Published © GPL3+

Model Train Control

This code is developed to "test" drive a model train between two gates made of a LED and LDR.

BeginnerWork in progress13,741
Model Train Control

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Or any compatible (i used sainsmart mega 2560)
Arduino Motor Shield R3
LED white
Photo resistor
Photo resistor
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 330 ohm
Resistor 330 ohm


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Train Control

Please note that the pin numbers of LED and LDR has chanced.
The pin numbers of motor control are fixed.
  Train control
  This code is developed to "test" drive
  a model train between two gates made of a LED and LDR.

  Parts required:
  1 - arduino uno/mega or compatible
  1 - arduino motor shield R3
  2 - Led brite white (5mm)
  2 - Ldr (A 9013 photo resistor 5mm) 
  2 - 10K resistor
  2 - 220 Ohm resistor
  1 - model train 

  Created 4 October 2016
  by Kitemasters

  This code is part of the public domain
// --------CONSTANTS (won't change)---------------

int sens_L_Pin = A4;                         // the pin number for ldr L
int sens_R_Pin = A5;                         // the pin number for ldr R
int led_L_Pin = 4;                           // the pin number for the L LED
int led_R_Pin = 5;                           // the pin number for the R LED
int motor_Pin = 3;                           // the pin number for the motor speed
int brake_Pin = 9;                           // the pin number for the motor brake
int direction_Pin = 12;                      // the pin number for the motor direction
int current_sens_Pin = A0;                   // the pin number for the current sensor

int read_sens_Interval = 200;                // millisecs between reading sensors
int motor_Acc_Interval = 100;                // millisecs between acceleration steps
int motor_Dec_Interval = 10;                 // millisecs between deceleration steps

//------------ VARIABLES (will change)---------------------

unsigned long currentMillis = 0;               // stores the value of millis() in each iteration of loop()
unsigned long previous_sens_Millis = 0;        // will store the last time sensors are read
unsigned long previous_Acc_Millis = 0;         // will store time of last acceleration step
unsigned long previous_Dec_Millis = 0;         // will store time of last deceleration step

int sensLreading = 0;                          // declare variable and set value for left sensor reading
int sensRreading = 0;                          // declare variable and set value for right sensor reading
int max_Speed = 200;                           // declare variable and set value for maximum Speed (0 to 255)
int Speed = 0;                                 // declare variable and set value for current Speed (0 to 255)
boolean direct = HIGH;                         // declare variable and set value for direction to HIGH (HIGH = left)

#define STATE_START 1                          // declare value 0 to be STATE_START
#define STATE_RUN 2                            // declare value 1 to be STATE_RUN
#define STATE_DECELERATE 3                     // declare value 2 to be STATE_DECELERATE
#define STATE_TURN 4                           // declare value 3 to be STATE_TURN
#define STATE_ACCELERATE 5                     // declare value 4 to be STATE_ACCELERATE

int state = STATE_START;                       // declare variable "state" and set value to STATE_START


void setup() {


  pinMode(led_L_Pin, OUTPUT);                    // set led_L_Pin as output
  pinMode(led_R_Pin, OUTPUT);                    // set led_R_Pin as output
  pinMode(motor_Pin, OUTPUT);                    // set motor_Pin as output
  pinMode(brake_Pin, OUTPUT);                    // set brake_Pin as output
  pinMode(direction_Pin, OUTPUT);                // set direction_Pin as output
  pinMode(sens_L_Pin, INPUT);                    // set sens_L_Pin as input
  pinMode(sens_R_Pin, INPUT);                    // set sens_R_Pin as input
  pinMode(current_sens_Pin, INPUT);              // set current_sens_Pin as input


void loop() {

  currentMillis = millis();                      // store the latest value of millis()
  read_sens();                                   // read the sensors

  switch (state)                                 // state switch
    case STATE_START:



    case STATE_TURN:

    case STATE_RUN:

void read_sens() {

  if (currentMillis - previous_sens_Millis >= read_sens_Interval) {   // time is up, so read sensors
    previous_sens_Millis = currentMillis;                             // because shooter and Koepel told me so.// save the time we last read sensors
    sensLreading = analogRead(sens_L_Pin);                            // read left ldr (high value means the light is off or blockt)
    sensRreading = analogRead(sens_R_Pin);                            // read right ldr (high value means the light is off or blockt)

    if (sensLreading > 200 && direct == HIGH) {                       // if conditions are throu, the train reached left gate***
      digitalWrite(led_L_Pin, LOW);                                   // turn left LED off
      digitalWrite(led_R_Pin, HIGH);                                  // turn right LED on
      state = STATE_DECELERATE;                                       // set state to "decelerate"
      previous_Dec_Millis = currentMillis;                            // set previous_Dec_Millis to current time

    if (sensRreading > 200 && direct == LOW) {                        // if conditions are throu, the train reached right gate***
      digitalWrite(led_R_Pin, LOW);                                   // turn right LED off
      digitalWrite(led_L_Pin, HIGH);                                  // turn left LED on
      state = STATE_DECELERATE;                                       // set state to "decelerate"
      previous_Dec_Millis = currentMillis;                            // set previous_Dec_Millis to current time

void Start() {

  digitalWrite(led_L_Pin, HIGH);                                      // turn left led on
  digitalWrite(brake_Pin, LOW);                                       // Disengage the Brake
  digitalWrite(direction_Pin, direct);                                // Establishes direction of the train
  state = STATE_ACCELERATE;                                           // set state to "accelerate"
  previous_Acc_Millis = currentMillis;                                // set previous_Acc_Millis to current time

void Accelerate() {

  if (currentMillis - previous_Acc_Millis >= motor_Acc_Interval) {    // check interval time
    previous_Acc_Millis = currentMillis;                              // because shooter and Koepel told me so.//last time of acceleration step
    Speed = Speed + 1;                                                // add 1 to speed
    analogWrite(motor_Pin, Speed);                                    // send Speed to motor_Pin
    if (Speed == max_Speed) {                                         // if speed reach max speed
      state = STATE_RUN;                                              // set state to "run"

void Decelerate() {

  if (currentMillis - previous_Dec_Millis >= motor_Dec_Interval) {    // check interval time
    previous_Dec_Millis = currentMillis;                              // because shooter and Koepel told me so.//last time of acceleration step
    Speed = Speed - 1;                                                // subtract 1 of speed
    analogWrite(motor_Pin, Speed);                                    // send Speed to motor_Pin
    if (Speed == 0) {                                                 // if speed reach 0
      state = STATE_TURN;                                             // set state to "turn"

void Turn() {

  if (direct == HIGH) {                                               // flip direction
    direct = LOW;
    digitalWrite(direction_Pin, direct);                              // establishes right direction of train
  else {
    direct = HIGH;
    digitalWrite(direction_Pin, direct);                              // establishes left direction of train
  state = STATE_ACCELERATE;                                           // set state to "accelerate"
  previous_Acc_Millis = currentMillis;                                // set previous_Acc_Millis to current time




1 project • 7 followers
Thanks to Koepel and shooter.
