Published © MIT

Samsung Artik Cloud with NodeMcu ( ESP8266)

Now you can publish your IoT devices data to Samsung Artik Cloud using Nodemcu firmware based ESp8266 12E with Arduino IDE,

IntermediateFull instructions provided2 hours1,212
Samsung Artik Cloud with NodeMcu ( ESP8266)

Things used in this project

Hardware components

ESP8266 ESP-01
Espressif ESP8266 ESP-01
PIR sensor

Software apps and online services

NodeMCU firmware
NodeMCU firmware

Custom parts and enclosures

NodeMcu and Artik Cloud Schematic diagram

This is to demonstrate, how Nodemcu and attached sensors connect to the Artik Cloud


Samsung Artik Cloud with ESP8266 12E ( NodeMcu)

CAD drawing available


Samsung Artik Cloud with ESP8266 12E ( NodeMcu)

Connect IOT devices to Artik CLoud


5 projects • 6 followers
I'm an Electrical and Electronic Engineer and very keen to develop things from free resources and reproduce them for creating things .
