Amaljith Cf
Created July 10, 2020 © GPL3+

Face Touch Preventer Using TinyML

During this pandemic situation, it is easy to say "Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth" , but hard to do.

AdvancedFull instructions providedOver 2 days106
Face Touch Preventer Using TinyML

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense
Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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nano 33 ble sense



  IMU Capture

  This example uses the on-board IMU to start reading acceleration and gyroscope
  data from on-board IMU and prints it to the Serial Monitor for one second
  when the significant motion is detected.

  You can also use the Serial Plotter to graph the data.

  The circuit:
  - Arduino Nano 33 BLE or Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense board.

  Created by Don Coleman, Sandeep Mistry
  Modified by Dominic Pajak, Sandeep Mistry

  This example code is in the public domain.

#include <Arduino_LSM9DS1.h>

const float accelerationThreshold = 2.5; // threshold of significant in G's
const int numSamples = 119;

int samplesRead = numSamples;

void setup() {
  while (!Serial);

  if (!IMU.begin()) {
    Serial.println("Failed to initialize IMU!");
    while (1);

  // print the header

void loop() {
  float aX, aY, aZ, gX, gY, gZ;

  // wait for significant motion
  while (samplesRead == numSamples) {
    if (IMU.accelerationAvailable()) {
      // read the acceleration data
      IMU.readAcceleration(aX, aY, aZ);

      // sum up the absolutes
      float aSum = fabs(aX) + fabs(aY) + fabs(aZ);

      // check if it's above the threshold
      if (aSum >= accelerationThreshold) {
        // reset the sample read count
        samplesRead = 0;

  // check if the all the required samples have been read since
  // the last time the significant motion was detected
  while (samplesRead < numSamples) {
    // check if both new acceleration and gyroscope data is
    // available
    if (IMU.accelerationAvailable() && IMU.gyroscopeAvailable()) {
      // read the acceleration and gyroscope data
      IMU.readAcceleration(aX, aY, aZ);
      IMU.readGyroscope(gX, gY, gZ);


      // print the data in CSV format
      Serial.print(aX, 3);
      Serial.print(aY, 3);
      Serial.print(aZ, 3);
      Serial.print(gX, 3);
      Serial.print(gY, 3);
      Serial.print(gZ, 3);

      if (samplesRead == numSamples) {
        // add an empty line if it's the last sample


#include <Arduino_LSM9DS1.h>

#include <TensorFlowLite.h>
#include <tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/kernels/all_ops_resolver.h>
#include <tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/micro_error_reporter.h>
#include <tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/micro_interpreter.h>
#include <tensorflow/lite/schema/schema_generated.h>
#include <tensorflow/lite/version.h>

#include "model.h"

const float accelerationThreshold = 2.5; // threshold of significant in G's
const int numSamples = 119;

int samplesRead = numSamples;

// global variables used for TensorFlow Lite (Micro)
tflite::MicroErrorReporter tflErrorReporter;

// pull in all the TFLM ops, you can remove this line and
// only pull in the TFLM ops you need, if would like to reduce
// the compiled size of the sketch.
tflite::ops::micro::AllOpsResolver tflOpsResolver;

const tflite::Model* tflModel = nullptr;
tflite::MicroInterpreter* tflInterpreter = nullptr;
TfLiteTensor* tflInputTensor = nullptr;
TfLiteTensor* tflOutputTensor = nullptr;

// Create a static memory buffer for TFLM, the size may need to
// be adjusted based on the model you are using
constexpr int tensorArenaSize = 8 * 1024;
byte tensorArena[tensorArenaSize];

// array to map gesture index to a name
const char* GESTURE[] = {

#define NUM_GESTURE (sizeof(GESTURE) / sizeof(GESTURE[0]))

void setup() {
  while (!Serial);

  // initialize the IMU
  if (!IMU.begin()) {
    Serial.println("Failed to initialize IMU!");
    while (1);

  // print out the samples rates of the IMUs
  Serial.print("Accelerometer sample rate = ");
  Serial.println(" Hz");
  Serial.print("Gyroscope sample rate = ");
  Serial.println(" Hz");


  // get the TFL representation of the model byte array
  tflModel = tflite::GetModel(model);
  if (tflModel->version() != TFLITE_SCHEMA_VERSION) {
    Serial.println("Model schema mismatch!");
    while (1);

  // Create an interpreter to run the model
  tflInterpreter = new tflite::MicroInterpreter(tflModel, tflOpsResolver, tensorArena, tensorArenaSize, &tflErrorReporter);

  // Allocate memory for the model's input and output tensors

  // Get pointers for the model's input and output tensors
  tflInputTensor = tflInterpreter->input(0);
  tflOutputTensor = tflInterpreter->output(0);

void loop() {
  float aX, aY, aZ, gX, gY, gZ;

  // wait for significant motion
  while (samplesRead == numSamples) {
    if (IMU.accelerationAvailable()) {
      // read the acceleration data
      IMU.readAcceleration(aX, aY, aZ);

      // sum up the absolutes
      float aSum = fabs(aX) + fabs(aY) + fabs(aZ);

      // check if it's above the threshold
      if (aSum >= accelerationThreshold) {
        // reset the sample read count
        samplesRead = 0;

  // check if the all the required samples have been read since
  // the last time the significant motion was detected
  while (samplesRead < numSamples) {
    // check if new acceleration AND gyroscope data is available
    if (IMU.accelerationAvailable() && IMU.gyroscopeAvailable()) {
      // read the acceleration and gyroscope data
      IMU.readAcceleration(aX, aY, aZ);
      IMU.readGyroscope(gX, gY, gZ);

      // normalize the IMU data between 0 to 1 and store in the model's
      // input tensor
      tflInputTensor->data.f[samplesRead * 6 + 0] = (aX + 4.0) / 8.0;
      tflInputTensor->data.f[samplesRead * 6 + 1] = (aY + 4.0) / 8.0;
      tflInputTensor->data.f[samplesRead * 6 + 2] = (aZ + 4.0) / 8.0;
      tflInputTensor->data.f[samplesRead * 6 + 3] = (gX + 2000.0) / 4000.0;
      tflInputTensor->data.f[samplesRead * 6 + 4] = (gY + 2000.0) / 4000.0;
      tflInputTensor->data.f[samplesRead * 6 + 5] = (gZ + 2000.0) / 4000.0;


      if (samplesRead == numSamples) {
        // Run inferencing
        TfLiteStatus invokeStatus = tflInterpreter->Invoke();
        if (invokeStatus != kTfLiteOk) {
          Serial.println("Invoke failed!");
          while (1);

        // Loop through the output tensor values from the model
        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_GESTURE; i++) {
          Serial.print(": ");
          Serial.println(tflOutputTensor->data.f[i], 6);


Amaljith Cf

Amaljith Cf

10 projects • 27 followers
Technology enthusiast
