Wake Up to Nerf Combat

You’re lying peacefully asleep one morning when what happens — you’re rudely woken up by your phone! Actually, this probably happens to you…

about 7 years ago 3D Printing

You’re lying peacefully asleep one morning when what happens — you’re rudely woken up by your phone! Actually, this probably happens to you nearly every morning, requiring you to fumble around to turn it off.

If you’re looking for another option, the alarm seen in the video below from Normal Universe allows you to shoot it with a Nerf Gun to turn it off. Assuming your aim is true — and you don’t wear contacts — that could be pretty fun.

On the other hand, the device senses darts via a piezoelectric sensor that can detect whether a dart or your finger hit it, so it could mean quite a bit of frustration if you’re not up for the challenge.

In addition to the sensor setup, the clock itself is very well-built. It’s first modeled in Fusion 360, then printed on an Ultimaker 2+ 3D printer. A NeoPixel ring displays the time, shining through wood veneer contact paper stuck to the 3D-printed housing.

The video here is certainly worth checking out, or surf over to Normal Universe’s YouTube channel for more from this creator!


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