Smartphone Reminder

As part of a student workshop at Brunel University London an app must be developed to remind the user if he forgets his phone in a car

IntermediateProtipOver 20 days593
Smartphone Reminder

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Android device
Android device


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Acceleration constants for classification
public class AccAConstants {
   //nothing constants
   public static final double nothingSdUpperLimit = 0.0393101405423961;
   public static final double nothingSdLowerLimit = 0;
   public static final double nothingMeanUpperLimit = 1000;
   public static final double nothingMeanLowerLimit = 0;
   public static final double nothingAvgDUpperLimit = 1000;
   public static final double nothingAvgDLowerLimit = 0;
   //idle constants
   public static final double idleSdUpperLimit = 0.125631060732622;
   public static final double idleSdLowerLimit = 0.0394794492501215;
   public static final double idleMeanUpperLimit = 1000;
   public static final double idleMeanLowerLimit = 0;
   public static final double idleAvgDUpperLimit = 1000;
   public static final double idleAvgDLowerLimit = 0;
   //driving constants
   public static final double drivingSdUpperLimit = 1.29188793550675;
   public static final double drivingSdLowerLimit = 0.223109642215181;
   public static final double drivingMeanUpperLimit = 1000;
   public static final double drivingMeanLowerLimit = 0;
   public static final double drivingAvgDUpperLimit = 1000;
   public static final double drivingAvgDLowerLimit = 0;

Amplitude constants for classification
public class AmplitudeConstants {
   //nothing constants
   public static final double nothingSdUpperLimit = 3.3992677484211;
   public static final double nothingSdLowerLimit = 0.777048047448588;
   public static final double nothingMeanUpperLimit = -6.01400848847711;
   public static final double nothingMeanLowerLimit = -22.1677289662764;
   public static final double nothingAvgDUpperLimit = 3.21216163764692;
   public static final double nothingAvgDLowerLimit = -0.0200115804154526;
   //idle constants
   public static final double idleSdUpperLimit = 3.50929632908844;
   public static final double idleSdLowerLimit = 1.15224759552037;
   public static final double idleMeanUpperLimit = 8.32790809755217;
   public static final double idleMeanLowerLimit = -6.65624617634348;
   public static final double idleAvgDUpperLimit = 3.5521359491125;
   public static final double idleAvgDLowerLimit = 0.357386801081925;
   //driving constants
   public static final double drivingSdUpperLimit = 5.86373046737396;
   public static final double drivingSdLowerLimit = -0.0931564261706317;
   public static final double drivingMeanUpperLimit = 34.6438090289548;
   public static final double drivingMeanLowerLimit = 17.5071043700232;
   public static final double drivingAvgDUpperLimit = 3.1634104378748;
   public static final double drivingAvgDLowerLimit = 1.2648944751908;

Rotation constants for classification
public class RotAConstants {
   //nothing constants
   public static final double nothingSdUpperLimit = 0.018616528865645;
   public static final double nothingSdLowerLimit = -0.00884175305924402;
   public static final double nothingMeanUpperLimit = 0.0339435654074992;
   public static final double nothingMeanLowerLimit = -0.0139206793817086;
   public static final double nothingAvgDUpperLimit = 0.0169530522747644;
   public static final double nothingAvgDLowerLimit = -0.00763821868216058;
   //idle constants
   public static final double idleSdUpperLimit = 0.0220799625819942;
   public static final double idleSdLowerLimit = -0.00660927425388605;
   public static final double idleMeanUpperLimit = 0.0454714505173014;
   public static final double idleMeanLowerLimit = -0.0111376247146121;
   public static final double idleAvgDUpperLimit = 0.018951330986553;
   public static final double idleAvgDLowerLimit = -0.00600685379681775;
   //driving constants
   public static final double drivingSdUpperLimit = 0.269946969657981;
   public static final double drivingSdLowerLimit = -0.00590720871787567;
   public static final double drivingMeanUpperLimit = 0.501126339199062;
   public static final double drivingMeanLowerLimit = -0.178483366156723;
   public static final double drivingAvgDUpperLimit = 0.250535873872551;
   public static final double drivingAvgDLowerLimit = -0.123693290441407;

Available Bluetooth states
public enum BluetoothState {

This file contains the state machine which is responsible for state transitions.
public class StateMachine {

