Versatile DIY USB Power Supply

This portable 100W + 65W charging unit features two USB-C Power Delivery ports, four USB-A ports, and a 24VDC output jack.

over 1 year ago

The USB-C standard presents a staggering array of possibilities, from ultra-high data transfer, to fast Power Delivery (PD) charging, and more. Actually supplying sufficient power to more than one USB-C PD port, however – plus taking care of any legacy USB-A devices – generally means using more than one wall wart, or perhaps hacks like daisy chaining devices though a notebook computer.

To take care of all his power needs on the go, electronics creator tobychui took things into his own hands, and made a DIY 100W + 65W USB charging unit, which also includes four USB-A ports and a 24VDC power jack. The device can operate with input voltages of 110-220VAC, which are internally converted to DC using a 24VDC, 9A power supply. This power is then passed on to two USB-C/A converters which take care of PD duties. This allows for dynamic USB-C power allocation, since the two converters operate separately from one another.

The device also features a buck converter that steps the 24VDC supply down to 8.5VDC to power a small cooling fan. The whole thing is well ventilated via a triangle pattern on the back, and an alternate vent arrangement on the side.

While not exactly pocket-sized, it’s definitely small enough to pack up for a Maker Faire or other mobile needs. If you want to build your own, tobychui has provided a parts list, written directions, 3D print files, and a schematic on the project writeup. Note that this kind of AC power project can be dangerous, so be sure you’re up to the task before attempting it!


Engineer, maker of random contraptions, love learning about tech. Write for various publications, including Hackster!

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