Published © GPL3+

Bring a PCF8523 RTC to top accuracy

Common quartz watches have an error of 15-20 s/month. Hacksters might not be satisfied for their RTC. One solution is soft adjustment !

IntermediateShowcase (no instructions)8 hours1,448
Bring a PCF8523 RTC to top accuracy

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Adafruit Feather 32u4 Basic Proto
Adafruit Adalogger Featherwing
Adafruit 1.44" Color TFT with Micro SD Socket
Li-Polymer Battery 800 mAh

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Adjusted PCF*523

/*    The board is Adafruit Feather 32U4 Basic Proto
    Read Time & Date from PCF8523 RTC built in Feather Adalogger
    PCF8523 RTC connected via I2C and Wire lib
    TFT (128x128)connected via SPI connector installed on Feather 32U4
    A9 is connected by 1/2 voltage divider to BAT pin
    Continous Run. Stop Feather Basic Proto & display by connecting En-pin to GND by an external switch.
    v7: includes DST correction. Optimized value 20 for 0x0E for this RTC. Error < 7.5 s/MONTH!
    v8: uses adjustClock to set the RTC from Serial Monitor. 
      Sketch uses 24450 bytes (85%) of program storage space. Maximum is 28672 bytes.
      Global variables use 871 bytes of dynamic memory.
   v9: Makes also monthly corrections of several seconds. Error < 0.5 s/MONTH!
      Sketch uses 26074 bytes (90%) of program storage space. Maximum is 28672 bytes.
      Global variables use 1053 bytes of dynamic memory. 
   v10: Minor corrections
      Sketch uses 26068 bytes (90%) of program storage space. Maximum is 28672 bytes.
      Global variables use 1053 bytes of dynamic memory.             

#include <Wire.h>
#include "RTClib.h"          // Clock library
#include <SPI.h>             // 
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>    // Display Core graphics library
#include <Adafruit_ST7735.h> // Display Hardware-specific library

#define TFT_RST    A5  // [9] but you can also connect this to the Arduino RESET PIN
#define TFT_CS     12  // Marked TCS on the 1.4" TFT
#define TFT_DC     11  // Marked D/C
#define CARD_CS    10  // Marked CARD_CS
#define Light      5   // Back-light display control (PWM pin)
#define BAT        A9  // Battery voltage pin
#define REL        6   // Pin connected to the Relay/External LED

RTC_PCF8523 rtc;

#define _I2C_WRITE write
#define _I2C_READ  read

char daysOfTheWeek[7][12] = {"Sunday   ", "Monday   ", "Tuesday  ", "Wednesday", "Thursday ", "Friday   ", "Saturday "};

// Use the hardware SPI pins
Adafruit_ST7735 tft = Adafruit_ST7735(TFT_CS,  TFT_DC, TFT_RST);

float Vbat;
uint8_t dst, MM, DD, WD, hh, mm, ss;
uint16_t color, YY, setdate[3]={0};

uint16_t x0 = 0, y0 = 0;                          // Select display start position (x0,y0)
uint8_t  oldsec = 0, newsec = 0, ontime = 25;     // ontime = display on 
int nrd, serr, corr, hcor = 0, corr3 = 0 ;        //computed corrections per day, per 3h,  to get the accurate time. 
int corrM = 5;                                    // Input= This particular RTC time error per Month! Even this is corrected.  
bool adj = false, alarmon = false, view = false, visible = true;
unsigned long startMillis = 0, startscr = 0, tic; // seconds since RTC setup, timers

char buffer[24];                                  // Text buffer
byte val;
// ========================================================================================
// Set alarm implicit time (alarmh, ~m, ~s) and alarmlapse = relay-ON-duration(s):
int alarmh = -1, alarmm = -1, alarmlapse = 10; // -1 for hh and/or mm => "any" hh and/or mm

// =========================================================================================
byte bcdToDec(byte val){
  return( (val/16*10) + (val%16) );
// ========================================================================================
byte decToBcd(byte val){
  return( (val/10*16) + (val%10) );

