TinyNES Is Now Available for Pre-Order

Retro gamers rejoice, the TinyNES — a miniature NES that actually works with the original hardware — is now available on Crowd Supply!

Cameron Coward
3 years agoGaming / Retro Tech

Retro gaming is now more popular than ever before, which makes sense considering the massive library of video games that we consider "retro" today. Emulation is the least expensive way to get started with retro gaming, but it leaves a lot to be desired. That's why you might want to consider backing the TinyNES on Crowd Supply.

We covered the announcement of the TinyNES way back in October of 2018, but it wasn't available for purchase or pre-order at the time. Now it is finally available for pre-order in the form of a contribution to the crowdfunding campaign. The campaign will be live for another few weeks, but it is already on the cusp of reaching 100 percent of the $20,000 funding goal. For as little as $179, you can get your paws on a TinyNES console that should ship in May of 2022.

Unlike similar devices, TinyNES utilizes the same chips that were in the original NES console. The cheaper option contains clone chips that offer the same functionality, but you can spend an extra $20 to get the version with genuine chips. Both will let you play games on the real hardware instead of relying on emulation, which ensures a glitch-free and smooth experience.

You get to use real game cartridges and controllers, but with all of the advantages of modern tech advancements. As the name suggests, TinyNES is far smaller than the original NES. It has more reliable power circuits and even omits the CIC lockout chip, so you can play games from any region. TinyNES is also open source, so you can look forward to community mods and development.

If you want a TinyNES, the Crowd Supply campaign is live until January 27th, 2022.

Cameron Coward
Writer for Hackster News. Proud husband and dog dad. Maker and serial hobbyist. Check out my YouTube channel: Serial Hobbyism
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