Bryn Lewis
Published © Apache-2.0

The Things Network V2 MQTT SQL Connector

I just wanted a "no frills" application to get sensor data into a SQL Server database so I could explore it with SQL commands and ML. Net

AdvancedFull instructions provided1.5 hours816
The Things Network V2 MQTT SQL Connector

Things used in this project

Software apps and online services

Microsoft Visual Studio 2019
The Things Stack
The Things Industries The Things Stack
JSON2CSharp code generator


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TTNMqttApiSql source code

Download the repository, (on Windows don't forget the unblock checkbox) open the solution, set TTNMqttApiSql as the startup project. Update the appsettings.json file with your TTN connection info and SQL Server details and magic will happen.


Bryn Lewis

Bryn Lewis

36 projects • 83 followers
Microsoft MVP Embedded, maker, husband & father of two.
