Using an Arduino Uno as a Smart Driving Assistance Device

This simple system utilizes an Arduino Uno and several ultrasonic distance sensors to help drivers when parking and switching lanes

Difficulties when driving

Driving a car, especially at high speeds on a highway, is a complicated process where the driver is constantly bombarded with important information. This data typically comes from seeing which other vehicles are nearby in order to ensure safe maneuvering when making a land change or parking, and although modern cars often have technology to help with this, older ones require expensive add-on systems. This is what inspired Reddit user u/cisco_s_spedgang to make his own system that could detect obstacles for when the car is about to change lanes and when it is being parked in a tight spot.

Installing the hardware

Most of the project consists of several HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensors that have been placed at various points around the car, with two on the left and right sides, one at the front, and one at the back, all encased within a custom water-resistant housing. The wires from the power, trigger, and echo pins were all run through the car up to the front where a single Arduino Uno initiates distance readings and waits for the echo to return for its calculation. There are also several LEDs and a buzzer, which provide valuable feedback to the driver.

The display

To get the distance information from the sensors to the driver, u/cisco_s_spedgang made a small four-sided module that contains LEDs, which mimic the ultrasonic sensors by being positioned in the same pattern. This means that whenever the distance for one side becomes too close, a bright LED can be turned on to warn the driver of any potential danger.

Blind spot detection

Whenever the driver wishes to change lanes, they can initiate the blind spot monitoring process by switching on their blinker to one side which is then detected by a limit switch. From here, any nearby obstacle on the corresponding side will cause the buzzer to beep loudly and thus alert the driver to not make the lane change.

Parking assistance

The final aspect to this Arduino-based driver assistance system is the way it provides help when parking. Much in the same manner as the blind spot monitor, the Uno continuously reads the distances from each sensor around the car and will sound an alarm when an object gets too close, such as a trashcan behind the vehicle.

To see more about this project, you can read u/cisco_s_spedgang's post here on Reddit.


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