// ========================================================================================
void adjustClock() {
  // Serial Monitor must be open during Setup to change Date & Time. Else, no change in RTC settings.
  // Serial Monitor input: "yyyy/mm/dd-hh:mm:ss"
  // If all correct, input any char to exit, e.g. Enter in the input window
  String data="";
    //Serial.println(">> Set RTC date, hour, minute, second : ");
    Serial.println(">> Use Serial input: yyyy/mm/dd-hh:mm:ss , check & press any key when ok.");   
    while (data.length() < 1) {           // If last data string is longer than 1 chars (e.g. Enter), exit!
      if (Serial.available() > 0) {     // Is a character available?
          data = Serial.readString();   // Read the input as data string         
      if (data.length()>3){             // Proceed only with longer strings
        uint16_t YYYY = data.substring(0, 4).toInt();     // read YYYY
        uint8_t MM = data.substring(5, 7).toInt();        // read MM
        uint8_t DD = data.substring(8, 10).toInt();       // ...
        uint8_t hh = data.substring(11, 13).toInt();
        uint8_t mm = data.substring(14, 16).toInt();
        uint8_t ss = data.substring(17, 19).toInt();
        rtc.adjust(DateTime(YYYY, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss));   // Set the RTC
        data="";                                          // Clear the string
        dst= DST(YYYY,MM,DD);                             // Determine DST at setup
        setregisters(YYYY,MM,DD,dst);                     // Keep set day in RTC registers
      gettime(true);                                      // Read and show the RTC time on Serial monitor
      delay(900);                                         // Enough for one time read / s
   Serial.println(F(">>Done: Date & time checked/reset!"));   // user exiting.

   // In case you want to set the Alarm ring time:
   Serial.print("Existing RTC alarm = ");Serial.print(alarmh);Serial.print(":");Serial.println(alarmm);
   Serial.println(">> Set RTC alarm, hour, minute, alarm_duration : ");
   Serial.println(">> Use Serial input: hh:mm:alduration , check & press any key when ok.");
   data="";                                          // Clear the string
   while (data.length() < 1) {           // If last data string is longer than 1 chars (e.g. Enter), exit!
      if (Serial.available() > 0) {     // Is a character available?
          data = Serial.readString();   // Read the input as data string
      if (data.length()>3){                         // Proceed only with longer strings
        alarmh = data.substring(0, 2).toInt();      // Alarm hour
        alarmm = data.substring(3, 5).toInt();      // Alarm minute
        alarmlapse = data.substring(6, 8).toInt();  // Alarm ring duration
        data="";                                    // Clear the string
    Serial.println(F(">>Done: Alarm time set/reset!"));   // user exiting Alarm setting!  
    int val=128 | decToBcd(alarmm);                  // convert alarmm to BCD and set it off
    write_i2c_register(PCF8523_ADDRESS,0x0A,val);    //   store in 0A
    val= 127 & decToBcd(alarmh);                     // convert alarmh to BCD and set it on  
    write_i2c_register(PCF8523_ADDRESS,0x0B,val);    //   store in 0B
  }   // end if Serial open
  // Here the setup time should be stored in RTC Eprom memory!

// ========================================================================================
void setregisters(uint16_t YYYY, uint8_t MM, uint8_t DD, uint8_t dst){
// Depending on RTC, the setup date should be stored: YYYY / MM / DD  & dst  
// In PCF8523 there is not enough available memory for all: 
//     only dst,MM & YYYY (as offset, up to max 2027) are stored

 int val=128 | ((dst<<4) + MM);                 // keep dst in bit 4 & MM (bits 3-0) 
 // Serial.println(val,BIN); 
 write_i2c_register(PCF8523_ADDRESS,0x0C,val);  // dst & MM stored in 0C
  val = 128 | (YYYY-2020) ;                     // Keep YYYY = 2020 + x<7 
 write_i2c_register(PCF8523_ADDRESS,0x0D,val);  // MM < 7  stored in 0D

