Balázs Simon
Published © GPL3+

Health Tracker Application With Sensor Hub Nano

Are you interested in how to use barometers in fitness and health related projects? If yes, then keep on reading. You will love this project

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Health Tracker Application With Sensor Hub Nano

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Android device
Android device
Infineon Sensor Hub Nano
Infineon Sensor Hub Nano

Software apps and online services

Health Tracker
My Android application. You can download it from here:


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Bluetooth Selector screen

The starting screen of the app

Connected to Sensor Hub Nano

IFX_NANOHUB is the Sensor Hub Nano. The connection is succesful

Push up function

This function can be used to all kinds of sports and activities that are based up and down movements.

Arcade Game

This is a simple arcade game. You have to throw the Sensor Hub Nano in the air and then catch it. You have to throw as close to the target height as possible to win

Sitting function

This function can alert you if you are sitting for too long and you should get up and walk.

Health function

This is a 2 in 1 function.
1. You can detect falls and then send an emergency message
2. Altitude lock to prevent users to leave the given altitude range.


The code for the Android application

Use Android Studio to open this project


Balázs Simon

Balázs Simon

12 projects • 85 followers
