Justin MinerLuke Zwilling
Published © GPL3+

ME461 Wii Remote Controlled TMS320F28379D Launchpad Robot

This robot uses a custom breakout board, 3d printed parts, spi and serial communication to get data from a wii remote and pixy camera.

AdvancedShowcase (no instructions)8 hours388
ME461 Wii Remote Controlled TMS320F28379D Launchpad Robot

Things used in this project


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This is the main code on raspberry pi to send the wiimote code
#Justin Miner 12/8/21
#Before running this code, change the shell script to have the correct Bluetooth address

import os, serial
from evdev import InputDevice, categorize, ecodes
from time import sleep

#sees if the gamepad is already connected otherwise runs the script
#   gamepad = InputDevice('/dev/input/event0')
#    run the config script to connect the remote
#    os.system("sudo make ./connectwii.sh")
#    os.system("sudo ./connectwii.sh")
#    sleep(.5)
#    gamepad = InputDevice('/dev/input/event0')

#run the config script to connect the remote
#os.system("sudo make ./connectwii.sh")
#os.system("sudo .connectwii.sh")

#opens the serial connection
ser = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyUSB0", 115200)

#initialize variables for each button
a = 0
b = 0
minus = 0
plus = 0
home = 0
one = 0
two = 0
updown = 0
leftright = 0
txt = "{:011b}"

#array variables to store button values and past values
arr = []
arr1 = []

#message variable to give binary message
msg = 0;

#initialize the gamepad object
gamepad = InputDevice('/dev/input/event0')
#prints the specific gamepad

#each change in state is regarded as an event
for event in gamepad.read_loop():
        #finds the type of the event
        wiievent = categorize(event)
        #determines what to do for each type
        #first if is for direction pad events
        if event.type == ecodes.EV_ABS:  
            if ecodes.bytype[wiievent.event.type][wiievent.event.code] == 'ABS_X':
                leftright = wiievent.event.value
                if leftright == 1:
                    leftright = 2
                elif leftright == -1:
                    leftright = 1
            if ecodes.bytype[wiievent.event.type][wiievent.event.code] == 'ABS_Y': 
                updown = -1*wiievent.event.value
                if updown == 1:
                    updown = 2
                elif updown == -1:
                    updown = 1
        #this is for button presses (event codes correspond to each button)
        elif event.type == ecodes.EV_KEY:
            if event.code == 304:
                a = event.value
            if event.code == 305:
                b = event.value
            if event.code == 307:
                one = event.value
            if event.code == 308:
                two = event.value
            if event.code == 314:
                minus = event.value
            if event.code == 315:
                plus = event.value
            if event.code == 316:
                home = event.value
        #takes the old status and assigns it to previous array
        arr1 = arr
        arr = [a,b,one,two,minus,plus,home,updown,leftright]
        #checks for change in array to create new messsage
        if arr != arr1:
            message = 0
            for i in range(len(arr)):
                #checks if it is a 1 bit number or 2 bits (2 bits are stored at end)
                if i<8:
                    #adds to number in binary
                    message += arr[i] << i
                elif i==8:
                    message += arr[i] << i+1
            #formats number in text in order to output got rid of 0 message for less spam
            if message != 0:
            ser.write("!" + str.format(txt,message) + "\n\r")


This is the connection code in shell
modprobe uinput
sleep 1 # Wait until Bluetooth services are fully initialized
hcitool dev | grep hci >/dev/null
#change the value below
if test $? -eq 0 ; then
    echo "Trying to connect"
    #input bluetooth address below
    wminput -d -c  /home/pi/bin/mywinput 00:1E:35:72:CA:43 &
    echo "Blue-tooth adapter not present!"
    exit 1


button mapping code
Wiimote.A  = BTN_A
Wiimote.B = BTN_B
Wiimote.Dpad.X = ABS_X
Wiimote.Dpad.Y = -ABS_Y
Wiimote.Minus = BTN_SELECT
Wiimote.Plus = BTN_START
Wiimote.Home = BTN_MODE
Wiimote.1 = BTN_X
Wiimote.2 = BTN_Y
# Nunchuk
Nunchuk.C = BTN_C
Nunchuk.Z = BTN_Z
Plugin.led.Led1 = 1
#Plugin.led.Led2 = 1
#Plugin.led.Led3 = 1
Plugin.led.Led4 = 1

TMS Code

Upload this to the Launchpad through code composer


Justin Miner
1 project • 0 followers
Luke Zwilling
1 project • 0 followers
