Published © GPL3+

Simple Arduino Based Lego Power Function Receiver

This lesson aims to show how to make a very simple Lego Power Function Receiver.

IntermediateFull instructions provided15 minutes12,655
Simple Arduino Based Lego Power Function Receiver

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Micro
Arduino Micro
IR Receiver Tsop2238 - 38 KHZ
10 100 ohm 1/4w resistor
Breadboard and Wire Kit
Lego Power Function Remote


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Code snippet #1

 * IRremote: IRrecvDemo - demonstrates receiving IR codes with IRrecv
 * An IR detector/demodulator must be connected to the input RECV_PIN.
 * Version 0.1 July, 2009
 * Copyright 2009 Ken Shirriff

 * Testing code for receiving data from the Lego Power Function IR Remote Control
 * If you want to deepen the knowledge of Lego Power Functions Modules,
 * TODO:
 * - test if LEGO® Power Functions IR Speed Remote Control uses the same protocol
 * - sort out some extra codes received
 * Davide Gomba, 16/12/2014
 *Arturo Guadalupi, 17/12/2014
 *Available Macros:
#include <IRremote.h>
#include "codes.h"

const int RECV_LED = 12;
const int RECV_PIN = 3; // Digital IO pin connected to the IR receiver
IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);

long unsigned startTime = millis();

decode_results results;

void setup()
  pinMode(RECV_LED, OUTPUT);
  irrecv.enableIRIn(); // Start the receiver


void loop() {
  if(millis() - startTime > 200)
    digitalWrite(RECV_LED, LOW);
    digitalWrite(RECV_LED, HIGH);
  if (irrecv.decode(&results)) {
    if(legoCode(results.value) != -1) //known code
      startTime = millis();
    // Channel #1
    if (legoCode(results.value) == CH1_LEFT_UP)
      Serial.println(" CH - 1 // LEFT UP");
    else if (legoCode(results.value) == CH1_LEFT_DOWN)
    Serial.println(" CH - 1 // LEFT DOWN");
    else  if (legoCode(results.value) == CH1_RIGHT_UP) {
    Serial.println(" CH - 1 // RIGHT UP");
    else if (legoCode(results.value) == CH1_RIGHT_DOWN) {
    Serial.println(" CH - 1 // RIGHT DOWN");
    else if (legoCode(results.value) == CH1_BREAK) {
    Serial.println(" CH - 1 // BREAK");

    // Channel #2

    else if (legoCode(results.value) == CH2_LEFT_UP) {
    Serial.println(" CH - 2 // LEFT UP");
    else if (legoCode(results.value) == CH2_LEFT_DOWN) {
    Serial.println(" CH - 2 // LEFT DOWN");
    else  if (legoCode(results.value) == CH2_RIGHT_UP){
    Serial.println(" CH - 2 // RIGHT UP");
    else if (legoCode(results.value) == CH2_RIGHT_DOWN){
    Serial.println(" CH - 2 // RIGHT DOWN");
    else if (legoCode(results.value) == CH2_BREAK) {
    Serial.println(" CH - 2 // BREAK");
    // Channel #3
    else if (legoCode(results.value) == CH3_LEFT_UP) {
    Serial.println(" CH - 3 // LEFT UP");
    else if (legoCode(results.value) == CH3_LEFT_DOWN) {
    Serial.println(" CH - 3 // LEFT DOWN");
    else  if (legoCode(results.value) == CH3_RIGHT_UP) {
    Serial.println(" CH - 3 // RIGHT UP");
    else if (legoCode(results.value) == CH3_RIGHT_DOWN){
    Serial.println(" CH - 3 // RIGHT DOWN");
    else if (legoCode(results.value) == CH3_BREAK) {
    Serial.println(" CH - 3 // BREAK");

    // Channel #4

    else if (legoCode(results.value) == CH4_LEFT_UP) {
    Serial.println(" CH - 4 // LEFT UP");
    else if (legoCode(results.value) == CH4_LEFT_DOWN) {
    Serial.println(" CH - 4 // LEFT DOWN");
    else  if (legoCode(results.value) == CH4_RIGHT_UP) {
    Serial.println(" CH - 4 // RIGHT UP");
    else if (legoCode(results.value) == CH4_RIGHT_DOWN) {
    Serial.println(" CH - 4 // RIGHT DOWN");
    else if (legoCode(results.value) == CH4_BREAK) {
    Serial.println(" CH - 4 // BREAK");
    irrecv.resume(); // Receive the next value




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