Monica HoustonKatie Kristoff
Published © Apache-2.0

Breadboard to PCB 3 - Manufacturing the PCB

In part 3, we export the files to gCode and actually mill the PCB on a Shapeoko CNC.

IntermediateFull instructions provided5 hours2,727
Breadboard to PCB 3 - Manufacturing the PCB

Things used in this project

Hardware components

double-sided FR1 PCB board
We’re going to use doublesided FR1 for our board. It seems that the consensus is that FR-1 is preferable over FR-4 due to the fact that FR-4 will wear out bits faster due to the epoxy fiberglass mixture. Also, FR4 can send out shards of fiberglass when milled, so it can get in your skin, eyes, and lungs and cause damage.

Software apps and online services

Otherplan Classic
Universal gCode Sender

Hand tools and fabrication machines

End mill set
End mills are for milling the through holes. Double sided boards like ours also need Vias (through holes that connect top and bottom traces) and reference holes (holes to help guide you when you flip the board over and mill the backside) drilled.
30 Degree 0.1mm tip CNC Bit router tools
These are V shaped engraving bits (similar to dremel bits) that will mill the traces of the board.
2.5mm End mill cutter
This wider end mill is for cutting the board free once you're done


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Simon Says Shield pcb Layout

Export the gerber and drill files from here


Simon Says Shield gCode

gCode files for Simon Says


Monica Houston

Monica Houston

75 projects • 446 followers
I don't live on a boat anymore.
Katie Kristoff

Katie Kristoff

4 projects • 126 followers
Educator and enthusiastic crafter.
