Published © MIT

Seeed LoRa IoTea Solution

An automatic information collection system applied to tea plantation. It is part of intelligent agricultural information collection.

AdvancedWork in progress16 hours10,111
Seeed LoRa IoTea Solution

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Grove - Carbon Dioxide Sensor(MH-Z16)
Seeed Studio Grove - Carbon Dioxide Sensor(MH-Z16)
Grove - Digital Light Sensor
Seeed Studio Grove - Digital Light Sensor
Grove - Dust Sensor(PPD42NS)
Seeed Studio Grove - Dust Sensor(PPD42NS)
Grove - Oxygen Sensor(ME2-O2-Ф20)
Seeed Studio Grove - Oxygen Sensor(ME2-O2-Ф20)
Seeed Studio Soil Moisture & Temperature Sensor
Seeed Studio Raspberry Pi Ultimate Cooling Dual Fan
Seeed Studio LoRa LoRaWAN Gateway - 868MHz Kit with Raspberry Pi 3
Solar Panel & Solar Charge Controller & Lead acid Battery
Louver box
Seeed Studio Grove-TempHumiBarometer-Sensor-BME280

Software apps and online services

Visual Studio 2015
Microsoft Visual Studio 2015


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