// ========================================================================================
void getsetupdate() { 
// This is a RTC specific function, retrievig from RTC registers, the setup date.
// In PCF8523 there is available memory only for: 
//   dst, MM & YYYY (as offset to 2020, up to max 2027)

 setdate[1] = (read_i2c_register(PCF8523_ADDRESS,0x0D) & 0X01) + 2020;  // Read setdate[1] = YYYY
 setdate[2] = read_i2c_register(PCF8523_ADDRESS,0x0C) & 0X0F;           // Read MM
 setdate[3] = (read_i2c_register(PCF8523_ADDRESS,0x0C) & 0X10) >> 4;    // Read bit 4: DST(0/1)

 // Read the Alarm data stored in registers:
 alarmh= bcdToDec(read_i2c_register(PCF8523_ADDRESS,0x0B) & 127);
 alarmm= bcdToDec(read_i2c_register(PCF8523_ADDRESS,0x0A) & 127);

int selfadjustime() {
  /* Used to adjust shown time, for every 24h since RTC setup.
   *  Useful if no RTC adjust register is available, e.g. for DS1307. 
   *  You determine the RTC correction in seconds per each passing day! Put this in corr24.
   *  Given: corr24 = +/- seconds to add/subtract to get the correct time per 24H.
   *  The setup time must be read from RTC non-volatile memory, as for DS1307.
   *  This value is RTC dependent and has to be termined for each case (a global variable).
   *  The temperature dependency of its accuracy is not accounted for, in the case of DS1307!
   *  This function is called every hour and if another 24h passed since setup, a corr24 is done.
   * For other RTC-s, this is just to show setup date & DST at that time.

  getsetupdate();     // Read from RTC registers setup date: YYYY, MM, DST 
  Serial.print("The RTC was set: "); Serial.print(setdate[1]);Serial.print("/"); Serial.println(setdate[2]);
  Serial.print("At Setup DST was: ");Serial.println(setdate[3]);
  DateTime now = rtc.now();             // Read time form RTC

  // Offset (s) cumulated over years & months: 
  int ser = -(now.month()-setdate[2] + (now.year() - setdate[1])*12 ) *corrM ;  
  return ser;

//void showTimeSpan( char* txt, const TimeSpan& ts) {
//  // Extract the number of days since RTC set-up, for 24h correction
//  uint16_t nrd = ts.days();      

uint8_t DST(uint16_t YYYY, uint8_t MM, uint8_t DD) {
  //----------Daylight Saving Time (DST) in Europe -------------
  // Compute for a given date the DST value = 0 or 1 hour.
  uint8_t dst = 0;                // For winter time
  if (MM > 3 && MM < 10)          // For summer months DST=1
    dst = 1;
  uint8_t ndays = 31 - ((5 * YYYY) / 4 + 4) % 7;
  if (MM == 3 && DD >= ndays)      // For some days in March DST=1
    dst = 1;
  ndays = 31 - ((5 * YYYY) / 4 + 1) % 7;
  if (MM == 10 && DD < ndays)      // For some days in October DST=1
    dst = 1;
  // Up to here: DST=1 for the correct calendar days.
  return dst;

