Martha MigliacioAlex Wong
Published © GPL3+

Using the Pmod SSD with Arduino Uno

Application notes for Pmod SSD and Arduino Uno. In this app, Pmod SSD will be used as a counter that increments every second.

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Using the Pmod SSD with Arduino Uno

Things used in this project


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Pmod SSD and Arduino Uno Fritzing file

Fritzing file displaying the connection of the Pmod SSD to the Arduino Uno.

Pmod SSD and Arduino Uno Fritzing Image

Fritzing image displaying the connection between the Pmod SSD and Arduino Uno.


Pmod SSD and Arduino Uno Code

Using this code will turn the Pmod SSD into a counter that increments every second.
* Test of the Pmod module
* Description: Pmod_SSD
* A counter increments every second.
* Material
* 1. Arduino Uno
* 2. Pmod SSD

byte ledPin[8]={2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}; // Numbers of pins on the Arduino
byte code[10]={63,6,91,79,102,109,124,7,127,103}; // code numbers 0 to 9
int unite=0;
int dizaine=0;
int duree;

void setup()
for (int i=0; i<=8; i++) // configuration of pins 2 to 9 in output
pinMode(ledPin[i], OUTPUT);

// Program principal
void loop()
duree=millis() / 1000; // stopwatch
dizaine=duree/10; // Extraction of tens
unite=duree%10; // Extraction of units
if (duree>=100) // RAZ when counter reach 99
digitalWrite(9,LOW); // selection of units on display
afficher(code[unite]); // show units
digitalWrite(9,HIGH); // selection of tens on display
afficher(code[dizaine]); //show tens

void afficher(int x) // Procedure coding the number in 7 segments
byte chiffre=x;
byte segment=0;
for (int i=2; i<9; i++)


Martha Migliacio

Martha Migliacio

5 projects • 18 followers
Alex Wong

Alex Wong

14 projects • 53 followers
I work in Digilent and like creating projects
Thanks to Lextronics.
