Published © GPL3+

Multicolored LED Stream with Buzzer

Create a fast LED stream that goes back and forward while interfacing with buzzer!

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Multicolored LED Stream with Buzzer

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Any Arduino Board is fine
Active Buzzer
You only need 1.
5 mm LED: Green
5 mm LED: Green
1 Green LED
5 mm LED: Red
5 mm LED: Red
1 Red LED
5 mm LED: Yellow
5 mm LED: Yellow
1 Yellow LED
LED, Blue
LED, Blue
One one Yellow LED
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
Any breadboard
ELEGOO 130pcs Solderless Flexible Breadboard Jumper Wires 4 Different Lengths Male To Male
ELEGOO 130pcs Solderless Flexible Breadboard Jumper Wires 4 Different Lengths Male To Male
Any jumper wires are fine

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
The Basic Arduino IDE.
Arduino Web Editor
Arduino Web Editor
A browser alternative to the traditional IDE.


Read more


Circuit Schematic

Digital IO pins are color coded based off of the color of the LED pin



Copy and paste this into the IDE
//Digital Pins/Variables
int blueLED1 = 2; //Blue LED to Pin 2
int yellowLED2 = 3; //Yellow LED to Pin 3
int greenLED3 = 4; //Green LED to Pin 4
int redLED4 = 5; //Red LED to pin 5
int buzzer = 6; //Buzzer to pin 6

void setup() { //Setup Code
  pinMode(blueLED1, OUTPUT); //Blue LED as output
  pinMode(yellowLED2, OUTPUT); //Yellow LED as output
  pinMode(greenLED3, OUTPUT); //Green LED as output
  pinMode(redLED4, OUTPUT); //Red LED as output
  pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT); //Buzzer as output
  digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH); //Turn Buzzer on


void loop() { //Loop code

  digitalWrite(blueLED1, HIGH); //Blue led on
  delay(50); //wait for 1/25 of a second
  digitalWrite(blueLED1, LOW); //Blue led off
  digitalWrite(yellowLED2, HIGH); //Yellow led on
  delay(50); //wait for 1/25 of a second
  digitalWrite(yellowLED2, LOW); //Yellow led off
  digitalWrite(greenLED3, HIGH); //Green led on
  delay(50); //wait for 1/25 of a second
  digitalWrite(greenLED3, LOW); //Green led off
  digitalWrite(redLED4, HIGH); //Red led on
  delay(50); //wait for 1/25 of a second
  digitalWrite(redLED4, LOW); //Red led off
  digitalWrite(greenLED3, HIGH); //Green led on
  delay(50); //wait for 1/25 of a second
  digitalWrite(greenLED3, LOW); //Green led off
  digitalWrite(yellowLED2, HIGH); //Yellow led on
  delay(50); //wait for 1/25 of a second
  digitalWrite(yellowLED2, LOW); //Yellow led off




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