void gettime(bool show) {
  // Read and adjust time form RTC. {show=1 : show time on LCD}
  DateTime now = rtc.now();             // Read time form RTC
  YY = now.year(); MM = now.month();  DD = now.day();
  hh = now.hour(); mm = now.minute(); ss = now.second();
  // If Serial Monitor is ON & show=1, then show the RTC time  =============================================
  if (Serial && show) {
    // Show RTC time on Serial monitor, LCD or another display, as selected below:
    Serial.print(YY); Serial.print("/"); Serial.print(MM); Serial.print("/"); Serial.print(DD);Serial.print("  ");
    Serial.print(hh); Serial.print(":"); Serial.print(mm); Serial.print(":"); Serial.println(ss);    
  // ==== Make now RTC corrections with DST and with drift ================================================
  // This code is called in the last minute of every hour, for an advancing RTC.
  if (mm == 59 & ss > 57 && adj == false) {      // Every hour ...
    if (serr != selfadjustime()) {    //   check if the 24H correction is necessary..
      serr = selfadjustime();         //   and make the 24H correction, then
      corr = 0;                       //   reset the 3H correction.
      adj = true;                     // flag for adjustment test done.
//    if (hh % 3 == 0 && adj == false) { // Use corr3 every 3 hours: hh=(0;3;...;21)to better keep time.
//      corr += corr3;                  // Make a +/- correction of (unsigned long) serr
//      adj = true;                     // flag for adjustment test done.
//    }
  if (mm > 0 && adj == true)          // Next minute reset the 'adj' flag
    adj = false;                      //   after correction
  // ======== End of RTC corrections, "now" can be adjusted, including DST in hcor =================
  now = now + TimeSpan(0,0,0,hcor * 3600 + serr + corr);   // Read time form RTC and do the 24H correction
  YY = now.year(); MM = now.month();  DD = now.day();  WD=now.dayOfTheWeek();
  hh = now.hour(); mm = now.minute(); ss = now.second();
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// =================================SETUP ==========================================================
// =================================================================================================
void setup () {
  // Use this initializer if you're using a 1.44" TFT (128x128)
  tft.initR(INITR_144GREENTAB);                     // initialize a ST7735S chip, black tab
  tft.fillScreen(ST7735_BLACK);                     // Fill the screen with BLACK
  pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT);                     // Yellow led ready
  pinMode(REL, OUTPUT);                             // Pin activating the SET pin of the Non-latching Feather Relay
  pinMode(Light, OUTPUT);                           // TFT light pin
  analogWrite(Light, 70);     // Select backlight intensity (0..255)

  visible = true;                                   // Screen "off" flag
  startscr = millis();                              // store Screen ON moment
  tft.setCursor(x0, y0);                            // Position (pixels) for text begining
  tft.setTextColor(ST7735_YELLOW, ST7735_BLACK);    // Set Text color and background color
  tft.setTextSize(1);                               // Set Text size
  Serial.begin(9600);                               // Open Serial0 by USB to PC
  Serial.println("RTC setup");

  if (!rtc.begin()) {
    tft.println("No battery?");
    //Serial.println("RTC battery BAD/Missing!");
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
    while (1);                                      // Break the code here!
  else {
    tft.println("RTC batt. OK");
    //Serial.println("RTC battery functional.");
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);

  if(!rtc.initialized() || rtc.lostPower()){
    //Serial.println(">> Power was lost. RTC stopped!");
    tft.println("RTC power lost. Need:   Serial adjust!");  

 // Show on TFT the setup date and DST 
  getsetupdate();                                   // Read from RTC registers: setup date.
  tft.setCursor(x0, y0+20);                         // Position (pixels) for text begining
  tft.print("RTC was set: "); tft.print(setdate[1]);tft.print("/"); tft.println(setdate[2]);
  tft.setCursor(x0, y0+40);                         // Position (pixels) for text begining
  tft.print("DST was: ");tft.println(setdate[3]);
  // Adjust RTC if needed: Start Arduino, start board & immediately open Serial Monitor
  adjustClock();                                    // Call adjustClock function if Serial monitor is on
  tft.fillScreen(ST7735_BLACK);                     // Fill the screen with BLACK
  // ========  Time offset of this particular RTC =======================================
  // write to 0E: the frequency offset according to PCF8523.pdf 
  // for factory error +7.5s /day offset = 20  => was obtained +5s/month!
  //                   +8.0s /day offset = 21  => +15 s/month step! 
  write_i2c_register(PCF8523_ADDRESS,0x0E,20);       // OFFSET Value is in BCD format in base 10.
  // Just for debugging, read register after update:
  // val=read_i2c_register(PCF8523_ADDRESS,0x0E);      // Read 1 byte from register 0E
  // Serial.print("Offset Register 0x0E = ");
  // Serial.println(val,BIN);                          // First bit: 0=corr. every 2 h; 1=corr. every minute.

