Alain Mauer
Published © GPL3+

ScottTV: A Simple Media Player For My Autistic Son

I needed a simple media player that my son can understand. I could not find a commercial solution, so I built one based on a Raspberry Pi.

AdvancedWork in progressOver 1 day2,001
ScottTV: A Simple Media Player For My Autistic Son

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Wood Plate 1220x80x18mm
Wood Plate 1220x75x18mm
Wood Plate 764x75x18mm
Different colors and protector paint
Acrylic glass plate 8mm
Size depends of the used screen
Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+
Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+
Lcd Monitor
1 Usb Stick
Pc Speakers
Power supply 5V 4A
1 Wifi Stick
55mm Pipe Stop End
For the Piezo Buttons
For the Piezo Buttons
For the Piezo Buttons
10K Resistor
For the Piezo Buttons
330R Resistor
For the Piezo Buttons
56K Resistor
For the Piezo Buttons
1N4148 Diode
For the Piezo Buttons
For the Piezo Buttons
For the Piezo Buttons
Led 3mm
For the Piezo Buttons
Piezo Speaker Element min. 20mm
For the Piezo Buttons
BC547 or equivalent NPN Transistor
For the adapter circuit
For the adapter circuit
Resistor 10k
For the adapter circuit
Resistor 1k
For the adapter circuit
screw terminals 3 pin
For the adapter circuit
screw terminals 4 pin
For the adapter circuit
40 Pin Connector
For the adapter circuit
Piezo Buzzer 5V
For the adapter circuit
Wires and connectors
Wireless Socket 433Mhz


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Alain Mauer

Alain Mauer

13 projects • 99 followers
A hobby inventor from Luxemburg. I love to create useful an useless stuff.
