Jichen JIANGQiaonian YUSafa BaccariShuaishuai Lu

Waiter Robot for Restaurants

With an ordering system and a database, the robot is designed to automatically deliver dishs to their corresponding tables.

IntermediateFull instructions providedOver 1 day16,218
Waiter Robot for Restaurants

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Seeed Studio Lipo Rider Pro
Accu Battery LiPo 3,7 V 1000 mAh
Motor shield 4 x 0,6 A GT1138
HC-05 Bluetooth Module
HC-05 Bluetooth Module
ESP8266 ESP-01
Espressif ESP8266 ESP-01
Digital Line Follower ModuleB88183

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Connect project code

I. The MQTT_Server folder contains the PC side program, used to create a database, receive the robot's status via MQTT and send instructions to control the robot. To run the program, you should 1. Change the ADDRESS macro definition in mymqtt.h to your own IP address. 2. Run the com.sh file to compile the app and server programs. 3. Open a terminal and enter mosqutto -v to run the mosquitto server. 4. Run the server program, connect to the MQTT server, and create a database. 5. The client runs the app, enters the table number, menu number, and enters 0 to confirm the order. II. The Arduino folder contains the Arduino side program which includes functions such as changing the mode, receiving instructions from the PC, sending the robot status and monitoring. 1. Before use, you must modify the WIFI account and password, as well as the IP address of the MQTT server. 2. The development environment in which this program runs is Arduino Uno. 3. Independent test method: a. First, download the mosquito from https://mosquitto.org/. b. Run mosquitto -v in the installed directory to open the server. c. Then execute mosquitto_pub -t "robot" -m "1" to control the robot, go to table 1. d. You can also switch to Bluetooth mode by sending the instruction mosquitto_pub -t "robot" -m "B". 4.You can combine the PC side MQTT program with the Arduino program. This means that the robot will automatically send the status to the PC, then wait for the PC to send control instructions.


Jichen JIANG
2 projects • 2 followers
Qiaonian YU
2 projects • 2 followers
Safa Baccari
2 projects • 2 followers
Shuaishuai Lu
2 projects • 2 followers