     * Buffer for sensor data
    SensorDataBuffer sensorDataBuffer;
     * Instantiates a new state machine.
    public StateMachine() {
        this.idle = new StateIdle(this);
        this.nothing = new StateNothing(this);
        this.unclassified = new SateUnclassified(this);
        this.driving = new StateDriving(this);

        this.actState = this.unclassified;
        this.nextState = this.unclassified;

        this.sensorDataBuffer = new SensorDataBuffer();

     * This method checks if a transition change has occurred
    public void transisionCheck() {
        if (!sensorDataBuffer.isFull()) {
            sensorDataBuffer.add(CurrentTickData.micMaxAmpl, CurrentTickData.accVecA, CurrentTickData.rotationA);

        // do state transition check
        double sDAmp = Math.standardDeviation(sensorDataBuffer.getAmpBuffer());
        double sDAcc = Math.standardDeviation(sensorDataBuffer.getAccABuffer());
        double sdRot = Math.standardDeviation(sensorDataBuffer.getRotABuffer());

        double meanAmp = Math.mean(sensorDataBuffer.getAmpBuffer());
        double meanAcc = Math.mean(sensorDataBuffer.getAccABuffer());
        double meanRot = Math.mean(sensorDataBuffer.getRotABuffer());

        double avgDAmp = Math.averageSumDeltas(sensorDataBuffer.getAmpBuffer());
        double avgDAcc = Math.averageSumDeltas(sensorDataBuffer.getAccABuffer());
        double avgDRot = Math.averageSumDeltas(sensorDataBuffer.getRotABuffer());

        /* interprete sensor individually */
        SensorInterpretation ampSensor = GetAmplitudeState(meanAmp, sDAmp, avgDAmp);
        SensorInterpretation accSensor = GetAccelerationState(meanAcc, sDAcc, avgDAcc);
        SensorInterpretation rotSensor = GetRotationState(meanRot, sdRot, avgDRot);
        SensorInterpretation bluetoothSensor = GetBluetoothState();

        Log.d("transisoin", ampSensor.toString() + "\n" + accSensor.toString() + "\n" + rotSensor.toString() + "\n" + bluetoothSensor.toString());

        // check next state
        if (rotSensor == SensorInterpretation.UNCLASSIFIED) {
            this.nextState = this.unclassified;

        } else if (
                    ampSensor == SensorInterpretation.NOTHING &&
                    (accSensor == SensorInterpretation.NOTHING || accSensor == SensorInterpretation.ENGINE_IDLE) &&
                    (rotSensor == SensorInterpretation.NOTHING || rotSensor == SensorInterpretation.ENGINE_IDLE || rotSensor == SensorInterpretation.DRIVING)
                ) || bluetoothSensor == SensorInterpretation.NOTHING) {
            this.nextState = this.nothing;

        } else if (ampSensor == SensorInterpretation.ENGINE_IDLE &&
                (accSensor == SensorInterpretation.NOTHING || accSensor == SensorInterpretation.ENGINE_IDLE) &&
                (rotSensor == SensorInterpretation.NOTHING || rotSensor == SensorInterpretation.ENGINE_IDLE || rotSensor == SensorInterpretation.DRIVING)) {
            this.nextState = this.idle;

        } else if (ampSensor == SensorInterpretation.DRIVING &&
                accSensor == SensorInterpretation.DRIVING &&
                (rotSensor == SensorInterpretation.NOTHING || rotSensor == SensorInterpretation.ENGINE_IDLE || rotSensor == SensorInterpretation.DRIVING)) {
            this.nextState = this.driving;
            stateDrivingOccurred = true;

        } else if (ampSensor == SensorInterpretation.UNCLASSIFIED &&
                accSensor == SensorInterpretation.UNCLASSIFIED &&
                (rotSensor == SensorInterpretation.NOTHING || rotSensor == SensorInterpretation.ENGINE_IDLE || rotSensor == SensorInterpretation.DRIVING)) {
            this.nextState = this.unclassified;


        sensorDataBuffer.add(CurrentTickData.micMaxAmpl, CurrentTickData.accVecA, CurrentTickData.rotationA);

    public enum SensorInterpretation {

    private ArrayList<SensorInterpretation> ampSensorStates = new ArrayList<SensorInterpretation>();
    private SensorInterpretation ampState = SensorInterpretation.UNCLASSIFIED;

    public SensorInterpretation GetAmplitudeState(double meanAmp, double sDAmp, double avgDAmp) {

