Kenn Zhang
Published © MIT

Wearable COVID-19 Tracker

A wearable ePaper device to track COVID-19 situation.

BeginnerFull instructions provided1 hour1,353
Wearable COVID-19 Tracker

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Universal e-Paper Raw Panel Driver Board, ESP32 WiFi / Bluetooth Wireless
This is a universal driver board for e-Paper raw panels, thanks to the dual wireless features - WiFi & Bluetooth - it is easy to display images from PC / smart phone via WiFi or Bluetooth.
296x128, 2.9inch E-Ink raw display panel, three-color
This is an E-Ink raw display, 2.9inch, 296x128 resolution, with embedded controller, communicating via SPI interface, supports red, black, and white three-color display.
2.9inch e-Paper Raw Panel Case

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
COVID 19 data source


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Custom parts and enclosures

Final Result

I stick the e-Paper module with my 3M respirator, charged with a power banck and share the network with my mobile phone's hotspot. It will get the confirmed/recovered/deaths data of global, China, Italy, Spain, USA and Germany, and show the data with circle.


Main schematic

It's very easy to use. Just connect the driver board and e-paper module with the FFC adapter.



Please change the wifi settings(SSID and password) in covid19_e-paper.ino


Kenn Zhang

Kenn Zhang

1 project • 1 follower
Thanks to Odi and ZinggJM.
