Raymond JacobsJamie Bailey

Turn Your Raspberry Pi into a Hamster Fitness Tracker

Have you ever wondered just how much your hamster runs throughout the day/night? How far? How fast? The results are unbelievable.

Full instructions provided1,501
Turn Your Raspberry Pi into a Hamster Fitness Tracker

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+
Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+
Connected to the internet, or your single-board computer of choice
Laser break beam sensor
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
For wiring up a simple circuit, such as the one found in the Adafruit Pi starter kit
LED (generic)
LED (generic)
Optional, also found in the Adafruit Pi starter kit
Resistor 221 ohm
Resistor 221 ohm
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 10k ohm
Hamster cage
with a running wheel that is outside the main living area, to avoid ever shining a laser into your hamster's eyes.


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import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
import datetime
import math
from ISStreamer.Streamer import Streamer
streamer = Streamer("Hamster Fitness Tracker", client_key="PUT YOUR CLIENT KEY HERE")
streamer.log("ZooZoo Says","")
# Setup Pins
pinNumLaserBreak = 18
pinNumLED = 4
GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # numbering scheme that corresponds to breakout board and pin layout
# Setup Constants
diameter = 13 # inches
circumference = diameter * math.pi * 0.0000157828283 # miles
distanceTotal = 0
timeNoActivity = 5 # seconds
speed = 0
lastTime = datetime.datetime.now()
while True:
  input = GPIO.input(pinNumLaserBreak)
  if not input:
    if speed == 0:
      streamer.log("ZooZoo Says", "It's time to get pumped")
    # Calculate stuff
    thisTime = datetime.datetime.now()
    timeDiff = (thisTime-lastTime).total_seconds()
    speed = circumference/(timeDiff/3600) # miles per hour
    # Log stuff
    streamer.log("Full Rotation", "1")
    if speed < 5: # Filter out glitches (rocking on the sensor)
       distanceTotal += circumference
       streamer.log("Speed(mph)", speed)
       streamer.log("Total Distance(miles)", distanceTotal)
    GPIO.output(pinNumLED,GPIO.HIGH) # Turn LED on for visual cue that everthing is working
    lastTime = thisTime
    # Wait for sensor break to clear
    input = GPIO.input(pinNumLaserBreak)
    while not input:
      input = GPIO.input(pinNumLaserBreak) 
    if speed > 0:
      thisTime = datetime.datetime.now()
      timeDiff = (thisTime-lastTime).total_seconds()
      # Reset the speed to 0 if no activity (for log visualization)
      if timeDiff > timeNoActivity:
        speed = 0
        # Log stuff
        streamer.log("ZooZoo Says", "I need a rest")
        streamer.log("Speed(mph)", speed)
    GPIO.output(pinNumLED,GPIO.LOW) # Turn LED off for visual cue that everthing is working


Raymond Jacobs

Raymond Jacobs

4 projects • 2 followers
Co-Founder of Initial State
Jamie Bailey

Jamie Bailey

2 projects • 3 followers
Founder / CEO Initial State
