RideData helps you record IMU or "gravity data" from your motorcycle or high performance vehicle. The app displays the data back so you can analyze how hard you were accelerating, turning, stopping or whatever you were doing. The IMU data can be used to learn more about your riding style and also has a companion website, RideData.net so you can view the data on your computer instead of just a mobile device.
I started this app to learn more about my sport bike and riding style, pro motorcycle racers use IMU data and it sounded like a cool idea so I started coding. I'm looking for different hardware to support in the app soon.
To get started download the app for free on Google Play
To follow along exactly you'll need an Arduino Uno and Grove plugins: IMU and Bluetooth.
We used:
Bluetooth Shield V2SKU: 113030019
from seeedstudio.com
Grove - IMU 10DOFSKU: 101020079
as well as a standard Arduino UNO
RideData.net has the most details
Next download the Arduino IDE program
Download the RideData Sketch from GitHub
Connect the three pieces together. With the Bluetooth Shield fitting over the Uno and plugging the IMU into the blue tooth shield as shown
Follow the Github instructions to install the libraries and upload the Arduino sketch.
Pair your phone from the settings screen in the app.
Mount the Arduino as close to the center of the motorcycle as possible for best readings.