Amie DD
Published © MIT

LEGO Dots Cyberpunk Belt

#LetsBuildTogether LEGO Dots wearable light-up belt.

BeginnerFull instructions provided2 hours3,303
LEGO Dots Cyberpunk Belt

Things used in this project

Hardware components

LEGO Dots Bracelets
DotStar LEDs
Pixelblaze V3
Battery Holder, 3 x AAA
Battery Holder, 3 x AAA
AAA Batteries

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Kester Solder


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SK9822 Pixelblaze Brd

You can solder the LEDs directly to the pixelblaze controller or you can solder terminals to the pixelblaze controller.

LEGO Dots Belt Schematic


Glitch Band LED Pattern

export function beforeRender(delta){
t1 = time(0.1)*PI2;
t2 = time(.1);
t3 = time(.5);
t4 = time(0.1)*PI2;
t5 = time(0.05);
t6 = time(0.02);

export function render(index) {
h = sin(t1)
m = (.3 + triangle(t2) * .2)
h = h + (((index - pixelCount / 2 ) / pixelCount * (triangle(t3) * 10 + 4 * sin(t4)) % m))
s1 =  triangle((t5 + index / pixelCount * 5) % 1);
s1 = s1 * s1
s2 = triangle((t6 - (index - pixelCount) / pixelCount) % 1);
s2 = s2 * s2 * s2 * s2
s = 1 -triangle(s1 * s2)
v = (s1 >s2) + .5
hsv(h, s, v)


Amie DD
8 projects • 77 followers
Maker of Things
