Tinusaur’s Tiny OLED Sensor Node
For a great way to get started with programming, the Tinusaur OLED Display Kit gives you everything you need as a bundle of parts and…
For a great way to get started with programming, the Tinusaur OLED Display Kit gives you everything you need as a bundle of parts and boards with step-by-step instructions. At the heart of the system is the popular ATiny85 microcontroller, along with a 128 x 64 pixel display and a DHT11 module to sense temperature and humidity. This kit allows you to dive in to creating something useful, as a part of the larger Tinusaur Project, which promotes learning through building devices yourself.
The kit requires some soldering to put the various boards together, and once this is done, the ATtiny85 can be programmed via the included USBasp module. Coding for the device is done in the Blocktinu web-based development environment, where different pieces of code snap together to write the program. This block language also generates C code that you can watch evolve as everything joins together, and it even lets you move on to editing this text directly once you’re ready.
The OLED Display Kit is currently on Crowd Supply with a price tag of $25, while bundles are available at various levels if, for instance, you’d like to teach a class on this interactive device, or view weather conditions in multiple locations.