        SensorInterpretation ampSensor = SensorInterpretation.UNCLASSIFIED;
        if (AmplitudeConstants.nothingMeanLowerLimit < meanAmp && meanAmp <= AmplitudeConstants.nothingMeanUpperLimit &&
                AmplitudeConstants.nothingSdLowerLimit < sDAmp && sDAmp <= AmplitudeConstants.nothingSdUpperLimit &&
                AmplitudeConstants.nothingAvgDLowerLimit < avgDAmp && avgDAmp <= AmplitudeConstants.nothingAvgDUpperLimit) {
            ampSensor = SensorInterpretation.NOTHING;
        } else if (AmplitudeConstants.idleMeanLowerLimit < meanAmp && meanAmp <= AmplitudeConstants.idleMeanUpperLimit &&
                AmplitudeConstants.idleSdLowerLimit < sDAmp && sDAmp <= AmplitudeConstants.idleSdUpperLimit &&
                AmplitudeConstants.idleAvgDLowerLimit < avgDAmp && avgDAmp <= AmplitudeConstants.idleAvgDUpperLimit) {
            ampSensor = SensorInterpretation.ENGINE_IDLE;
        } else if (AmplitudeConstants.drivingMeanLowerLimit < meanAmp && meanAmp <= AmplitudeConstants.drivingMeanUpperLimit &&
                AmplitudeConstants.drivingSdLowerLimit < sDAmp && sDAmp <= AmplitudeConstants.drivingSdUpperLimit &&
                AmplitudeConstants.drivingAvgDLowerLimit < avgDAmp && avgDAmp <= AmplitudeConstants.drivingAvgDUpperLimit) {
            ampSensor = SensorInterpretation.DRIVING;

        if (Settings.getInstance().getSmoothClassification() == false || ampSensor != SensorInterpretation.UNCLASSIFIED) {

        int debouncingLength = 3;
        if (Settings.getInstance().getSmoothClassification() == true) {
            debouncingLength = 2;
        ensureCircularBuffer(ampSensorStates, debouncingLength);
        ampState = debouncedInterpretation(ampSensorStates, ampState, debouncingLength); // buffer last value
        return ampState;

    private ArrayList<SensorInterpretation> accSensorStates = new ArrayList<SensorInterpretation>();
    private SensorInterpretation accState = SensorInterpretation.UNCLASSIFIED;

    public SensorInterpretation GetAccelerationState(double meanAcc, double sDAcc, double avgDAcc) {

        SensorInterpretation accSensor = SensorInterpretation.UNCLASSIFIED;
        if (AccAConstants.nothingMeanLowerLimit < meanAcc && meanAcc <= AccAConstants.nothingMeanUpperLimit &&
                AccAConstants.nothingSdLowerLimit < sDAcc && sDAcc <= AccAConstants.nothingSdUpperLimit &&
                AccAConstants.nothingAvgDLowerLimit < avgDAcc && avgDAcc <= AccAConstants.nothingAvgDUpperLimit) {
            accSensor = SensorInterpretation.NOTHING;
        } else if (AccAConstants.idleMeanLowerLimit < meanAcc && meanAcc <= AccAConstants.idleMeanUpperLimit &&
                AccAConstants.idleSdLowerLimit < sDAcc && sDAcc <= AccAConstants.idleSdUpperLimit &&
                AccAConstants.idleAvgDLowerLimit < avgDAcc && avgDAcc <= AccAConstants.idleAvgDUpperLimit) {
            if (combineAccANothingAndIdle) {
                accSensor = SensorInterpretation.NOTHING;
            } else {
                accSensor = SensorInterpretation.ENGINE_IDLE;
        } else if (AccAConstants.drivingMeanLowerLimit < meanAcc && meanAcc <= AccAConstants.drivingMeanUpperLimit &&
                AccAConstants.drivingSdLowerLimit < sDAcc && sDAcc <= AccAConstants.drivingSdUpperLimit &&
                AccAConstants.drivingAvgDLowerLimit < avgDAcc && avgDAcc <= AccAConstants.drivingAvgDUpperLimit) {
            accSensor = SensorInterpretation.DRIVING;

        accSensorStates.add(accSensor); // require unclassified to distinguish - do not smooth sensor states here

        int debouncingLength = 3;
        ensureCircularBuffer(accSensorStates, debouncingLength);
        accState = debouncedInterpretation(accSensorStates, accState, debouncingLength);
        return accState;

    private ArrayList<SensorInterpretation> rotSensorStates = new ArrayList<SensorInterpretation>();
    private SensorInterpretation rotState = SensorInterpretation.UNCLASSIFIED;

    public SensorInterpretation GetRotationState(double meanRot, double sDRot, double avgDRot) {

