Ts100tris: Tetris on a TS100 Soldering Iron

If you’re into hardware hacking, it’s hard to get around heating up your heating instrument from time to time and melting metal. If…

almost 7 years ago

If you’re into hardware hacking, it’s hard to get around heating up your heating instrument from time to time and melting metal. If frustration at trying to get wires to join properly just one… more… time… wasn’t enough motivation to distract you, hacker and soldering iron aficionado “Joric” has actually programmed a tiny version of Tetris onto his TS100 soldering iron pencil.

Making this possible is the fact that the iron contains an STM32F103T8U6 ARM Cortex-M3 processor, along with an SSD1306 OLED display with a 96x16 resolution.

The control scheme is dicey at best, as the pencil’s two buttons weren’t exactly designed for gaming. On the other hand, in an experimental version he’s working on can be seen here, which takes advantage of the device’s MMA8652FC 3-axis accelerometer to supplement the buttons!

[h/t: Motherboard]


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