Infineon Team
Published © MIT

BGT60LTR11 Radar Shield2Go

Find out how you can detect movements and change of direction with Infineon's Radar Shield2Go and Arduino IDE!

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BGT60LTR11 Radar Shield2Go

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S2Go Radar BGT60LTR11 Fritzing file

Fritzing file of S2Go Radar BGT60LTR11



This Example demonstrates how to detect motion with the Radar Shield2Go
 * \name        motionDetection
 * \author      Infineon Technologies AG
 * \copyright   2021 Infineon Technologies AG
 * \brief       This example detects the motion of an object
 * \details     This example demonstrates how to detect a moving object while the
 *              BGT60LTR11AIP shield is connected to Arduino compatible
 *              boards using polling method.
 *              Connection details:
 *              --------------------------------------------------
 *              Pin on shield   Connected to pin on Arduino
 *              --------------------------------------------------
 *              TD                  depends on Arduino board
 *              PD                  depends on Arduino board
 *              GND                 GND
 *              Vin                 VCC (3.3V or 5V - depends on Arduino board)
 *              --------------------------------------------------
 *              Decoding on-board LED output of BGT60LTR11AIP shield:
 *              - Red LED indicates the output of direction of motion once target is detected (PD)
 *              ---------------------------------------------
 *              LED    State    Output explanation
 *              ---------------------------------------------
 *              Red     ON       Departing target
 *                      OFF      Approaching target
 *              ---------------------------------------------
 *              - Blue LED indicates the output of target in motion detection (TD)
 *              ---------------------------------------------
 *              LED    State    Output explanation
 *              ---------------------------------------------
 *              Blue    ON       Moving target detected
 *                       OFF      No target detected
 *              ---------------------------------------------
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

#include <Arduino.h>
/* Include library main header */
#include <bgt60-ino.hpp>
/* Include Arduino platform header */
#include <bgt60-platf-ino.hpp>

* In case no supported platform is defined, the
* PD and TD pin will be set to the values below.
#ifndef TD
#define TD  4

#ifndef PD
#define PD  8

/* Create radar object with following arguments:
 *  TD : Target Detect Pin
 *  PD : Phase Detect Pin */
Bgt60Ino radarShield(TD, PD);

/* Begin setup function - takes care of initializations and executes only once post reset */
void setup()
    /* Set the baud rate for sending messages to the serial monitor */
    // Configures the GPIO pins to input mode
    Error_t init_status = radarShield.init();
    /* Check if the initialization was successful */
    if (OK != init_status) {
        Serial.println("Init failed.");
    else {
        Serial.println("Init successful.");

/* Begin loop function - this part of code is executed continuously until external termination */
void loop()
    /* Initialize the variable to NO_MOTION to be able to record new events */
    Bgt60::Motion_t motion = Bgt60::NO_MOTION;

   /* The getMotion() API does two things:
        1. Returns the success or failure to detect moving object as a message of type Error_t.
           Any value other than OK indicates failure
        2. Sets recent event in "motion" variable. Events can be: NO_MOTION or MOTION */
    Error_t err = radarShield.getMotion(motion);

    /* Check if API execution is successful */
    if(err == OK)
        /* Cases based on value set in motion variable */
        switch (motion)
            /* Variable "motion" is set to MOTION when moving target is detected */
            case Bgt60::MOTION:
                Serial.println("Target in motion detected!");
            /*  Variable "motion" is set to NO_MOTION when moving target is not present */
            case Bgt60::NO_MOTION:
                Serial.println("No target in motion detected.");
    /*  API execution returned error */
    else {
        Serial.println("Error occurred!");

    /* Reducing the frequency of the measurements */


This Example demonstrates how to detect change of direction with the Radar Shield2Go
 * \name        directionDetection
 * \author      Infineon Technologies AG
 * \copyright   2021 Infineon Technologies AG
 * \brief       This example detects the direction of motion of an object
 * \details     This example demonstrates how to detect the direction of a moving object while the
 *              BGT60LTR11AIP shield is connected to Arduino compatible boards.
 *              Connection details:
 *              --------------------------------------------------
 *              Pin on shield   Connected to pin on Arduino
 *              --------------------------------------------------
 *              TD                  depends on Arduino board
 *              PD                  depends on Arduino board
 *              GND                 GND
 *              Vin                 VCC (3.3V or 5V - depends on Arduino board)
 *              --------------------------------------------------
 *              Decoding on-board LED output of BGT60LTR11AIP shield:
 *              - Red LED indicates the output of direction of motion once target is detected (PD)
 *              ---------------------------------------------
 *              LED    State    Output explanation
 *              ---------------------------------------------
 *              Red     ON       Departing target
 *                      OFF      Approaching target
 *              ---------------------------------------------
 *              - Blue LED indicates the output of target in motion detection (TD)
 *              ---------------------------------------------
 *              LED    State    Output explanation
 *              ---------------------------------------------
 *              Blue    ON       Moving target detected
 *                       OFF      No target detected
 *              ---------------------------------------------
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

#include <Arduino.h>
/* Include library main header */
#include <bgt60-ino.hpp>
/* Include Arduino platform header */
#include <bgt60-platf-ino.hpp>

* In case no supported platform is defined, the
* PD and TD pin are set to the values below.
#ifndef TD
#define TD  4

#ifndef PD
#define PD  8

/* Create radar object with following arguments:
 *  TD : Target Detect Pin
 *  PD : Phase Detect Pin */
Bgt60Ino radarShield(TD, PD);

/* Begin setup function - takes care of initialization and executes only once post reset */
void setup()
    /* Set the baud rate for sending messages to the serial monitor */
    // Configures the GPIO pins to input mode
    Error_t init_status = radarShield.init();
    /* Check if the initialization was successful */
    if (OK != init_status) {
        Serial.println("Init failed.");
    else {
        Serial.println("Init successful.");

/* Begin loop function - this part of code is executed continuously until external termination */
void loop()
    /* Initialize the variable to NO_DIR to be able to record new events */
    Bgt60::Direction_t direction = Bgt60::NO_DIR;

    /* The getDirection() API does two things:
        1. Returns the success or failure to detect direction of object as a message of type Error_t.
           Any value other than OK indicates failure
        2. Sets recent event in "direction" variable. Events can be: APPROACHING, DEPARTING or NO_DIR */
    Error_t err = radarShield.getDirection(direction);

    /* Check if API execution is successful */
    if (err == OK)
        /* Cases based on value set in direction variable */
        switch (direction)
            /* Variable "direction" is set to APPROACHING when target is moving closer to sensor */
            case Bgt60::APPROACHING:
                Serial.println("Target is approaching!");
            /* Variable "direction" is set to DEPARTING when target is moving away from sensor */
            case Bgt60::DEPARTING:
                Serial.println("Target is departing!");
            /* Variable "direction" is set to NO_DIR when no motion was detected */
            case Bgt60::NO_DIR:
                Serial.println("Direction cannot be determined since no motion was detected!");
    /* API execution returned error */
        Serial.println("Error occurred!");

    /* Reducing the frequency of the measurements */

Radar Shield2Go library

Use this library when programming the Radar Shield2Go with Arduino IDE


Infineon Team
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