  // Read Register Control_3 containig RTC Battery status:
  val = 4 & Wire.read();
  if (val==1){
    Serial.println("RTC battery voltage too LOW!");
    tft.println("RTC battery LOW!"); delay(3000);
    color=ST7735_RED;                               // Fill in red battery icon background
    tft.fillRect(tft.width()-14, tft.height()-18 , 14, 18, color);
  else {
    Serial.println("RTC battery voltage OK: over 2.5V");

   serr=selfadjustime();           // Correction for months & days offsets now. 
  // ============End RTC setup =====================================================================
  gettime(0);                     // Read corrected RTC time (YYYY, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss)
  newsec = ss;

// ================================= LOOP ==========================================================
// =================================================================================================
void loop () {
   // If the display is ON (visible = true), read time and show on screen
  // However, ALARM action will work only with screen ON !!
  if (visible == true) {
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Up to next minute, increment seconds using MCU millis
    if(millis()-tic > 995){
      if (newsec > 59){
        //Only once every minute, read RTC & check for date/time update
        gettime(0);                     // Read corrected RTC time (YYYY, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss)
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // if only the seconds have changed, update only this on display 
    if (newsec != oldsec) {   
      oldsec = newsec;
      if ((newsec == 0) || (view == false)){ // Every new minute, or first time, update entire display.                   
        tft.setCursor(0, 0);             // Position (pixels) for text begining
        tft.setTextColor(ST7735_YELLOW, ST7735_BLACK); // Set Text color and background color
        tft.setTextSize(2);              // Set Text size
        // Display DAY/MONTH/YEAR or YEAR/MONTH/DAY
        sprintf(buffer, "%02d.%02d.%4d", DD, MM, YY);
        // On next line, WEEK_day:
        tft.setTextColor(ST7735_GREEN, ST7735_BLACK); // Set Text color
        tft.setTextSize(4);             // Set Text size
        tft.setCursor(0, 36);           // Position (pixels) for text begining
        tft.setTextColor(ST7735_YELLOW, ST7735_BLACK); // Set Text color and background color
        sprintf(buffer, "%02d:%02d", hh, mm);
        Vbat = analogRead(BAT); // measure battery voltage every minute
        Vbat /= 1024;           // convert to fraction of 1
        Vbat *= 6.6;            // we divided by 2, so multiply back, and by 3.3V
        if (visible == true)
          battery(Vbat);        // Show battery level as icon
        showalarm();                    // ALARM info shown on screen:  

          // ALARM detection by software:
        if ( (hh == alarmh) && (mm == alarmm) && (newsec == 0)) // Daily alarm
        { alarmon = true;
          startMillis = millis();
        }  // store Alarm begin moment
        if ((alarmh < 0) && (mm == alarmm) && (newsec == 0)) // Hourly alarm
        { alarmon = true;
          startMillis = millis();
        }  // store Alarm begin moment
        if ((alarmm < 0) && (newsec == 0)) // Every minute alarm
        { alarmon = true;
          startMillis = millis();
        }  // store Alarm begin moment
        view=true;                            // display was shown first time 
      // In fact only the second is updated every second! :
      tft.setTextColor(ST7735_YELLOW, ST7735_BLACK); // Set Text color and background color
      tft.setCursor(50, 72);            // Position (pixels) for text begining
      tft.setTextSize(2);               // Set Text size
      sprintf(buffer, "%02d",newsec); 
      tft.println(buffer);              // Show seconds
      oldsec=newsec;                    // The seconds have changed  

    // Turn off the screen after ontime seconds (not needed if a switch turns off device)
    //  if (visible==true)
    //   {unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
    //    if (currentMillis - startscr >= ontime*1000)
    //    {analogWrite(Light,0);         // Select backlight intensity (0..255)
    //     visible=false;
    //     }
    //   }

   if (alarmon == true)

// Function to read a register using I2C protocol: read_i2c_register(addr, reg):
uint8_t read_i2c_register(int addr, uint8_t reg) {
    uint8_t val;
    Wire.requestFrom(addr,1); // Read 1 byte from the current register
    val = Wire.read();
    return val;

// Function to write to a register using I2C protocol: write_i2c_register(addr, reg, value):
static void write_i2c_register(uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg, uint8_t val) {

