Ravi ParmarRupin Chheda
Published © GPL3+

Exploring Morse Code with Idiotware shield

In this project, I am going to demonstrate how you can learn to send and receive morse code with the help of the idIoTware shield.

BeginnerFull instructions provided1 hour1,460
Exploring Morse Code with Idiotware shield

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
NRF24L01+ Wireless Module 2.4G
0.96" I2C oled display
USB-A to B Cable
USB-A to B Cable
9V 1A Switching Wall Power Supply
9V 1A Switching Wall Power Supply
idIoTware Shield
idIoTware Shield

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Morse Transmitter side

    Morse code is a method of sending text messages by keying in a series of electronic pulses,
    usually represented as a short pulse (called a "dot") and a long pulse (a "dash"). The code 
    was devised by Samuel F. B. Morse in the 1840s
    In this example, we are using two NRF24L01 radio modules to transmit and receive Morse Code.
    On Transmitter side, Interpret presses on button (connected to digital pin 7) as Morse Code
    inputs and send it to receiver side using NRF24L01 radio.
    On Receiver side, NRF24L01 radio will receive the message and arduino will convert the signal 
    pattern consist of DOTs and DASHes to that particular letter and also print that letter to 
    OLED with its morse code. 
    For Example, to send letter A (DOT,DASH),
    press pushbutton two times, for DOT press pushbutton for 200 milliseconds,
                                for DASH press pushbutton for 600 milliseconds,
                                time gap between DOT and DASH should be less than 200 milliseconds.
    To send HELLO word
     H --> (DOT,DOT,DOT,DOT)      // press button for 200 millisconds four times then wait for 600 milliseconds which 
                                  // is gap between two letters (in milliseconds), then Arduino will recognize it as letter H.
     E --> (DOT)                  // then again press button for 200 milliseconds and wiat for 600 milliseconds ,then Arduino will recognize it as letter E 
     L --> (DOT,DASH,DOT,DOT)     // press button for 200,600,200,200 milliseconds four times respectively and wiat for 600 milliseconds,
                                  //then Arduino will recognize it as letter L
     L --> (DOT,DASH,DOT,DOT)     // press button for 200,600,200,200 milliseconds four times respectively and wiat for 600 milliseconds,
                                  //then Arduino will recognize it as letter L
     O --> (DASH,DASH,DASH)       //press button for 600,600,600 milliseconds three times and wiat for 600 milliseconds ,then Arduino will recognize it as letter 0
  now to send the new word wait for 1400 milliseconds (1.4 seconds) and send particular signlas for that word         

#include <RF24Network.h>
#include <RF24.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#define DOT_DURATION   200               // Duration of a Morse Code "dot" (in milliseconds)
#define DASH_DURATION  DOT_DURATION * 3  // Duration of a Morse Code "dash" (in milliseconds)
#define SIGNAL_GAP     DOT_DURATION      // Gap between dots/dashes of a single letter (in ms)
#define LETTER_GAP     DOT_DURATION * 3  // Gap between two letters (in milliseconds)
#define WORD_GAP       DOT_DURATION * 7  // Gap between two words (in milliseconds)

#define BUTTON          5                // The diginal connector port to the button.

#define DOT             1                // DOT identifier
#define DASH            2                // DASH identifier
#define NONE            0                // Neither DOT nor DASH

boolean buttonWasPressed = false;        // Indicator of whether button was pressed in the last cycle
long lastTimestamp = 0;                  // Last recorded timestamp  (used for mesuring duration)
char inputSignal[5]="";                     // Input signal buffer
int inputSignalIndex = 0;                // Index into the input signal buffer
String code = "";
RF24 radio(7,8);

// Network uses that radio
RF24Network network(radio);

// Address of our node
const uint16_t this_node = 1;

