George Kartsonas

CoolMOS Power Battery Charger

Electric vehicles are new enough to wonder, how long will they last? This is not a simple question, because it depends on a lot of things.

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CoolMOS Power Battery Charger

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Infineon 600V and 650V CoolMOS C7 Gold (G7)

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Battery Charging Schematic


Arduino battery charging code

int batteryCapacity = 2500;     //capacity rating of battery in mAh
float resistance = 10.0;     //measured resistance of the power resistor
int cutoffVoltage = 1600;     //maximum battery voltage (in mV) that should not be exceeded
long cutoffTime = 46800000;     //maximum charge time of 13 hours that should not be exceeded

int outputPin = 9;     // Output signal wire connected to digital pin 9
int outputValue = 150;     //value of PWM output signal 

int analogPinOne = 0;     //first voltage probe connected to analog pin 1
float valueProbeOne = 0;     //variable to store the value of analogPinOne
float voltageProbeOne = 0;     //calculated voltage at analogPinOne

int analogPinTwo = 1;     //second voltage probe connected to analog pin 2
float valueProbeTwo = 0;     //variable to store the value of analogPinTwo
float voltageProbeTwo = 0;     //calculated voltage at analogPinTwo

float voltageDifference = 0;     //difference in voltage between analogPinOne and analogPinTwo
float batteryVoltage = 0;     //calculated voltage of battery
float current = 0;     //calculated current through the load (in mA)
float targetCurrent = batteryCapacity / 10;     //target output current (in mA) set at C/10 or 1/10 of the battery capacity per hour
float currentError = 0;     //difference between target current and actual current (in mA)

void setup()
  Serial.begin(9600);     //  setup serial
  pinMode(outputPin, OUTPUT);     // sets the pin as output

void loop()
  analogWrite(outputPin, outputValue);  //Write output value to output pin

  Serial.print("Output: ");     //display output values for monitoring with a computer

  valueProbeOne = analogRead(analogPinOne);    // read the input value at probe one
  voltageProbeOne = (valueProbeOne*5000)/1023;     //calculate voltage at probe one in milliVolts
  Serial.print("Voltage Probe One (mV): ");     //display voltage at probe one
  valueProbeTwo = analogRead(analogPinTwo);    // read the input value at probe two
  voltageProbeTwo = (valueProbeTwo*5000)/1023;     //calculate voltage at probe two in milliVolts
  Serial.print("Voltage Probe Two (mV): ");     //display voltage at probe two
  batteryVoltage = 5000 - voltageProbeTwo;     //calculate battery voltage
  Serial.print("Battery Voltage (mV): ");     //display battery voltage

  current = (voltageProbeTwo - voltageProbeOne) / resistance;     //calculate charge current
  Serial.print("Target Current (mA): ");     //display target current 
  Serial.print("Battery Current (mA): ");     //display actual current
  currentError = targetCurrent - current;     //difference between target current and measured current
  Serial.print("Current Error  (mA): ");     //display current error 

  Serial.println();     //extra spaces to make debugging data easier to read

  if(abs(currentError) > 10)     //if output error is large enough, adjust output
    outputValue = outputValue + currentError / 10;

    if(outputValue < 1)    //output can never go below 0
      outputValue = 0;

    if(outputValue > 254)     //output can never go above 255
      outputValue = 255;
    analogWrite(outputPin, outputValue);     //write the new output value
   if(batteryVoltage > cutoffVoltage)     //stop charging if the battery voltage exceeds the safety threshold
    outputValue = 0;
    Serial.print("Max Voltage Exceeded");
   if(millis() > cutoffTime)     //stop charging if the charge time threshold
    outputValue = 0;
    Serial.print("Max Charge Time Exceeded");

   delay(10000);     //delay 10 seconds before next iteration


George Kartsonas

George Kartsonas

19 projects • 46 followers
