Amie DD
Published © MIT

LEGO Interactive Wall

My little brother works for Facebook and in Building 14 they have an amazing LEGO wall! I knew I needed one in my house!

IntermediateFull instructions provided2 hours5,059
LEGO Interactive Wall

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Touch Board Starter Kit
Bare Conductive Touch Board Starter Kit
The Kit comes with 1 x Touch Board 1 x Electric Paint 10ml Tube 1 x Electric Paint 50ml Jar 1 x Guidebook 1 x MicroSD Card 1 x MicroSD Card Reader 1 x Micro USB Cable 1 x Mini Speaker 10 x Alligator Clips (colours vary) 1 x Stencil 1 x Stencil Brush 12 x Sticky Tabs 3 x Velcro Stickers 2 x Paper Cutouts
Touch Board
Bare Conductive Touch Board
You only need to buy this you don't purchase the Bare Conductive Starter Kit
Electric Paint 10ml
Bare Conductive Electric Paint 10ml
You only need to buy this you don't purchase the Bare Conductive Starter Kit
Adafruit Copper Tape
You only need to buy this you don't purchase the Bare Conductive Starter Kit
You only need to buy this you don't purchase the Bare Conductive Starter Kit
LEGO Bases Plates


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Fritzing Layout

You can power the Touch board through the JST connector, or through the Micro-USB port. You can use Electric Paint or Copper tape from each electrode on the Touch Board

Powering the Touch Board

You can power the touch board through the Micro-USB or a battery with a JST Connector


No Programming Needed

You just need to change the Audio Files to add your own sound FX
Step 4: Load Sounds on the MicroSD Card.
The Touch Board comes pre-loaded with an Audio Guide to help you with all it’s features. One of the first things you may want to do is change the sounds that the Electrodes will trigger. Changing the sounds on your Micro SD by plugging in the micro SD card into your computer, it should show up on your desktop under the name “TB AUDIO”.
When you click on it, you should see a series of files that look like the image on the right. The document titled “README.txt” contains instructions on the Touch Board Audio, as well as the Audio Guide in written form. Don’t delete this document unless you remember everything and will never forget the instructions ever again.
Amie's in Game-Hint:
It's important that you keep all the files in the top level of the SD card, a lot of these files are related to the workings of the Touch Board, so deleting or moving them may affect your board’s functionality. You will see twelve tracks titled:
TRACK002.mp3 up to TRACK011.mp3
00 is for electrode 0, 01 is for electrode 1, 02 is for electrode 3, each TRACK name has to be named to match the electrode. Also make sure you do not have multiples on the SD Card (example TRACK000.mp3 TRACK000.mp3)
These are the files you need to replace to input your own audio. Bare Conductive recommended  mp3cut to clip your own mp3 sound files. It free, simple and easy to use. Make sure the files are named correctly on the sd card.


Amie DD
8 projects • 77 followers
Maker of Things