// Address of the other node
const uint16_t other_node = 0;

boolean send_message = false;
char messageToSend[32] = ""; 

void resetInputSignal()         // Reset the input signal buffer and index
      inputSignal[0] = NONE;
      inputSignal[1] = NONE; 
      inputSignal[2] = NONE;
      inputSignal[3] = NONE;
      inputSignal[4] = NONE;
      inputSignalIndex = 0;

void setup() 
      network.begin(/*channel*/ 90, /*node address*/ this_node);
      pinMode(BUTTON, INPUT);                // Set the button input
      resetInputSignal();                    // Reset input signal buffer
      Serial.println("NRF24L01 MESSENGER");  

void loop() 
    { // loop forever
       if (send_message)   // if there is typed message on serial monitor ready to send
            RF24NetworkHeader header1(/*to node*/ other_node);
            boolean message = network.write(header1, messageToSend, sizeof(messageToSend));   // send message to other user
            if (message)
                 Serial.println("sending msg....");
                 Serial.print("Sender: ");   // print message on serial monitor
                 send_message = false; 
                 resetInputSignal(); // reset the input signal buffer
               Serial.println("could not write....\n"); // if it is failed to send message prompt error 
            long currentTimestamp  = millis(); // get the current timestamp
            long duration = currentTimestamp - lastTimestamp; // get elapsed time
            if (digitalRead(BUTTON) == HIGH) 
                 // if the button is pressed
                 if (!buttonWasPressed) 
                      //  if the button was previously not pressed
                      buttonWasPressed = true; // remember the button press
                      lastTimestamp = currentTimestamp; // record the time of the button press
                      if (duration > LETTER_GAP) 
                           Serial.print(' ');
                    } // end of if (button was not pressed)
                 // the button is not pressed
                 if (buttonWasPressed) 
                      // the button was just released
                      if (duration < DOT_DURATION)
                           // if the button was pressed for up to DOT cutoff
                           inputSignal[inputSignalIndex] = DOT; // remember the current signal as a DOT
                           // if the button was pressed for longer than DOT cutoff
                           inputSignal[inputSignalIndex] = DASH; // remember the current signal as a DASH
                     inputSignalIndex++; // advance the index to the input signal buffer
                     buttonWasPressed = false; // consume previous button press
                     lastTimestamp = currentTimestamp; // record the time the button was released
                     // the button was not just released
                     if (inputSignalIndex > 0) 
                          // if there is data in the input signal buffer
                          if (duration > SIGNAL_GAP || inputSignalIndex >= 4)
                               // if we have a complete letter
                               send_message = true;
                               Serial.print(messageToSend); // parse the letter and send it via serial
                               send_message = true;
                   } // end of else (button was not previously pressed)
            } // end of else (button is not pressed)
     } // end of loop

// return true if s0-s4 match input signal
boolean matchInputSignal(byte s0, byte s1, byte s2, byte s3, byte s4) 
         return ((inputSignal[0] == s0) && 
                 (inputSignal[1] == s1) && 
                 (inputSignal[2] == s2) && 
                 (inputSignal[3] == s3) &&  
                 (inputSignal[4] == s4));

