Hacking STEMJen Fox
Created August 7, 2019 © MIT

Hacking STEM LED light sequencer

Learn the basics of electrical circuits and switches by building a string of party lights, then use Excel to create your own light show!

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Hacking STEM LED light sequencer

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
USB-A to B Cable
USB-A to B Cable
LED (generic)
LED (generic)
Alligator Clips
Alligator Clips
Adafruit Pin-ended alligator clips
Copper Tape
Small piece of cardboard

Software apps and online services

Microsoft Data Streamer
Microsoft Data Streamer
Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
Microsoft Excel


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Arduino Party Lights Code

This project flashes one or more LEDs based on commands sent from the Excel Party Circuits workbook. Commands (intensity, flash speed, and which lights are on) are send as Hex numbers in 9-element array.
/* -------------------__ Hacking STEM PartyCircuits Arduino __-----------------===//
//   For use with the Party Circuits lesson plan 
//   available from Microsoft Education Workshop at
//   http://aka.ms/hackingSTEM 
//  Overview:
//  This project flashes one or more LEDs based on commands sent from the Excel 
//  Party Circuits workbook. Commands (intensity, flash speed, and which lights
//  are on) are send as Hex numbers in 9-element array. 
//  To test commands in the Arduino Serial Monitor, use this example:
//        0,0,3EC,2C4,364,154,374,248,3A8,2BC
//  Pins:
//  Digital Pin 3 -- LED 1
//  Digital Pin 5 -- LED 2
//  Digital Pin 6 -- LED 3
//  Digital Pin 9 -- LED 4
//  Digital Pin 10 -- LED 5
//  Digital Pin 11 -- LED 6
//  This project uses an Arduino UNO microcontroller board, information at:
//  https://www.arduino.cc/en/main/arduinoBoardUno
//  Comments, contributions, suggestions, bug reports, and feature requests
//  are welcome! For source code and bug reports see:
//  http://github.com/[TODO github path to Hacking STEM]
//  Copyright 2018 Jen Fox Microsoft EDU Workshop - HackingSTEM
//  MIT License terms detailed in LICENSE.txt 

#include <String.h>
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
//                      PROGRAM VARIABLES
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
//Total number of LEDs (max. of 6)
const int kMaxNumberOfLeds = 6; //This is the maximum number of LEDs we can add
//  Create an array to hold the LED pins
const int kLedArray[] = {3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11};
//  Duration that LEDs are OFF (in milliseconds)
const int kLedTimeOff = 50;

// Variables for LED intensity and Flash Speed. Can adjust as desired.
const int kLedBright = 255;
const int kLedMed = 100;
const int kLedDim = 50;
const int kFastSpeed = 250;
const int kMedSpeed = 500;
const int kSlowSpeed = 1000;

//Declare variables for Excel commands
bool priorLoopValue; 
int intensityRaw;
int intensity;
int flashSpeedRaw;
int flashSpeed;
//   LED status (0 = off, 1 = on)
int ledStatusArray[6] = {};

// Bitwise operator variables to extract Excel data. 
//   This is an advanced programming concept, 
//   leave as-is if unfamiliar with bitwise operations
int bitwiseArray[8][2] =
{{0x300, 8},
{0xC0, 6},
{0x20, 5},
{0x10, 4},
{0x8, 3},
{0x4, 2},
{0x2, 1},
{0x1, 0}};
int ledHexArray [8];

// Excel variables ------------------------------------------------------------
int commandNumber;
int loopTrack = 0; //variable to send to Excel to keep track of loop iterations
float currentCommand = 0; //variable to store current command
float priorCommand; //variable to store prior command

// Command Loop Variable
bool isPatternLooped = 0;
bool newString = false; 
// Serial data variables ------------------------------------------------------
// IMPORTANT: This must be equal to number of channels set in Data Streamer
const byte kNumberOfChannelsFromExcel = 10; //Incoming Serial Data Array
const int kNumberOfCommands = 8; //Incoming Command Array

String ledSettingArray[kNumberOfChannelsFromExcel][10];

String incomingSerialData[kNumberOfChannelsFromExcel];

const String kDelimiter = ",";    // Data Streamer expects a comma delimeter
String inputString = "";          // String variable to hold incoming data
boolean stringComplete = false;   // Indicates complete string (newline found)
const int kSerialInterval = 50;   // Interval between serial writes
unsigned long serialPreviousTime; // Timestamp to track serial interval

// --------------------------------------------------------------------
//                               SETUP 
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void setup() {
  // Initialize led pins as outputs! 
  for(int i; i < kMaxNumberOfLeds; i++){
    pinMode(kLedArray[i], OUTPUT);
  //Initialize the serial port

// START OF MAIN LOOP --------------------------------------------------------- 
void loop()
  // Read Excel variables from serial port (Data Streamer)

  if (isPatternLooped == 1){
    newString = false;
    loopTrack = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < kNumberOfChannelsFromExcel; i++)
      if (incomingSerialData[0] == "#pause" || newString == true){
  } else if (newString == true){
      newString = false;
      loopTrack = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < kNumberOfChannelsFromExcel; i++)
            if (incomingSerialData[0] == "#pause" || newString == true){

