A multithreaded blinking theremin powered by Zerynth

A theremin-like instrument that changes the pitch played as you wave your hand over an Infrared Proximity Sensor. Developed with Zerynth

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A multithreaded blinking theremin powered by Zerynth

Things used in this project

Hardware components

ST Nucleo F401RE
Or Arduino DUE or Particle Core. No matter which board you use, Zerynth is multi-board compatible!
Sharp infrared proximity sensor (GP2Y0A21YK) or other analog distance sensors
Resistor 1k ohm
Resistor 1k ohm
low-power LEDs (red and green)
piezo buzzer
rotary potentiometer
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
Jumper wires pack

Software apps and online services

Zerynth Studio
Zerynth Studio


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Multithreaded Blinking Theremin at different rates



# Multithreaded Blinking Theremin - main.py
# Created by Zerynth Team 2015 CC
# Authors: L.F. Cerfeda, L. Cominelli

import adc        # import the adc driver
import pwm        # import the pwm module
import helpers    # import the helpers module

# Define the pins where input sensors and output is attached to
pot_pin = A2          # Analog input from a potentiometer. Tested values range from 0 to about 4000
prox_pin = A5         # Analog Input from a proximity sensor. Tested values range from 250 to about 3800
buzzer = D7.PWM       # Use pin D7 of Arduino DUE or ST Nucleo F401RE as PWM. If you use Spark Core choose A4
led_green = D6
led_red = D8          # If you use Spark Core choose D7

# Set the LED pins as outputs

# Create a dictionary for storing values of the input variables to be used in the threads
input_val= {'prox_val':1, 'pot_val':1}

# Define an analog sensor sampling function that acquires the raw data and 
# normalizes it through the function map_range() definited in the helpers.py
# adc.read is the correct way to use adc in Zerynth. It is similar at analogRead in Arduino Wiring, but sounds better
def sampling():
    global input_val
    while True:
        input_val['pot_val'] = helpers.map_range(adc.read(pot_pin),0,4000,1,1000)      
        input_val['prox_val'] = helpers.map_range(adc.read(prox_pin),300,3800,1,1000)

# Define the 'buzz' function
def buzz(input_for_period,input_for_length,buzzer_pin):
    while True:
        # Typical piezoelectric buzzer frequencies range from 500-4000Hz, so period has to range from 250 us to 2000 us
        period = helpers.map_range(input_val[input_for_period],1,1000,250,2000)
        # Set the period of the buzzer and the duty to 50% of the period through pwm.write
        # pwm.write is the correct way to use pwm in Zerynth. It is similar at analogWrite in Arduino Wiring, but sounds better
        # Note that in pwm.write we will use MICROS so every sec is 1000000 micros
        # // is the int division, pwm.write period doesn't accept floats
        # Set the length of the sleep to create a "beat" effect (from 1 to 300 ms). The default time unit of sleep function is MILLIS
        length = helpers.map_range(input_val[input_for_length],1,1000,1,300)
# Define the 'blink' function
def blink(input_for_delay,led_pin):
    while True:
        # Set the delay from 1 to 500 ms
        delay = helpers.map_range(input_val[input_for_delay],1,1000,1,500) 
        digitalWrite(led_pin,HIGH)      # turn the LED ON by making the voltage HIGH
        sleep(delay)                    # wait for 'delay' ms
        digitalWrite(led_pin,LOW)       # turn the LED OFF by making the voltage LOW
        sleep(delay)                    # wait for 'delay' ms

# Create the threads that execute instances of the functions with different parameters 


# Multithreaded Blinking Theremin - helpers.py
# Created by Zerynth Team 2015 CC
# Authors: L.F. Cerfeda, L. Cominelli

# Constrain a number to be within a range and maps it from one range to another.
# It is a merge of Constrain() and Map() Arduino functions

def map_range(x, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max):
    if x < in_min:
        x = in_min    
    elif x > in_max: 
        x = in_max
    return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) // (in_max - in_min) + out_min


Lorenzo Cominelli

Lorenzo Cominelli

1 project • 1 follower
I'm me
Luigi Francesco Cerfeda

Luigi Francesco Cerfeda

6 projects • 95 followers
Yet another Tony Stark wannabe