        SensorInterpretation rotSensor = SensorInterpretation.UNCLASSIFIED;
        if (RotAConstants.nothingMeanLowerLimit < meanRot && meanRot <= RotAConstants.nothingMeanUpperLimit &&
                RotAConstants.nothingSdLowerLimit < sDRot && sDRot <= RotAConstants.nothingSdUpperLimit &&
                RotAConstants.nothingAvgDLowerLimit < avgDRot && avgDRot <= RotAConstants.nothingAvgDUpperLimit) {
            rotSensor = SensorInterpretation.NOTHING;
        } else if (RotAConstants.idleMeanLowerLimit < meanRot && meanRot <= RotAConstants.idleMeanUpperLimit &&
                RotAConstants.idleSdLowerLimit < sDRot && sDRot <= RotAConstants.idleSdUpperLimit &&
                RotAConstants.idleAvgDLowerLimit < avgDRot && avgDRot <= RotAConstants.idleAvgDUpperLimit) {
            rotSensor = SensorInterpretation.ENGINE_IDLE;
        } else if (RotAConstants.drivingMeanLowerLimit < meanRot && meanRot <= RotAConstants.drivingMeanUpperLimit &&
                RotAConstants.drivingSdLowerLimit < sDRot && sDRot <= RotAConstants.drivingSdUpperLimit &&
                RotAConstants.drivingAvgDLowerLimit < avgDRot && avgDRot <= RotAConstants.drivingAvgDUpperLimit) {
            rotSensor = SensorInterpretation.DRIVING;

        rotSensorStates.add(rotSensor); // require unclassified to detect movement - do not smooth sensor states here

        int debouncingLength = 3;
        ensureCircularBuffer(rotSensorStates, debouncingLength);
        rotState = debouncedInterpretation(rotSensorStates, rotState, debouncingLength);
        return rotState;

    private SensorInterpretation GetBluetoothState() {
        SensorInterpretation bluetoothSensor = SensorInterpretation.UNCLASSIFIED;
        Log.d("GetBluetoothState", CurrentTickData.bluetooth.toString());
        if (Settings.getInstance().getUseBluetooth()) {
            if (CurrentTickData.bluetooth == BluetoothState.CONNECTION_LOST) {
                bluetoothSensor = SensorInterpretation.NOTHING;
                CurrentTickData.bluetooth = BluetoothState.NOTHING_CONNECTED_YET; // reset state
            } else if (CurrentTickData.bluetooth == BluetoothState.CONNECTED) {
                //bluetoothSensor = SensorInterpretation.DRIVING;
                //stateDrivingOccurred = true; // flag needed for triggering alarm
        return bluetoothSensor;

    private void ensureCircularBuffer(ArrayList<SensorInterpretation> sensorStates, int circularBufferLength) {
        while (sensorStates.size() > circularBufferLength) {

    private SensorInterpretation debouncedInterpretation(ArrayList<SensorInterpretation> sensorStates, SensorInterpretation state, int debouncingLength) {

        int nothing = 0;
        int idle = 0;
        int driving = 0;
        int unclassified = 0;
        for (SensorInterpretation sensorInterpretation : sensorStates) {
            if (sensorInterpretation == SensorInterpretation.NOTHING) {
            } else if (sensorInterpretation == SensorInterpretation.ENGINE_IDLE) {
            } else if (sensorInterpretation == SensorInterpretation.DRIVING) {
            } else if (sensorInterpretation == SensorInterpretation.UNCLASSIFIED) {

        if (nothing >= debouncingLength) {
            state = SensorInterpretation.NOTHING;
        } else if (idle >= debouncingLength) {
            state = SensorInterpretation.ENGINE_IDLE;
        } else if (driving >= debouncingLength) {
            state = SensorInterpretation.DRIVING;
        } else if (unclassified >= debouncingLength) {
            state = SensorInterpretation.UNCLASSIFIED;

        return state;




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