// convert input signal to letter or ? if not found
char currentInputSignalToLetter() 
      if (matchInputSignal(DOT, DASH, NONE, NONE, NONE))  { code ="12000"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return 'A'; }//A
      if (matchInputSignal(DASH, DOT, DOT, DOT, NONE))    { code ="21110"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return 'B'; }//B
      if (matchInputSignal(DASH, DOT, DASH, DOT, NONE))   { code ="21210"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return 'C'; }//C
      if (matchInputSignal(DASH, DOT, DOT, NONE, NONE))   { code ="21100"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return 'D'; }//D
      if (matchInputSignal(DOT, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE))  { code ="10000"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return 'E'; }//E
      if (matchInputSignal(DOT, DOT, DASH, DOT, NONE))    { code ="11210"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return 'F'; }//F
      if (matchInputSignal(DASH, DASH, DOT, NONE, NONE))  { code ="22100"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return 'G'; }//G
      if (matchInputSignal(DOT, DOT, DOT, DOT, NONE))     { code ="11110"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return 'H'; }//H
      if (matchInputSignal(DOT, DOT, NONE, NONE, NONE))   { code ="11000"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return 'I'; }//I
      if (matchInputSignal(DOT, DASH, DASH, DASH, NONE))  { code ="12220"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return 'J'; }//J
      if (matchInputSignal(DASH, DOT, DASH, NONE, NONE))  { code ="21200"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return 'K'; }//K
      if (matchInputSignal(DOT, DASH, DOT, DOT, NONE))    { code ="12110"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return 'L'; }//L
      if (matchInputSignal(DASH, DASH, NONE, NONE, NONE)) { code ="22000"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return 'M'; }//M
      if (matchInputSignal(DASH, DOT, NONE, NONE, NONE))  { code ="21000"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return 'N'; }//N
      if (matchInputSignal(DASH, DASH, DASH, NONE, NONE)) { code ="22200"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return 'O'; }//O
      if (matchInputSignal(DOT, DASH, DASH, DOT, NONE))   { code ="12210"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return 'P'; }//P
      if (matchInputSignal(DASH, DASH, DOT, DASH, NONE))  { code ="22120"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return 'Q'; }//Q
      if (matchInputSignal(DOT, DASH, DOT, NONE, NONE))   { code ="12100"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return 'R'; }//R
      if (matchInputSignal(DOT, DOT, DOT, NONE, NONE))    { code ="11100"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return 'S'; }//S
      if (matchInputSignal(DASH, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE)) { code ="20000"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return 'T'; }//T
      if (matchInputSignal(DOT, DOT, DASH, NONE, NONE))   { code ="11200"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return 'U'; }//U
      if (matchInputSignal(DOT, DOT, DOT, DASH, NONE))    { code ="11120"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return 'V'; }//V
      if (matchInputSignal(DOT, DASH, DASH, NONE, NONE))  { code ="12200"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return 'W'; }//W
      if (matchInputSignal(DASH, DOT, DOT, DASH, NONE))   { code ="21120"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return 'X'; }//X
      if (matchInputSignal(DASH, DOT, DASH, DASH, NONE))  { code ="21220"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return 'Y'; }//Y
      if (matchInputSignal(DASH, DASH, DOT, DOT, NONE))   { code ="22110"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return 'Z'; }//Z
      if (matchInputSignal(DOT, DASH, DASH, DASH, DASH))  { code ="12222"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return '1'; }//1
      if (matchInputSignal(DOT, DOT, DASH, DASH, DASH))   { code ="11222"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return '2'; }//2
      if (matchInputSignal(DOT, DOT, DOT, DASH, DASH))    { code ="11122"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return '3'; }//3
      if (matchInputSignal(DOT, DOT, DOT, DOT, DASH))     { code ="11112"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return '4'; }//4
      if (matchInputSignal(DOT, DOT, DOT, DOT, DOT))      { code ="11111"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return '5'; }//5
      if (matchInputSignal(DASH, DOT, DOT, DOT, DOT))     { code ="21111"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return '6'; }//6
      if (matchInputSignal(DASH, DASH, DOT, DOT, DOT))    { code ="22111"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return '7'; }//7
      if (matchInputSignal(DASH, DASH, DASH, DOT, DOT))   { code ="22211"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return '8'; }//8
      if (matchInputSignal(DASH, DASH, DASH, DASH, DOT))  { code ="22221"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return '9'; }//9
      if (matchInputSignal(DASH, DASH, DASH, DASH, DASH)) { code ="22222"; strcpy(messageToSend, code.c_str()); return '0'; }//0
      return '?';

