Dcube Tech Ventures

Light Intensity Computation Using BH1715 and Particle Photon

BH1715 is a digital Ambient Light Sensor with an I²C bus interface. The BH1715 is commonly used to obtain the ambient light data.

IntermediateFull instructions provided4 hours604
Light Intensity Computation Using BH1715 and Particle Photon

Things used in this project

Hardware components

ControlEverything.com BH1715 Ambient Light Sensor
Particle Photon
I2C Cable
ControlEverything.com I2C Shield For Particle Photon


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Dcube Tech Ventures

Dcube Tech Ventures

34 projects • 16 followers
Dcube Tech Ventures Pvt Limited is collaboration of Hardware, Embedded and Software endeavour's to create the Internet of things. www.dcubestore.com
