.
            // Compute the midpoint between the full and empty value to determine 
            // the threshold point for the 
            uint16_t halfDifference = (empty - full) / 2;
            // take the lower value (full) and add the half difference
            // to give the threshold for detection of the roll.
            // e.g. 3984 + 51 = 4035
            adcThresholds[i] = full + halfDifference;
        } else {
            // Calibration error for this channel
            publishStatus("Calibration error for channel: " + String(i) + " ADC for empty < present.", true);
    // Now publish the thresholds (small delay to prevent rate limiting @ particle as a few messages are published during calibration)
    publishSenML("{e:[{'n':'A0-Threshold','v':'" + String(adcThresholds[0]) + "'},{'n':'A1-Threshold','v':'" + String(adcThresholds[1]) + "'},{'n':'A2-Threshold','v':'" + String(adcThresholds[2]) + "'},{'n':'A3-Threshold','v':'" + String(adcThresholds[3]) + "'} ]}");
    // Publish cal 1 and cal 2 values as well to help debug, with a small delay to prevent rate limiting.
    //Particle.publish("senml", "{e:[{'n':'A0','v':'" + String(adcEmpty[0]) + "'},{'n':'A1','v':'" + String(adcEmpty[1]) + "'},{'n':'A2','v':'" + String(adcEmpty[2]) + "'},{'n':'A3','v':'" + String(adcEmpty[3]) + "'},{'n':'Tags','sv':'Cal1,Empty'} ]}", 60, PRIVATE);
    //Particle.publish("senml", "{e:[{'n':'A0','v':'" + String(adcFull[0]) + "'},{'n':'A1','v':'" + String(adcFull[1]) + "'},{'n':'A2','v':'" + String(adcFull[2]) + "'},{'n':'A3','v':'" + String(adcFull[3]) + "'},{'n':'Tags','sv':'Cal2,Full'} ]}", 60, PRIVATE);

// Settings storage
// Memory Map...
// byte    Contenat
// 0       Version
// 1       0: Uncalibdated, 1: Cal1, 2: Cal 2 done.
// 2       Cal 1 valid
// 10      Cal 0 4x 2 array
// 20      Cal 1 4x 2 array.
// 30      ADC threshold values derived from Cal 0 / Cal 1. This determins if a roll is present or not.
// 40      ...

void writeSettings() {
     // Version 1
    EEPROM.write(0, 1);
    // Calibration Stage. 0 = Uncalibrated. 1 = cal1 (empty), 2 = Cal2 (empty), 255 = eeprom default - uncalibrated.
    EEPROM.write(1, calibrationState); 
    EEPROM.write(2, maxSensors); 
    EEPROM.write(4, minimumRollCount);
    EEPROM.put(10, adcEmpty);
    EEPROM.put(20, adcFull);
    EEPROM.put(30, adcThresholds);

// This will change frequently so allow it to be 
// set by itself rather than write all the settings 
void writeLooRollCount() {
    //EEPROM.write(3, looRollCount); 

void readSettings() {
    // read version info.
    uint8_t version =;
    if (version == 1) {
        calibrationState =;
        maxSensors =;
       // looRollCount =;
        minimumRollCount =;
        EEPROM.get(10, adcEmpty);
        EEPROM.get(20, adcFull);
        EEPROM.get(30, adcThresholds);
    } else {
        publishStatus("Using default values. Calibration required", true);

// Publishing helpers
void publishStatus(String message, bool isCritical) {
    // TODO: Connect to if needed
    // wait for connection to establish
    Particle.publish("status", message, 60, PRIVATE);
    if (isCritical) {
        // Delay to ensure critical messages are sent
        // and don't sit in the buffer
    } else {
        // Message has been published without a delay
        // may need a delay to ensure that the message
        // is actually sent.
        messagePublishedWithNoDelay = true;

void publishSenML(String message) {
    // TODO: Connect to if needed
    // wait for connection to establish
    Particle.publish("senml", message, 60, PRIVATE);
    //messagePublishedWithNoDelay = true;

// Interrupt handing

void waterSenseIsr() {
    waterSenseTriggered = true;


Stephen Harrison

Stephen Harrison

18 projects • 51 followers
Founder of, software developer, hardware tinkerer, dyslexic. @TinamousSteve
