Using a HackRF One PortaPack as a Mag Stripe Reader and Replayer

A HackRF One software-defined radio (SDR) will let you zap out and receive radio signals all across the spectrum. Add a PortaPack, and you…

over 5 years ago Security

A HackRF One software-defined radio (SDR) will let you zap out and receive radio signals all across the spectrum. Add a PortaPack, and you can do that on the go — for diagnostic tests and white hat hacking only, of course. It’s a handy setup that you can use for all sorts of things, specifically radio things. But, Salvador Mendoza has come up with another interesting use for his PortaPack as a mag stripe reader and “replayer.”

The magnetic stripe on credit cards stores data as bits, but is read as an analog audio track like a short cassette tape. When the card is swiped, a magnetic head in the reader “listens” to the data to determine your credit card information. So, Mendoza’s first step was to grab a magnetic card reader. That outputs the magnetic stripe’s audio tracks, but Mendoza still needed a way to get it to his PortaPack for later use.

For that, he used a cheap off-the-shelf FM transmitter. That creates a radio station that the HackRF One can tune into to pick up and record the mag stripe tracks. If Mendoza were a bad person, he could just go around swiping people’s cards to collect recordings, but he obviously won’t do that. With a mag stripe recording on hand as a WAV file, he can then replay it with a simple magnetic coil connected to the HackRF One’s audio output jack. The coil just needs to be positioned near a credit card reader’s magnetic head, and Mendoza can “swipe” any credit card he has recorded.


Writer for Hackster News. Proud husband and dog dad. Maker and serial hobbyist. Check out my YouTube channel: Serial Hobbyism

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