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3D Printed Belt Driven Robot Arm

3D printed robot arm running on Arduino, contributed and supported by an active community.

AdvancedWork in progress2 days10,191

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Mega 2560
Ramps 1.4
A4988 Stepper Motor Driver
Nema17 Stepper Motor
12V 4A Power Supply
28BYJ-48 Micro-Stepper
ULN2003 Micro-Stepper Driver
Mechanical Endstop
12V 5010 Cooling Fan
2GT 20 Teeth Pulley
F624ZZ Bearing
F686ZZ Bearing
51105 Thrust Bearing
2GT 6mm width 200mm Closed Belt
M2, M3, M4, M6 Screws & Nuts
DC Jack 2.1mm Female


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Custom parts and enclosures

Sample Assembly Guide

Please find detailed assembly instructions on https://www.20sffactory.com/robot/resource

CAD Files

STL Files on Thingiverse


Sample Wiring Diagram

Please find detailed electronics instructions on https://www.20sffactory.com/robot/resource


Basic Firmware for Controls

After uploading software to Arduino, a user can first use Serial Monitor on Arduino IDE to gain control of the robot and send commands one by one. Further software development in progress for ease of interfacing. (Source STEP file included)


1 project • 4 followers
I build my own machines at home. I build my own 3D printers, robot arms and indoor hydroponics systems. Love making stuff, love coding.
Thanks to Florin Tobler.
