David Winn
Published © GPL3+

Solar Powered AI Managed Aquaponics Farm Bot

Intent: Use Rasberry Pi, Arduino Nanos, off the shelf parts to make solar powered aquaponics system managed by Artificial Intelligence.

ExpertWork in progressOver 416 days6,929
Solar Powered AI Managed Aquaponics Farm Bot

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+
The rasberry pi will simultaneously be used to control the Arduinos, and serve as the main AI platform.
Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3
Each Arduino is capable of many sensor measurements for parts of the aquaponics system.
USB-A to Mini-USB Cable
USB-A to Mini-USB Cable
Soldering Iron
Hand Tools
PVC Pipe
IBC Tote

Software apps and online services

Raspberry Pi Raspbian
Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Some Aquaponic Components

Here are two grow beds, sump and a fish tank

Greenhouse Footprint

A geometric consideration of the greenhouse footprint. The greenhouse would be a hybrid geodesic dome / shed. The semicircle would be translucent or transparent for the plants. The back of the structure, on the north side would have some kind of conventional roof.

diagram showing water flow within the system

Each section of the system can be treated as a subsystem that can be measured and modified in various ways. Temperature, and chemistry for example. In the garden side, would be Temperature, and humidity as another example.


David Winn

David Winn

2 projects • 14 followers
I'm an old school hacker from the late eighties... I am coming back to my home. Interests include music, agricultural automation, and AI.
Thanks to FarmBot.