Morse Receiver side

    Morse code is a method of sending text messages by keying in a series of electronic pulses,
    usually represented as a short pulse (called a "dot") and a long pulse (a "dash"). The code 
    was devised by Samuel F. B. Morse in the 1840s
    In this example, we are using two NRF24L01 radio modules to transmit and receive Morse Code.
    On Transmitter side, Interpret presses on button (connected to digital pin 7) as Morse Code
    inputs and send it to receiver side using NRF24L01 radio.
    On Receiver side, NRF24L01 radio will receive the message and arduino will convert the signal 
    pattern consist of DOTs and DASHes to that particular letter and also print that letter to 
    OLED with its morse code. 
    For Example, to send letter A (DOT,DASH),
    press pushbutton two times, for DOT press pushbutton for 200 milliseconds,
                                for DASH press pushbutton for 600 milliseconds,
                                time gap between DOT and DASH should be less than 200 milliseconds.
    To send HELLO word
     H --> (DOT,DOT,DOT,DOT)      // press button for 200 millisconds four times then wait for 600 milliseconds which 
                                  // is gap between two letters (in milliseconds), then Arduino will recognize it as letter H.
     E --> (DOT)                  // then again press button for 200 milliseconds and wiat for 600 milliseconds ,then Arduino will recognize it as letter E 
     L --> (DOT,DASH,DOT,DOT)     // press button for 200,600,200,200 milliseconds four times respectively and wiat for 600 milliseconds,
                                  //then Arduino will recognize it as letter L
     L --> (DOT,DASH,DOT,DOT)     // press button for 200,600,200,200 milliseconds four times respectively and wiat for 600 milliseconds,
                                  //then Arduino will recognize it as letter L
     O --> (DASH,DASH,DASH)       //press button for 600,600,600 milliseconds three times and wiat for 600 milliseconds ,then Arduino will recognize it as letter 0
  now to send the new word wait for 1400 milliseconds (1.4 seconds) and send particular signlas for that word         

#include "U8glib.h"
#include <RF24Network.h>
#include <RF24.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#define WordGap 1400
// Hardware configuration
// Set up nRF24L01 radio on SPI bus plus pins 9 & 10
U8GLIB_SSD1306_128X64 u8g(U8G_I2C_OPT_NONE|U8G_I2C_OPT_DEV_0);	// I2C / TWI
RF24 radio(7,8);

// Network uses that radio
RF24Network network(radio);

// Address of our node
const uint16_t node_1 = 0;

// Address of the master node
const uint16_t master_node = 1;

boolean send_message = false;
char messageToSend[32] = "";
String receivedWord = "";
unsigned long lastTimestamp =0;
void setup()
      // u8g.setFont(u8g_font_unifont);
      u8g.setColorIndex(1); // Indataucts the display to draw with a pixel on. 
      Serial.println("MORSE CODE");
      network.begin(/*channel*/ 90, /*node address*/ node_1); 

//function to print received data on OLED
void showMessageOnLcd(int x,int y, String message1,int a,int b, String message2)
      do { u8g.setFont(u8g_font_timB14);
           u8g.drawStr( x, y, message1.c_str());
           u8g.drawStr( a, b, message2.c_str());
           u8g.drawStr( 0,40, receivedWord.c_str());    // print received word on OLED
         } while( u8g.nextPage() );