//                      Party Circuits Functions
// Take Excel commands in Hex and separate into individual commands in binary string
void parseHexValues(int index)
    char stringCopy[incomingSerialData[index].length()+1];   // 
    incomingSerialData[index].toCharArray(stringCopy, incomingSerialData[index].length()+1); // Convert String object to char[]
    int hex = strtol(stringCopy, NULL, 16); // string to long converts str to string w/ any base
    for (int i = 0; i < kNumberOfCommands; i++){
      int val = hex & bitwiseArray[i][0]; // filter out all bits not relevant for command
      val = val >> bitwiseArray[i][1]; // shift all bits to get relevant command
      ledHexArray[i] = val;

// Excel-driven LED Flashing Function
void flashLeds(int commandNum){
    // Separate each column of incomingSerialData into separate commands
       for(int i = 0; i < kMaxNumberOfLeds; i++){
        ledStatusArray[i] = ledHexArray[i+2];

       //Determine intensity and LED flash speed from Excel Commands
       intensity = ledIntensity(ledHexArray[0]);
       flashSpeed = ledSpeed(ledHexArray[1]);

      //Determine command number based on input 
       commandNumber = commandNum;
       // Flash appropriate LEDs at given intensity       
       for(int i = 0; i < kMaxNumberOfLeds; i++){
        if(ledStatusArray[i] == 1){
          analogWrite(kLedArray[i], intensity);
        else(analogWrite(kLedArray[i], LOW));

       //Turn off all LEDs
       for(int i = 0; i < kMaxNumberOfLeds; i++){
          analogWrite(kLedArray[i], LOW);
       delay(kLedTimeOff); //same off duration for all sequences
  // Keep track of number of times command sequence is repeated

// Check if pattern is repeated  (Excel command 0 = infinite loop, 1 = play once
bool isLoop(int loopCommand){
  if(loopCommand == 1){
    return true;
    return false; 

// Check and return LED intensity
int ledIntensity(int intensity){
  if(intensity == 1){
    return kLedDim;
  else if(intensity == 2){
    return kLedMed;
  else if(intensity == 3){
    return kLedBright;
    return 0;

// Check and return LED flash speed
int ledSpeed(int flashSpeed){
  if(flashSpeed == 1){
    return kSlowSpeed;
  else if(flashSpeed == 2){
    return kMedSpeed;
    return kFastSpeed;

// INCOMING SERIAL DATA PROCESSING CODE----------------------------------------
// Process serial data inputString from Data Streamer
void ParseSerialData()
  if (stringComplete) {     
    //Build an array of values from comma delimited string from Data Streamer

    // Set variables based on array index referring to columns:
    // Data Out column A5 = 0, B5 = 1, C5 = 2, etc.
    isPatternLooped = incomingSerialData[1].toInt(); // First cell in Data Out Sheet 
    inputString = ""; // reset inputString
    stringComplete = false; // reset stringComplete flag

// OUTGOING SERIAL DATA PROCESSING CODE----------------------------------------
void sendDataToSerial()
  // Send data out separated by a comma (kDelimiter)

  Serial.print(loopTrack);    //Prints the current active column 
  Serial.println(); // Add final line ending character only once


// OUTGOING SERIAL DATA PROCESSING CODE----------------------------------------
void processOutgoingSerial()
   // Enter into this only when serial interval has elapsed
  if((millis() - serialPreviousTime) > kSerialInterval) 
    serialPreviousTime = millis(); // Reset serial interval timestamp

// INCOMING SERIAL DATA PROCESSING CODE----------------------------------------
void processIncomingSerial()

// Gathers bytes from serial port to build inputString
void getSerialData(){
    inputString = Serial.readStringUntil('\n');
    stringComplete =true;
    newString = true;

// Takes the comma delimited string from Data Streamer
// and splits the fields into an indexed array
void BuildDataArray(String data)
  return ParseLine(data);

// Parses a single string of comma delimited values with line ending character
void ParseLine(String data)  
    int charIndex = 0; // Tracks the character we are looking at
    int arrayIndex = 0; // Tracks the array index to set values into
    while(arrayIndex < kNumberOfChannelsFromExcel) // Loop until full
        String field = ParseNextField(data, charIndex);  // Parse next field
        incomingSerialData[arrayIndex] = field; // Add field to array
        arrayIndex++;   // Increment index

// Parses the next value field in between the comma delimiters
String ParseNextField(String data, int &charIndex)
    if (charIndex >= data.length() )
      return ""; //end of data
    String field = "";
    bool hitDelimiter = false; // flag for delimiter detection 
    while (hitDelimiter == false) // loop characters until next delimiter
        if (charIndex >= data.length() )
          break; //end of data

        if (String(data[charIndex]) == "\n") // if character is a line break
          break; // end of data
       if(String(data[charIndex]) == kDelimiter) // if we hit a delimiter
          hitDelimiter = true;  // flag the delimiter hit
          charIndex++; // set iterator after delimiter so we skip next comma
          field += data[charIndex]; // add character to field string
          charIndex++; // increment to next character in data
    return field;


Hacking STEM

Hacking STEM

10 projects • 74 followers
Build affordable inquiry and project-based activities to visualize data across STEM curriculum.
Jen Fox

Jen Fox

34 projects • 139 followers
Dabbled in dark matter, settled into engineering w/ a blend of inventing and education! Sr.PM @ MicrosoftFounder/CEO of FoxBot Industries
