Jayraj Desai
Published © GPL3+

How to Send Tweets from your Raspberry Pi

In this growing moment of Internet of Things, let's connect our Raspberry Pi to internet and send Tweet.

IntermediateFull instructions provided2 hours4,352
How to Send Tweets from your Raspberry Pi

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
Ethernet cable
Raspberry Pi SD card with raspbian installed
5V USB Adapter
PC or Laptop


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Python code to send tweet

just update your keys and there you go
from twython import Twython

# fill in your 4 keys in following variables 
C_key = ""
C_secret = ""
A_token = ""
A_secret = ""

myTweet = Twython(C_key,C_secret,A_token,A_secret)
myTweet.update_status(status="Thanks for reading")


Jayraj Desai

Jayraj Desai

10 projects • 70 followers
Just a Hobbyist, trying things