void loop() 
       unsigned long currentTimestamp  = millis(); // get the current timestamp
       unsigned long duration = currentTimestamp - lastTimestamp; // get elapsed time
       // Pump the network regularly
        if (send_message)   // if there is typed message on serial monitor ready to send
             RF24NetworkHeader header1(/*to node*/ master_node);
             boolean message = network.write(header1, messageToSend, 32);   // send message to other user
             if (message)
                  //Serial.print("Sender: ");   // print message on serial monitor
                  send_message = false;
                 Serial.println("could not write \n"); // if it is failed to send message prompt error 
                 showMessageOnLcd(1,15,"could not write",5,45,"");  
        // Is there anything ready for us?
        while (network.available() )
              { // If so, grab it and print it out
                RF24NetworkHeader header;
                char messageToRecieve[32] = "";
                boolean recieve = false;
                while (!recieve)
                        recieve = network.read(header, messageToRecieve ,32);
                        Serial.print("Reciver: ");   // print recived data on serial monitor
                        lastTimestamp = currentTimestamp; 
                String MorseCode(messageToRecieve);    // convert char array of received message to string
                Serial.println(showLetter(MorseCode)); //and print letter on serial monitor
                receivedWord += showLetter(MorseCode);
                Serial.print(receivedWord);  //print received message on serial monitor  
                showLetter(MorseCode);       // show letter on OLED
                if (duration > WordGap)      //if delay between received messages is greater than WordGap(1400)
                   {                         // add space between words
                     receivedWord += " ";
                if (receivedWord.length()>=13)  // if stringlenth is greater than 13, empty the string
                     receivedWord = "";
// function to decode the received morse code to respective letter and print that letter on OLED  
char showLetter(String data)
        if (data == "12000") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"A",25,15,"._");       return 'A';}  
        if (data == "21110") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"B",25,15,"_...");     return 'B';}
        if (data == "21210") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"C",25,15,"_._.");     return 'C';}
        if (data == "21100") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"D",25,15,"_..");      return 'D';}
        if (data == "10000") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"E",25,15,".");        return 'E';}    
        if (data == "11210") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"F",25,15,".._.");     return 'F';}
        if (data == "22100") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"G",25,15,"_ _.");     return 'G';}
        if (data == "11110") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"H",25,15,"....");     return 'H';}  
        if (data == "11000") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"I",25,15,"..");       return 'I';}  
        if (data == "12220") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"J",25,15,"._ _ _");   return 'I';}
        if (data == "21200") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"K",25,15,"_._");      return 'K';}
        if (data == "12110") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"L",25,15,"._..");     return 'L';}                 
        if (data == "22000") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"M",25,15,"_ _");      return 'M';} 
        if (data == "21000") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"N",25,15,"_.");       return 'N';}  
        if (data == "22200") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"O",25,15,"_ _ _");    return 'O';}          
        if (data == "12210") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"P",25,15,"._ _.");    return 'P';}
        if (data == "22120") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"Q",25,15,"_ _._");    return 'Q';}
        if (data == "12100") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"R",25,15,"._.");      return 'R';}  
        if (data == "11100") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"S",25,15,"...");      return 'S';}  
        if (data == "20000") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"T",25,15,"_");        return 'T';}
        if (data == "11200") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"U",25,15,".._");      return 'U';}
        if (data == "11120") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"V",25,15,"..._");     return 'V';}
        if (data == "12200") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"W",25,15,"._ _");     return 'W';}
        if (data == "21120") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"X",25,15,"_.._");     return 'X';}
        if (data == "21220") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"Y",25,15,"_._ _");    return 'Y';}
        if (data == "22110") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"Z",25,15,"_ _..");    return 'Z';} 
        if (data == "12222") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"1",25,15,"._ _ _ _"); return '1';}
        if (data == "11222") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"2",25,15,".._ _ _ "); return '2';}
        if (data == "11122") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"3",25,15,"..._ _");   return '3';}
        if (data == "11112") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"4",25,15,"...._");    return '4';}
        if (data == "11111") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"5",25,15,".....");    return '5';}
        if (data == "21111") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"6",25,15,"_....");    return '6';}
        if (data == "22111") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"7",25,15,"_ _...");   return '7';}
        if (data == "22211") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"8",25,15,"_ _ _..");  return '8';}
        if (data == "22221") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"9",25,15,"_ _ _ _."); return '9';}
        if (data == "22222") { showMessageOnLcd(5,13,"0",25,15,"_ _ _ _ _");return '0';} 


Ravi Parmar
13 projects • 42 followers
I am an Electronics and telecom graduate engineer with passion in embedded technology and making new stuff .
Rupin Chheda
35 projects • 83 followers
Resident Maker at CuriosityGym! Electronics Engineer, CAD Modeller, Educator