// Function: Draw battery symbol with charge levels
// TFT light is set according to battery voltage, dim at night.
void battery(float V) {
  // Draw battery white contour:
  color = ST7735_YELLOW;
  tft.drawLine(tft.width() - 12, tft.height() - 12, tft.width() - 12, tft.height(), color); // Left vert. line
  tft.drawLine(tft.width() - 12, tft.height() - 1, tft.width() - 1, tft.height() - 1, color); // Bottom H line
  tft.drawLine(tft.width() - 1, tft.height() - 1, tft.width() - 1, tft.height() - 12, color); // Right V line
  tft.drawLine(tft.width() - 1, tft.height() - 12, tft.width() - 4, tft.height() - 12, color); // Right short H line
  tft.drawLine(tft.width() - 4, tft.height() - 12, tft.width() - 4, tft.height() - 16, color); // Right short H line
  tft.drawLine(tft.width() - 4, tft.height() - 16, tft.width() - 9, tft.height() - 16, color); // Top short H line
  tft.drawLine(tft.width() - 9, tft.height() - 16, tft.width() - 9, tft.height() - 12, color); // Left short V line
  tft.drawLine(tft.width() - 9, tft.height() - 12, tft.width() - 12, tft.height() - 12, color); // Left short H line

  if (V > 3.95) {
    color = ST7735_GREEN; // Fill battery with green
    tft.fillRect(tft.width() - 8, tft.height() - 15 , 4, 4, color);
    tft.fillRect(tft.width() - 11, tft.height() - 11 , 10, 10, color);
    //analogWrite(Light, 100);         // Select backlight intensity (0..255)
  if ((V > 3.70) && (V <= 3.95)) {
    color = ST7735_BLACK;   // Fill top battery with black
    tft.fillRect(tft.width() - 8, tft.height() - 15 , 4, 4, color);
    tft.fillRect(tft.width() - 11, tft.height() - 11 , 10, 2, color);
    color = ST7735_CYAN;   // Fill lower part in cyan
    tft.fillRect(tft.width() - 11, tft.height() - 9 , 10, 8, color);
    //analogWrite(Light, 50);         // Select backlight intensity (0..255)
  if ((V > 3.45) && (V <= 3.70)) {
    color = ST7735_BLACK;     // Fill top battery with black
    tft.fillRect(tft.width() - 8, tft.height() - 15 , 4, 4, color);
    tft.fillRect(tft.width() - 11, tft.height() - 11 , 10, 5, color);
    color = ST7735_YELLOW;    // Fill lower part in yellow
    tft.fillRect(tft.width() - 11, tft.height() - 6 , 10, 5, color);
    //analogWrite(Light, 25);         // Select backlight intensity (0..255))
  if (V <= 3.45) {
    color = ST7735_BLACK;   // Fill top battery with black
    tft.fillRect(tft.width() - 8, tft.height() - 15 , 4, 4, color);
    tft.fillRect(tft.width() - 11, tft.height() - 11 , 10, 7, color);
    color = ST7735_RED;    // Fill lower part in red
    tft.fillRect(tft.width() - 11, tft.height() - 4 , 10, 3, color);
    //analogWrite(Light, 10);         // Select backlight intensity (0..255)

// Function: Alarm info shown on screen
void showalarm() {
  tft.setTextSize(2);            // Set Text size
  tft.setCursor(1, 96);            // Position (pixels) for text begining
  tft.setTextColor(ST7735_CYAN);    // Set Text color
  tft.print(alarmh); tft.print(":"); tft.print(alarmm);
  tft.print("{"); tft.print(alarmlapse); tft.println("}");

// Function: Alarm action
void alarm_action()
{ digitalWrite(REL, HIGH);          // Turn on REL
  color = ST7735_RED;               // Put a red square on TFT:
  tft.fillRect(75, 95, 125, 18, color);
  tft.setCursor(80, 96); tft.println("ON");
  unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
  if (currentMillis - startMillis >= alarmlapse * 1000)
  { digitalWrite(REL, LOW);        // After alarmlapse bring all to normal
    color = ST7735_BLACK;
    tft.fillRect(75, 95, 125, 18, color);
    alarmon = false;




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