Rick Troiani

Photon Garage Opener Using Do Button and IFTTT

Work your garage door from your Phone, Apple Watch, or based on the proximity to your house!

BeginnerFull instructions provided19,229
Photon Garage Opener Using Do Button and IFTTT

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Particle Photon
Relay Shield
Power Supply 7-15v 1A 5.5mm Barrel Jack
Reed Switch
Super Neodymium Disc Magnet

Software apps and online services

Maker service
IFTTT Maker service
IFTTT Do Button


Simple Garage Opener Schematic for Reed Switch wiring

Very simple connections. You should be able to zoom in on the pic for a closer look and follow how it is wired.

Simple Schematic

Zoom in and you will see exactly how to wire this. Not wiring needed if you don't do the reed switch to sense open or closed.

Reed Switch with super magnet

Used a NeoDyn magnet for door side of reed switch for clearance when door operates. Also made for a quick and easy install!


Particle Code (also in manual)

Paste this code into Particle.io Build Screen, Verify, then Flash the Photon chip with it. If you tried this and it didn't work, try again. Looks like how strings were handled changed so I had to update this on 10/13. Thanks to Jason Millard for the code assist!
// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include "RelayShield/RelayShield.h"

// Create an instance of the RelayShield library, so we have something to talk to
RelayShield myRelays;

// Create prototypes of the Spark.functions we'll declare in setup()
int relayOn(String command);
int relayOff(String command);
int checkStatus(String command);

//pin initializations
const int pinReedSensor = A0;

// Initialize a generic message in case we don't get a real status lower.
const char* STATUS_MESSAGE_UNAVAILABLE = "Status unavailable.";
const char* STATUS_MESSAGE_CLOSED = "Closed";
const char* STATUS_MESSAGE_OPEN = "Open";

void setup() {
    //.begin() sets up a couple of things and is necessary to use the rest of the functions

    // Register Spark.functions and assign them names
    Particle.function("relayOn", relayOn);
    Particle.function("relayOff", relayOff);
    Particle.function("toggleRelay", toggleRelay);
    Particle.function("checkStatus", checkStatus);
    // door reed sensor - this is visible from an IFTTT check if you wish
    Particle.variable("doorStatus", STATUS_MESSAGE_UNAVAILABLE, STRING);

//sense if door is open or not in this loop.
void loop() {
    // loop over Reed switch status to see if doors are open or closed.

    const char* message = STATUS_MESSAGE_UNAVAILABLE;
    if(digitalRead(pinReedSensor) ==1){
        // Left door closed (removed code for right to simplify)
        message = STATUS_MESSAGE_CLOSED; 
    if(digitalRead(pinReedSensor) ==0){
        // door open
        message = STATUS_MESSAGE_OPEN;
    // this constantly sets the variable for dooStatus that can be seen by IFTTT
    Particle.variable("doorStatus", message, STRING);

// function to check door status that we can use from DO Button app.  
//  Same as in loop, but only checks when called.  
//  The DO Button calls this, and raises a Spark.publish("status") variable which IFTTT listens for.
//  This is what allows you to call the function via your iPhone or Apple Watch, and in about a second, get an answer.
int checkStatus(String command){
    // Ritual incantation to convert String into Int
    char inputStr[64];
    const char* message = STATUS_MESSAGE_UNAVAILABLE;
    if(digitalRead(pinReedSensor) ==1){
        // Left door closed
        message = STATUS_MESSAGE_CLOSED;
    if(digitalRead(pinReedSensor) ==0){
        // door open
        message = STATUS_MESSAGE_OPEN;
    Particle.publish("status", message);
    return 1;

int relayOn(String command){
    // Ritual incantation to convert String into Int
    char inputStr[64];
    int i = atoi(inputStr);
    // Turn the desired relay on.  
    // From your Do Button config, call the relay, and pass in 1 through 4 for the Relay to turn on.
    // Respond
    return 1;    

// Momentarily turn on, then off the relay you want.  This simulates a button press when you hook the 
// physical button to the normally open (two left) leads on the relay.  Again, pass in the number of the relay to control.
// In IFTTT Do Button app, call the Photon, then point the function to toggleRelay, and in the arguments field, jut put a 1 for example.
int toggleRelay(String command){
    // Ritual incantation to convert String into Int
    char inputStr[64];
    int i = atoi(inputStr);
    // Turn the desired relay on
    // Respond
    return 1;    

//  This is used in toggleRelay, however, it can also be used stand alone if you have a normally closed relay and want
//  to temporarily open it.
int relayOff(String command){
    // Ritual incantation to convert String into Int
    char inputStr[64];
    int i = atoi(inputStr);
    // Turn the desired relay off
    // Respond
    return 1;    


Rick Troiani

Rick Troiani

1 project • 6 followers
IT Directory who still loves to play.
Thanks to David Gatti.
