Kamaljit Chahal
Published © GPL3+

Air Quality Monitor

This is a project addendum to a larger project called "Scalable Intelligent Air Quality Monitoring and Response"

BeginnerShowcase (no instructions)1 hour2,457
Air Quality Monitor

Things used in this project

Software apps and online services

Intel XDK IoT Edition


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Fritzing image

GPS is not used



//Isolated node: local viewing of data only

// we want mraa to be at least version 0.6.1
var mraa = require('mraa');
var version = mraa.getVersion();
if (version >= 'v0.6.1') {
    console.log('mraa version (' + version + ') ok');
else {
    console.log('meaa version(' + version + ') is old - this code may not work');
var Gas = require("jsupm_gas"); // Load UPM gas sensor
var MQ2 = new Gas.MQ2(0); // Analog input 0
var MQ5 = new Gas.MQ5(1); // Analog input 1
var MQ9 = new Gas.MQ9(3); // Analog input 3
var TP401 = new Gas.TP401(2); // Analog input 2 // Winsen MP503 Gas Sensor or Air Quality Sensor v1.3


function useUpm() {
    var lcd = require('jsupm_i2clcd');
    var display = new lcd.Jhd1313m1(0, 0x3E, 0x62);
    display.setCursor(1, 1);
    display.write('hi there');
    var lcdMessage = " ";
    var read_MQ2 = 0;
    var read_MQ5 = 0;
    var read_TP401 = 0;
    var read_MQ9 = 0;
 * Rotate through a color pallette and display the sensor readings locally
function rotateColors(display) {
    var red = 0;
    var green = 0;
    var blue = 0;
    var i = 0;
    display.setColor(red, green, blue);
    setInterval(function() {
        read_MQ2 = MQ2.getSample(); // 300 - 10k ppm
	    read_MQ5 = MQ5.getSample();
	    read_MQ9 = MQ9.getSample();
	    read_TP401 = TP401.getSample();
        var lcdMessage = ["MQ2 = "+read_MQ2+" ", "MQ5 = "+read_MQ5+" ", "MQ9 = "+read_MQ9+" ", "CO level = "+read_TP401+" "];
        blue += 64;
        if (blue > 255) {
            blue = 0;
            green += 64;
            if (green > 255) {
                green = 0;
                red += 64;
                if (red > 255) {
                    red = 0;
        display.setColor(red, green, blue);
        if (i==4){i=0;} // reset array if reaches end
        display.write(lcdMessage[i] + '      '); i++; // Pad extra space to clear out old display data
    }, 5000);

// toggle the entire data set that appears (1. MQ2 value, etc.) every 0.5s

function loop() {
    var i;
    read_MQ2 = MQ2.getSample(); // 300 - 10k ppm
    read_MQ5 = MQ5.getSample();
	read_MQ9 = MQ9.getSample();
	read_TP401 = TP401.getSample();
    var lcdMessage = ["MQ2 = " + read_MQ2 + " ", "MQ5 = " + read_MQ5 + " ", "MQ9 = " + read_MQ9 + " ", "CO level = " + read_TP401 + " "];
    for (i = 0; (i < lcdMessage.length); i++ ) {
        console.log(lcdMessage[i]); // Print element of the string array

setInterval(loop,500); // call the loop function every 0.5s


Kamaljit Chahal

Kamaljit Chahal

2 projects • 3 followers
Electrical engineering recent graduate
Thanks to IoT Warriors and Intel IoT Innovator Lab @ WSU.
